Plasma Cannons Patch 0.6.0 Feedback

Assault Plasma Cannon:

Not tested yet.

Heavy Plasma Cannon:

Very strong, but also hard to hit with it. I think the damage should be lowered a little bit and the accurary should be raised.

Rapid-fire Plasma Cannon:

Seems to work nice, but I need to do some more testing with the spread after some time.

Hail Plasma Cannon:

Same situation as the Heavy Plasma Cannon.

I had hail plasma mk III on he frigate and attack ship (they costed a lot)

Now they turned into snipering weapon (another one. Really there’s toooooooo much snipering in this game)

I found they were great weapons with a good ranmge (5400) and very well balanced.

I hate the way they work now, i hate the slow barrel (using hails on attack ship with slow barrel and new weird control system, give me nausea in 10 minutess, i find it really disturbing) Anyway, i don’t like the aiming mode wich is a kind of semiautomatic one, with the viewfinder that suddenly locks on target, and this doesn’t require any skill.

So frist suggestion for me is to remove the slow barrel from the game.

Rapid fire

Using them on interceptor…

It’s very difficault for me give some feeds abot them coz i can’t really handle the new control mode :frowning:

Anyway i think tehy are not as good as they were bfore patch, but i can’t stop exploding hitting anything on the screen so

i don’t really now if they are good or not. I don’t even like the new spredaing system it has no sesne to me and just makes me upset and angry, overheating would heve more sense above all in rapid fire guns…

The only thing i can really say is that anumation is really poor, i can’t even see clearly where my shots are going (same for rapid fire rails)

If this is an antispamming system to make game lighter and run on low lvl pc, then add a switchable option in graphic settings for this

Hope this helps

Hail work much better after last patch and they are not properly a sniper weapon lol

But personally i would prefer 25% more rate of fire and 25% less damage, This will make them perfect as mid range weapon :slight_smile:

Devs, give it a try lol

Hail work much better after last patch and they are not properly a sniper weapon lol

But personally i would prefer 25% more rate of fire and 25% less damage, This will make them perfect as mid range weapon :slight_smile:

Devs, give it a try lol

If you look at what the Hail variant of weapon is suppose to be, it isn’t suppose to be a medium range weapon ~ it is suppose to be the longer (sniping) version of the plasma weapons.

Unless of course you mean that the plasma weapons should be medium range and thus the hail variant should be, like you said, reduced damage and increased fire rate.

Assault Plasma Cannon:

Not tested yet.

Heavy Plasma Cannon:

Very strong, but also hard to hit with it. I think the damage should be lowered a little bit and the accurary should be raised.

Rapid-fire Plasma Cannon:

Seems to work nice, but I need to do some more testing with the spread after some time.

Hail Plasma Cannon:

Same situation as the Heavy Plasma Cannon.

Assault is okay in this state.

I still need XP for all heavy weapons.

Rapid has the uglyest setup. Good dmg but a horrible scatter after even 1 second of fire. I even miss hits below 1k range. The increase of scatter should be less than it is now.

Hail is a very good mid range sniper. Good pack of dmg against shields. Maybe overheating a bit fast by chargeing them.

Back after loooot of testing and i can say without any doubt that plasma weapons are absolutely crap!!!

And for sure worse weapons in game…

Rails are good. Assault plasma don’t tried yet but hails and heavy sucks.

And that’s because of the barrel roll wich really make them pretty useless. (they are good just to sniper steady target) How horreful!

Just tried heavy plasma and guess waht…they got slow barrel too, same as hails…:frowning: useless

Plasma are so sloooooow. Tried rails and they are muuuuch better…

I’m on federation (vanguard) and i would like to go for rails (insanely better without the stupid slow barrel) but found that mkIII

are not suitable for my faction and more than tgis got to redisign my skill tree :frowning:

pls pls remove slow barrel

Back after loooot of testing and i can say without any doubt that plasma weapons are absolutely crap!!!

And for sure worse weapons in game…

Rails are good. Assault don’t tried yet but hails and heavy sucks.

And that’s because of the barrel roll wich really make them pretty useless. (they are good just to sniper steady target) How horreful!

Just tried heavy plasma and guess waht…they got slow barrel too, same as hails…:frowning: useless

Plasma are so sloooooow. Tried rails and they are muuuuch better…

I’m on federation (vanguard) and i would like to go for rails (insanely better without the stupid slow barrel) but found that mkIII

are not suitable for my faction and more than tgis got to redisign my skill tree :frowning:

pls pls remove slow barrel

I’m sorry Fanfulla, but as an active user of plasma guns I tend to disagree when you talk about “hail”.

