Pirate Ships!

I was just thinking a bit and thought about SC’s concept of “pirate” ships. They are really really weird. The fact that made pirate ships pirate, was that they were outfitted however the captain/crew wanted. If they needed more ports for cannons, they sawed some more holes. If they needed another sail for more speed, they posted another. (Though very crudely.)

What I’m saying is that instead of having set modules and systems, pirate ships should be one of the most customisable ships in the game. They should have the ability to use the “refit” function and should be able to modify stats of active modules and weapons. Now before you freak out and start screaming, here is what I had in mind:

The weapon and modules equipped on the ships could be modified through a balance slider via right-click. Upon right-click of a module, a new option, “balance,” would be shown. When clicked, it would open a very simple GUI with a few sliders depending on the module:

Recharge: Makes recharge time higher or lower but costs module power.

Effect: Makes the module more effective but costs module recharge time.

Range: Makes the module work in a longer range, but costs a small bit of power and recharge.

Duration: Makes the module last longer/shorter. Sacrifices power.

Energy: Making this higher will increase all the stats. Opposite happens in reverse.


This way, modules could be balanced to the user’s ideal module function. They could have high power, short-range modules that take ages to reload and use lots of energy, or very weak modules that can be spammed very quickly. The module balance itself will stay the same, but it will just make the module suit the user better.

For weapons:

Damage per shot: Raises or lowers damage. Can lower rate of fire or range.

Rate of fire: Changes rate of fire. Costs damage and spread.

Range: Changes range. Costs damage and fire-rate.

Spread: Changes spread. Costs rate of fire.

Targetting: Chanes critical chance. Costs range or rate of fire.




The special modules should also be able to be modified in this way.

Why not create pirate version of existing weapons/modules using your suggestion? This would make perfect sense and is to some extend already implemented ingame(pirate shield booster/pirate shield aura).
I’m for this!

41 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Why not create pirate version of existing weapons/modules using your suggestion? This would make perfect sense and is to some extend already implemented ingame(pirate shield booster/pirate shield aura).
I’m for this!

I was thinking the same thing, but then that would bring up some more problems:

  1. It would take much more effort on the devs’ part to make entirely new modules just for this sake.

  2. The pirate ships would lose that much more uniqueness if all ships were able to use their modified modules.

  3. Pirate classes are more limited than standard ships so that means there would be even more for the babies of SC to complain about.

So you want a second category of ‘crafted’ ships?

24 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

So you want a second category of ‘crafted’ ships?

If you mean that as “because they can be modified” then yes. Any other meaning is irrelevant.

Now we’re deeply concentrated on some Alien stuff) But maybe someday Pirates will also get much more attention. Don’t forget that we have not only Phoenix and Reaper as their representatives ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Yeah, y’all have Sai too. With Sai being the only other pirate ship that is really worth-while. Though it really falls behind when compared to the new refitted ships.

On 15.07.2016 at 5:12 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Yeah, y’all have Sai too. With Sai being the only other pirate ship that is really worth-while.

There’re also Grim and Joker ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

On July 18, 2016 at 8:42 AM, CinnamonFake said:

There’re also Grim and Joker ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Well the Shark is also pretty good, but it is only tier 2. I’m talking tier 3 and up.

The Joker is a joke imo. Kinda pointless.

Bump for pirate rework