
What? Pirates don’t kill? Pirates steal, rape and murder

No they don’t. The reason they don’t is simple: A) living people can be robbed more than once. B) people who believe they will escape unharmed if they surrender are more likely to do so. As such, pirates who kill, rape and enslave are going to invoke a more violent response, whereas those who are “just after your stuff” earn more with less risk.

No they don’t. The reason they don’t is simple: A) living people can be robbed more than once. B) people who believe they will escape unharmed if they surrender are more likely to do so. As such, pirates who kill, rape and enslave are going to invoke a more violent response, whereas those who are “just after your stuff” earn more with less risk.

Exactly. To have anything to steal from you need people to develop an establishment. If they’d kill them and destroy that they get 1 less income source. The risk of leaving them alive is the outside help that may come in their aid for protection. Left unscathed tho it will soon be ignored and ready for plunder again.


And i think i’d actually want the stabs on fighters / frigates more :\

Exactly. To have anything to steal from you need people to develop an establishment. If they’d kill them and destroy that they get 1 less income source. The risk of leaving them alive is the outside help that may come in their aid for protection. Left unscathed tho it will soon be ignored and ready for plunder again.


And i think i’d actually want the stabs on fighters / frigates more :\

My thinking was that Pirate weapons should bring something new to the table. Fighters already have a long range big hitter in the form of Gauss, and Coil Mortars are awesome for big guns on frigates. Interceptors, on the other hand, don’t really have a “long range” weapon at the moment, hence why I’d put the Stabrails on them.

My thinking was that Pirate weapons should bring something new to the table. Fighters already have a long range big hitter in the form of Gauss, and Coil Mortars are awesome for big guns on frigates. Interceptors, on the other hand, don’t really have a “long range” weapon at the moment, hence why I’d put the Stabrails on them.

But, but, but… my Grim Reaper came from SR fit frigate! :frowning:

Currently (and very very honestly) i hate absolutely all frigate weapons. There’s not a single one for me to enjoy for real. :frowning:

No they don’t. The reason they don’t is simple: A) living people can be robbed more than once. B) people who believe they will escape unharmed if they surrender are more likely to do so. As such, pirates who kill, rape and enslave are going to invoke a more violent response, whereas those who are “just after your stuff” earn more with less risk.


Afaik Pirates were murderers who didnt care to cut your throat for a miserable coin.

Well they have to be nasty for when people don’t surrender, but even then their goal is likely to be to disable and loot, not destroy. Hence my general train of thought weapon-wise.

Pirate lasers/railguns/plasmas already drop but are grey loot. They could be made into an actual drop for all modules for pirate ships as mk3, and otherwise they can only fit mk1/mk2?(Excluding ammo) :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, there already are “Elite” weapons as a weapon level above experimentals, they are just not available. My guess is they’ll end up introducing them as premium equivalents to experimentals available for GS, but they might as well rename them to “pirate weapons” though and make them available via DLC. :lol:

bringing elite weapons only to people that pay will make this game P2W, and I really hope they never go down that route(Which they promised they won’t…)

bringing elite weapons only to people that pay will make this game P2W, and I really hope they never go down that route(Which they promised they won’t…)

My thinking was that all Pirate DLC ships would come with Mk I Pirate gear by default, with F2P players obtaining them via repairing scrap.


This also allows for some interesting potential tweaks to the system. For example, here’s how a weapon might be set up:



This determines the type of weapon. eg: a “Shell Hopper” means your weapon is a Railgun; a “Plasma Vent” means it’s a Plasma weapon; an “Weaponised Capacitor Bank” gives Thermal.



This is the size of the weapon: Small for Inty, Medium for Fighter, Large / Heavy for Frigate.



Again, the barrel will determine what kind of weapon you get.


Firing Chamber:

This picks the quality of the weapon. There are five of these - Mk I, Mk II, Military, Mk III and Experimental.


Throw these together in the right combination, and you can get pretty much any weapon that exists… or even knew ones!


More examples! Salvage / buy / repair a Shell Hopper, a Light Weapon Housing, a Short Barrel and a Mk III Firing Chamber and voila! A Mk III Shrapnel Cannon! Obviously, all this stuff is Tier locked.


Pirate weapons would come in by giving a “Pirate” component somewhere down the line. Perhaps a Pirate Barrel, or Pirate Housing. Maybe both. Either way, they can be put together LEGO style by people who don’t want to have to acquire DLC to buy them.


For people with DLC though, you might be able to buy the Mk II / III versions by having some kind of DLC based title that unlocks the ability to buy the weapons at certain ranks with certain factions. Say… Legion and Armada. 



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Why Reaper, Grim and Phoenix aren’t rank 9? DLC ships are supposed to be unique and equal to the rest, not better, but not worse. Who would pay for a ship that’s worse than a free ship?


At least with rank 9 the Phoenix would’t be that weak compared to Styx, because you could have the Empire or Jericho implant on it, to make it way more tanky, same with the Reaper.

And Grim would have 1 shield or 1 more CPU. It has worse stats than Black Swarm and it has 1 less shield 1 less engine and 1 less energy slot, with 1 additional cpu and hull. 

Well and the poor Joker… rank 5 in tier 2, who’s gonna buy that pack? the ship is horrible.


The only good thing about those ships is their badass looking, but I rather have an ugly Black Swarm or Anaconda M, instead of a good looking but useless Grim or Reaper…



And if we look at the prizes… the only ship that it’s worth it is the Sai, Imo, the best ceptor in T3