The point of slow barrel is that you have to do smooth movements, not fast ones, so that means you must engage enemies since the maximum range of your weapons.

Also, I found that Booster circuit and Plasma needle weapon modifications, if used together and correctly, are a blast; while railgun do not have an EMP damage mod, plasma do have a kinetic damage mod and it is reaally useful to finish off opponents. In fact, I may change the keybinding of weapon mods because of this.

I’m sorry Fanfulla, but as an active user of plasma guns I tend to disagree when you talk about “hail”.

The point of slow barrel is that you have to do smooth movements, not fast ones, so that means you must engage enemies since the maximum range of your weapons.

Also, I found that Booster circuit and Plasma needle weapon modifications, if used together and correctly, are a blast; while railgun do not have an EMP damage mod, plasma do have a kinetic damage mod and it is reaally useful to finish off opponents. In fact, I may change the keybinding of weapon mods because of this.

Exactely m8 totally agree with this, Hails are snipering weapons and truly the whole game atm is about snipering :frowning:

So yes slow barrel makes sense on snipering weapons so why not adding it to all snipering weapons in game? Why don’t add slow barrel to long range lasers or rails or even better to empire frigates desintegrators so we can reduce all this snipering in game? lol

Anyway i find hail hits also too slow to work at long distances so they only works when you fight in flocks, when you are not under direct fight and can give the coup de grace, and that is a playng style but not always mine lol. Anyway they are an option in fight but what’s the sense in putting that damned slow barrel even on heavy rails??? Heavy rails are quite short ranged, with very slow hits, i tried them and you nedd to use them in close combat but how the hell you can do this with slow barrel…? It shpould be removed from heavy plasma at least :wink:

No way, rails and beams are thousands times better atm lol

Exactely m8 totally agree with this, Hails are snipering weapons and truly the whole game atm is about snipering :frowning:

So yes slow barrel makes sense on snipering weapons so why not adding it to all snipering weapons in game? Why don’t add slow barrel to long range lasers or rails or even better to empire frigates desintegrators so we can reduce all this snipering in game? lol

Anyway i find hail hits also too slow to work at long distances so they only works when you fight in flocks, when you are not under direct fight and can give the coup de grace, and that is a playng style but not always mine lol. Anyway they are an option in fight but what’s the sense in putting that damned slow barrel even on heavy rails??? Heavy rails are quite short ranged, with very slow hits, i tried them and you nedd to use them in close combat but how the hell you can do this with slow barrel…? It shpould be removed from heavy plasma at least :wink:

No way, rails and beams are thousands times better atm lol

Uhm I believe even long range lasers and stabilized railguns have slow barrel.

But anyways yeah you’re right but plasma needed a true sniper weapon. If you want something like the old Hail plasma try assault plasma guns with booster circuit Mk II/ Mk III and rangemaster passive module (the one for which you need “Horizon” skill, in the middle branch of skill tree) or Assault railgun with the same module.

But I must warn you, the assault plasma has less overheat, spread and damage, while assault railgun has alot of spread (should be reduced) and overheat, but has more damage (if used with EMP missiles you can be pretty good in dogfights)

Unluckily I haven’t tried a single heavy weapon yet, but really, they have slow barrel? Slow barrel shouldn’t exist on something that has low range, or at least be reduced by ~80-90% and some damage (~5-10%) should be added to compensate

Uhm I believe even long range lasers and stabilized railguns have slow barrel.

But anyways yeah you’re right but plasma needed a true sniper weapon. If you want something like the old Hail plasma try assault plasma guns with booster circuit Mk II/ Mk III and rangemaster passive module (the one for which you need “Horizon” skill, in the middle branch of skill tree) or Assault railgun with the same module.

