plan of horizont

I think could be usefull to have a plane of horizon , with a key botton to swich it on/off (or in game options choice also without togle in game) , so one have an idea if it is Flying bottom or above the plane , and a kind of grind on the plane to make understand where to lead to right or left sectors of the map , this will help coordiantion for squad too.



Yeah i was thinking about that. Or an artificial horizon like in a plane.   


But just show us the azimut and it will be great.

You’re in space, you hear me? SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!  Horizon is relative to your ship more than anything else.


Being able to figure out where you are in relation to everything is part of the game, I’m not even sure having a horizon plane would help.

Call it another name if horizon bothers you.

I still think this games lacks some kind of spacial reference.

You’re in space, you hear me? SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!  Horizon is relative to your ship more than anything else.


Being able to figure out where you are in relation to everything is part of the game, I’m not even sure having a horizon plane would help.


This. Spacial reference for me is top/bottom and sides of my ship. Fake horizon line would be useful while flying them from the cockpit but with “3rd person” view your ship pitch and yaw axis in conjunction with static objects in space (objectives, ruins, big rock formations) + map should be only reliable positioning tool.


Being able to roll and fly upside down or engage from unexpected angle (which means having better orientation in space) is a major part of being “skilled spaceship pilot” and gives huge tactical advantage.


I find myself very often engaging enemies from odd positions and defeat them only  because they are still in the “horizontal/vertical” world where they have to adjust exactly as the map is…


Besides almost every map have “floor” and “sky” kind of background.



Couldn’t help myself.