Play in squads in PvP! (Discussion)


Welcome to discuss [Playing in Squads in PvP](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30796-play-in-squads-in-pvp/)!

++++++++++++++++ to this.
The bad waiting times of 10+ mins for just the 2-man squad are gone!


I’m so happy about this ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) It feels like christmas! Now the one thing we need is an indicator of how many squads are playing in each rank, so that more people are encouraged to form squads, without thinking “oh there’s no squads so we won’t make one either”.

Right direction. I am truly happy about this. Atm. T3 seems to have crystalized out as the main area where squads play. Mostly 2-squads, but I expected that (it seems, the larger the possible max squad is, the more “smaller” squads are played, which is logical). I understand of course, if 4-squads will still need time to reappear in the main gameplay. I also find it okay to wait longer as 4-squad, and that many will first try to go 2-squad and slowly expand, depending on the games they get.

Might I re-suggest, to think about low population times for squads, that maybe some intel about what ranks are squadded in could be accessible? Just as a hint for people who want to squad, where they can actually find games. I think a lot of troubles of too experienced squads being around in a tier lower than they could play comes from the fact, that you never know, when to queue for higher ranks…

Might I also note, that t1 and t2 might be closely observed, if they actually need squadding that early in such big squads.

Finally, about the rewards, and also the events, I just hope, you dont forget to integrate events into the main “campaign”/“mechanics” of the game at some point, as atm. everything comes event based for a year now. many things are purely event based rewards, while the basic game only expands slowly, and events go by; there is still no reliable way to earn specific resources. Older “mechanics” like sending out fleets dont bring back newer stuff, and many resources are devaluated by being unused, because new ones are introduced constantly. I find events for rewards nice, to make people try things, but I also welcome simply more work on making it a permanent part of the game, like many of the missions, especially when events are over. Just to ensure, that people coming later, or not participating all the time in everything, have their chances to reach the other 50% of game stuff. In their lifetime that is.

These events feel like beta-placeholders for an UI / Mission extension that is just slowly coming, without many actual changes. It feels like the base game doesnt change, but gets evented extras which should at some point be integrated into the game, so it also works without any current events. Missing events and being locked out of stuff is just not cool, if its not just bling, but actually progression related. It would make returning players less unwelcome, aswell as feel beginning pilots less constantly “miss the events”, as they still have to do the base progression.

Also I dont mind games where multiple squads are present on each side, if it currently works out, even squads late joining (on both sides), if it would seem fair, with lesser focus on that tho. I hope you will also experiment with that in the future (for now, I am happy its just working)

Also you can think of higher ranks as much more liberate about teams, so playing higher ranks becomes more risk-reward. Otherwise people will just try to farm higher amounts constantly overstepping their actual progression.

Finally, joining friends (just to get into the same game, but no matter which side), isn’t such a bad focus either. Squads who dont mind to be placed as individuals, e.g. but I know, this brings up fears of abuse so thats just an idea, that might help - I dont have issues making it hard for my own mates to win or even make them lose. At least with some chance of getting into the battle.

I just noticed, that squads often play quite some time alone until the “other” queue is filled up. Sometimes all I want to do is join them in the battle, no matter if it will be on one or the other side. After all, there is no greater honor for me, than being responsible for an owl squad to lose by playing for the enemy with all your might and power, making “haha!” each time you dispose of a corpmate. Best taunts are still among collegues.

Which still brings me to the last idea, making switches for the MM about what you are ready for, and the default settings treating you as casual, but more options allow you to become more flexible for the MM, as he can keep you longer in queue or put you in matches which are harder for you. I think simply assuming, people could help the MM become more fair or flexible is a good approach, also for the Destro question (“Classic Skirmish: Less chance to encounter Destroyers if you don’t equip one” (default) vs “Destroyer hunt. I don’t mind getting destroyers against me, I actually want to roast them” in not so many words.)

K, nothing of this is actually new, just wanted to summarize my POV. Carry on SC team, you did something which imho truly deserves praise

Yay for 4-man squads!

Also remove 100cr Loot drops

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

Also remove 100cr Loot drops

Yup. They are pointless, if you really have to put useless items on the rewards, at least let them be resources. 

2 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Also remove 100cr Loot drops

Has so much to do with squads.


2 man squad can now hot join a match if there is already one on enemy side. 


The +1/-1 is back now? We didn’t tried that yet.

 Nothing to say 'cept… Aww ye.


37 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:


I’ll call it Squadgasm)

But can you remove the squadleader/hightest ship of all requirement? It really suck now in wings/groups to need to have the same high rank ship to START something.

5 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

But can you remove the squadleader/hightest ship of all requirement? It really suck now in wings/groups to need to have the same high rank ship to START something.

It’s necessary, i’ve seen too many times squads with less ship than allowed just 'cause people launched without checking it.

What you describe is the lack of coding for the missions itself.
Something you don’t need even need if they had done it right from the start.

1 hour ago, CinnamonFake said:

I’ll call it Squadgasm)


56 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

But can you remove the squadleader/hightest ship of all requirement? It really suck now in wings/groups to need to have the same high rank ship to START something.

I like it to be honest. At least you are sure “Oh xxxx you said t5!!! I’m in my t3 ships!!!” won’t happen anymore!

How can I be sure that you didn’t just gave us the old squadding system back, without making big adjustments to it?

Just now, Koromac said:

How can I be sure that you didn’t just gave us the old squadding system back, without making big adjustments to it?

You can’t. Stop being such a pessimist, and take this as a good thing!!