Play in squads in PvP! (Discussion)

2 hours ago, millanbel said:

You can’t. Stop being such a pessimist, and take this as a good thing!!

devs finally prove they listening on big deal probm. They gave us the first big thing we wanted for so long

players be high on it for a while but if devs make more bad decisoins they have in past it will fade, so caustios optimism is what needed)

2 hours ago, millanbel said:

I like it to be honest. At least you are sure “Oh xxxx you said t5!!! I’m in my t3 ships!!!” won’t happen anymore!

This can be easy coded, but they failed it hard. That’s really sad.

5 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

This can be easy coded, but they failed it hard. That’s really sad.

idk it hsa been good so far, what worries me is whtehr ther is lower bound but from the look of post it seems like yes? so thats good


13 hours ago, Koromac said:

How can I be sure that you didn’t just gave us the old squadding system back, without making big adjustments to it?

The whole new matchmaker was implemented, developed from scratch. All to make this possible ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

14 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

But can you remove the squadleader/hightest ship of all requirement? It really suck now in wings/groups to need to have the same high rank ship to START something.

That allows to create more balanced fights. And reduces waiting time as well. If we figuire it out how to make this feature without any harm, we will.

1 hour ago, CinnamonFake said:

That allows to create more balanced fights. And reduces waiting time as well. If we figuire it out how to make this feature without any harm, we will.


also waited 12 minutes in 2p for game but did not get int match until anotehr sqaud queued, not sure if b/c low players on but was kind annotying

I’m not speaking from the PvP perspective. For that’s okay as r-2 can be very handicapped.
But for PvE it’s just a failsystem.
You hurt people farming different shipparts.
You hurting those newbies playing with friends that are at least 1 rank above them.
You hurt Spec Ops teams.
There is no excuse for such a flawed system. Your team should really be shamed to code such useless thing. And for that flaw you needed weeks/months?!

13 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

I’m not speaking from the PvP perspective. For that’s okay as r-2 can be very handicapped.
But for PvE it’s just a failsystem.
You hurt people farming different shipparts.
You hurting those newbies playing with friends that are at least 1 rank above them.
You hurt Spec Ops teams.

exstng farming shipparts system is bs anyway but rest makes sense, restriction not needed to be in pve just pvp

but whwat devs did is good start, no need to call shame just bring to atenton so it can be sortd)

13 hours ago, BaronOverlord said:

exstng farming shipparts system is bs anyway but rest makes sense, restriction not needed to be in pve just pvp

but whwat devs did is good start, no need to call shame just bring to atenton so it can be sortd)


It isn’t a good start. Before you could use r-2 ships.
They easily had coded it, that the PvE mission say which shipranks are allowed to play with. If one or more player in the squad/wing doesn’t fulfill this requirement, then it can’t start. That would have been the easiest solution. But no, they failed and introduce a more restricted system that penalize newbies/groups in PvE.

It’s a step backwards, not forward.

overall this is forwards. do not assume pve audience is majority of players, it is not. pvp is and huge game pop is coming back because of squads.

fix is very important, instead of shaming devs for rank-restriction fix that players also asking for for long time you can say ‘mostly good but this part is problem needs fix’ which gets you more credibility

calling them xxxx for making good decisions is what got star conflict into the dump in first place, be constructive or nobody should listen to you

They don’t get credit for replacing a flawed system with a penalizing one.

They need to read that it’s dumb and false.

On 6/24/2016 at 4:19 AM, Lord_Xenon said:

I’m not speaking from the PvP perspective. For that’s okay as r-2 can be very handicapped.
But for PvE it’s just a failsystem.
You hurt people farming different shipparts.
You hurting those newbies playing with friends that are at least 1 rank above them.
You hurt Spec Ops teams.
There is no excuse for such a flawed system. Your team should really be shamed to code such useless thing. And for that flaw you needed weeks/months?!

I agree with this, i dont agree with the last sentence. Devs are working into improving queueing system and will deliver a better version if they make it, in its own time. The MM is worse for spec ops and PVE, but it is considerably better for PVP, definately worth its cons. Just have patience, devs know this aint perfect but its a good step…you cant always ask to get everything fully polished at its first delivery.

Hopefully you will be right. Then I will be the first thanking them(if I catch it in time before anyone else thanked it).

But for now. Not.

13 hours ago, Papitas said:

 The MM is worse for spec ops and PVE, but it is considerably better for PVP

The Alien event is going on, I believe it’s because of it.

9 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

The Alien event is going on, I believe it’s because of it.

I meant for the system previous to get in the queue. The restrictions for start queueing are better for PVP, worse for PVE and spec ops.