But I must warn you, the assault plasma has less overheat, spread and damage, while assault railgun has alot of spread (should be reduced) and overheat, but has more damage (if used with EMP missiles you can be pretty good in dogfights)

Unluckily I haven’t tried a single heavy weapon yet, but really, they have slow barrel? Slow barrel shouldn’t exist on something that has low range, or at least be reduced by ~80-90% and some damage (~5-10%) should be added to compensate

On the first point i absolutely agree m8. but i’d say that even as snipering wepaons hails are not as good as beams and rails coz of hits slow speed :frowning: they are a kind of midrange snipers not so goos if you are fightiong on your own…And yes long range beams already have slow barrel while rails not…anyway both have high hits speed :wink:

So decided to spend a huge amount of exp to try heavy plasma and they have slow barrel, you can check specific and are so slooooow and short ranged… compltelky useless, i’d like to try heavy rails coz think they are great, they hurts been killed billions of times by high lvl players using them

On the first point i absolutely agree m8. but i’d say that even as snipering wepaons hails are not as good as beams and rails coz of hits slow speed :frowning: they are a kind of midrange snipers not so goos if you are fightiong on your own…And yes long range beams already have slow barrel while rails not…anyway both have high hits speed :wink:

So decided to spend a huge amount of exp to try heavy plasma and they have slow barrel, you can check specific and are so slooooow and short ranged… compltelky useless, i’d like to try heavy rails coz think they are great, they hurts been killed billions of times by high lvl players using them

Well I think hail was intended to be used along with booster circuit, as I do, but improving its speed a little would be good. About range well yes you’re kind of right, nothing to say.

Olol now I know on what do NOT spend xp, since I was going for heavy plasma, thanks for the info.

Well I think hail was intended to be used along with booster circuit, as I do, but improving its speed a little would be good. About range well yes you’re kind of right, nothing to say.

Olol now I know on what do NOT spend xp, since I was going for heavy plasma, thanks for the info.


Well heavy plasam do heavy damage but they r really annoyng go for heavy rails they are great atm Think they got lower rate of fire but more speed…

Still not sure how to read weapons stats…lol

How great it would be to have a kind of small simulator showing the way weapons works bfore buyong them

This is s great suggsestion, devs take note lol


Well heavy plasam do heavy damage but they r really annoyng go for heavy rails they are great atm Think they got lower rate of fire but more speed…

Still not sure how to read weapons stats…lol

How great it would be to have a kind of small simulator showing the way weapons works bfore buyong them

This is s great suggsestion, devs take note lol

Put it in Suggestions and it will be heard. :smiley:


Got a closer look on the plasma this week and wanna give some feedback again.

Assault: Very balanced weapon. Average spread and damage while still having a good range for a plasma weapon. A tiny bit to much overheat. Mainly using it agains any kind of ship. Booster circuit will do wonders on this weapon and allows to hit even faster targets.

Rapid: Still the worst weapon ingame. Horrible spread, low range compared to Assault also low damage output but no overheat. You can deal constant damage but you sacrifice much for that. This weapon has best efficiency agains frigates. (Needs some sort of buff)

Hail: Excellent range and also a very good damage output. For sniping on that range you need the booster circuit or this wapon is to slow to hit. Also has a bit much overheat and needs a rangefinder to become a very good weapon for small targets. Slow barrel makes it very difficult in close combat to hit a target. Using it agains any kind of ship.

Heavy: Can compared with hail but way more damage potential. Also needs booster circuit to hit on its max range. High overheat also makes it difficult to deal constant damage but the charge boost will make this weapon to a monster. Truly devastating to any shield and frigate. Can also be used against fighters but close combat is very difficult because of the slow barrel.

Also using The plasma needle mod on this weapons will allow you to shed hull the same way like a shield.

Wrong post

Assault Plasma Cannon:

very good, it has good dmg output and accuracy, but overheating that why weapon is not overpowered.

Heavy Plasma Cannon:

Very strong, but also hard to hit with it. I think the damage should be lowered a little bit and the accurary should be raised. - same as error

Rapid-fire Plasma Cannon:

highest spread, lowest range and it should has a little more dps in that case, not even that u wont use your guns too often right now, most players use longer range weapons. even when you come closer to the foe, spread is too high to do significant damage,

Hail Plasma Cannon:

Same situation as the Heavy Plasma Cannon. - same as error.

in overall, plasma projectiles need to be faster.

Plasma weapons in general work fine, I really dont know if i would fine tune any of it.

I think you should increase the projectile speed, that will cause them to hit more often.

they also should have another 5-6 seconds of fire being over heating.

I use assault, and heavy, and i find that in general with all of them, you just need to be with in 4km.

the problem with plasma is they cant hit smaller ships easily, but the large stuff, they eat it.

but i feel this is a problem with the interceptor movement speed more then anything, and after that projective movement.

one more thing, I think if we hold firing button down, it should auto fire, like lasers channel beam, so we should be able to channel projectiles.

agrre plasma weapons overheats too quickly… impossible finish off enemies everyone steals my kills :frowning:

i feel you rpain my brother, i feel your pain, they need an increase on the amount of time it takes to overheat.