Plasma Gun nerf!

I feel like SC isn’t just balancing weapons, but equalizing them, like deheavy-ing the heavy blaster. One of the most recent nerfs I’m opposed to is the Plasma Gun range nerf. Yes, inties aren’t made to be tiny LRFs, but the point of Plasma Gun was that it was a low RoF, low DPS, moderate-range blaster. It has the longest range for any stock inty weapon, and now its range is just is 2.5km. The entire point of Plasma Gun (IMO) is that you can shoot from a moderate distance, to start shooting around the time they can shoot back, or slightly before, due to the low health of inties and moderate-low dps of plasma gun, or to chase after people. The fact that the longest range gun was cut means that by the time you’re in range to shoot, you’re typically low on shields.The other inty weapons are RF blaster, kinetic supercharger, pulse laser, and shrapnel cannon, all of them are geared towards low range. I think that they should add back the 750m they took off, as interceptor are already pretty easily killable and have low range guns.

I feel like SC isn’t just balancing weapons, but equalizing them, like deheavy-ing the heavy blaster. One of the most recent nerfs I’m opposed to is the Plasma Gun range nerf. Yes, inties aren’t made to be tiny LRFs, but the point of Plasma Gun was that it was a low RoF, low DPS , moderate-range blaster.


Except Plasma gun had a stupidly high DPS for a 3km Interceptor weapon.


edit: In my opinion, I would like to see the old plasma gun. It has very average damage but a good RoF. 



There’s no need to say how fun the weapon looked compared to the one we have nowdays, wich is absolutely boring Imo.

Ew the old assault plasma was pretty bad on a ceptors back then but I guess it would still be better than the weapons we got nowadays.

Yea, nerf the Plasma Gun more, it need it (Sarcasm). In my opinion it’s the weakest weapon for interceptor.

Acutally this weapon is like torpedo LRF, just weak and annoying.

They should increase the Rate of Fire, set the range to 3km, and it’s done.

Just give back the 750m range and is all right. 2600m is only the max range, to do full damage you must be in 2080m (someone said optmal range = 80% max range)

Yea, nerf the Plasma Gun more, it need it (Sarcasm). In my opinion it’s the weakest weapon for interceptor.

Acutally this weapon is like torpedo LRF, just weak and annoying.

They should increase the Rate of Fire, set the range to 3km, and it’s done.

You may be forgetting that supernova is pretty much the default ammo on the plasma gun? That weapon is anything but weak. I use it on my ECM.

You may be forgetting that supernova is pretty much the default ammo on the plasma gun? That weapon is anything but weak. I use it on my ECM.

Who care to supernova? only player with -20 ping can hit something, otherwise everyone go to +15% speed.

nerf the damage and up the range. t4/5 plasma gun super nova is crazy damage

Who care to supernova? only player with -20 ping can hit something, otherwise everyone go to +15% speed.

So you’re telling me you cannot hit with plasma gun at close range due to ping so instead you want more range on it because hitting at range is easier? Makes sense… not.

Anyone who matters uses supernova on the plasma gun. The weapon is brutal with it.

As yeahalex said, if you want the range back you need to nerf the damage of the weapon again.

Yes plasma gun with supernova is pretty damn good now. It had to be nerfed somehow but thankfully they went pretty soft and only reduced the range. You can still safely shoot out of range of a pulsar or behind cover so it didn’t lose it’s primary characteristics imo

So you’re telling me you cannot hit with plasma gun at close range due to ping so instead you want more range on it because hitting at range is easier? Makes sense… not.Anyone who matters uses supernova on the plasma gun. The weapon is brutal with it.As yeahalex said, if you want the range back you need to nerf the damage of the weapon again.

But you can’t compare with a close range Impulse Laser (Curved Lamp) 33% more damage, my T5 CO deals over 2800 Dps with it, can show Screeny if i am at my PC again.

High Damage, high precision, don’t need lock target. The only disadvantage is the range, but i go always for dogfighting with Inty, and btw, try Shrapnel with these Iridium Munition from the Open World, it’s so nice! Especially as ECM Captain in T3. xD

But you can’t compare with a close range Impulse Laser (Curved Lamp) 33% more damage, my T5 CO deals over 2800 Dps with it, can show Screeny if i am at my PC again.

High Damage, high precision, don’t need lock target. The only disadvantage is the range, but i go always for dogfighting with Inty, and btw, try Shrapnel with these Iridium Munition from the Open World, it’s so nice! Especially as ECM Captain in T3. xD

Sure, but plasma deals the damage from 3x longer range already. It’s not my weapon of choice for CO either but it’s a very viable weapon for what it does.

And yep the 1 spread ammo is pretty nasty.

+1, actual plus one also.


Maybe to balance it the crit damage bonus could be taken away. Really should I be doing 110% extra damage 85% of the time?

“By the time you reach them your shield is already weak/gone” im sorry,but do you fly in a straight line and charge at them?

“By the time you reach them your shield is already weak/gone” im sorry,but do you fly in a straight line and charge at them?


I do. Straight lines are the best.

“By the time you reach them your shield is already weak/gone” im sorry,but do you fly in a straight line and charge at them?

is there another way? Straight line = shortest distance. I do everytime :slight_smile:

Ew the old assault plasma was pretty bad on a ceptors back then but I guess it would still be better than the weapons we got nowadays.


is there another way? Straight line = shortest distance. I do everytime :slight_smile:

another way is to fly around crazily and try to approach them.uusually for me,if i fly straight on an interceptor trying to attack someone i end up getting a face full of EM torps and coil mortar. I would have to make turns often and fly in a very strange way so i can dodge most of the projectiles,but it takes me like 30 sec trying to reach firing range

I guess should’ve explicitly stated that i was being sarcastic

another way is to fly around crazily and try to approach them.uusually for me,if i fly straight on an interceptor trying to attack someone i end up getting a face full of EM torps and coil mortar. I would have to make turns often and fly in a very strange way so i can dodge most of the projectiles,but it takes me like 30 sec trying to reach firing range

You are doing wrong. In a ceptor, you should always attack an enemy who is NOT aware that you are closing in. If the LRF is looking at your direction, then look for another target.


Concerning the plasma gun. The problem with this weapon has been the several recent buffs to spread, damage AND projectile speed, which have made possible the use of supernova ammo on it without any drawback (you have almost 2500 projectile speed in a bonused cov ops…) 


So in the end, you are able to dish a lot of damage, from a respectable distance. Mix it with orion, pinpoint accuracy and the new aimbot module from open world, and you will find it quite good.


At least with RFB supernova you need to be close to avoid spread, but with plasma gun, you can snipe from outside pulsar / facetorp range and deliver 2000 em damage ticks under orion each .5 seconds.


Most of us thought that the gun shall be reverted to its previous “long range, low dps” model