Pirate ship development tree

Given the apparent ability for ships to now change rank and models freely, I suggest that pirates get a major overhaul. This would include modifying passive slots, the way they look, paint schemes, new modules, special modules, and other extra features such as various ramming devices and special physical ship abilities.

They would look like a more run down and angular version of the new Ellydium ship development trees, and possibly be a golden hexagon surrounding the ship in the middle, with sharp angled branches coming off of it for the development nodes.

Because pirates are pirates, all development nodes would involve insane amounts of credits and synergy. No special resources, though each node -can- be bought for GS in place of the synergy and credits.

I highly suggest that the Sai, Grim and Phoenix get the first trees. Primarily the Sai but the others too.

Sure, ask them to introduce high costs so people can complain about that too, also, maybe they can make them craftable not with parts but with materials much like the SP ships, from then on it can be that tree thing, but I’m sure that a big chunk of this year will be dedicated to Ellydium ships and tweaking them, I’m sure the destroyer will really be quite the headache but who knows…

50 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Sure, ask them to introduce high costs so people can complain about that too,

They are going to be high regardless. But high credit prices are better than high material prices.

50 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

also, maybe they can make them craftable not with parts but with materials much like the SP ships,

They will soon be manufactured like the Reaper and Phoenix, with parts.

50 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

from then on it can be that tree thing, but I’m sure that a big chunk of this year will be dedicated to Ellydium ships and tweaking them, I’m sure the destroyer will really be quite the headache but who knows…

Yes, ellydium is their first priority right now. The destroyer, if they keep on schedule, should be either summer or close to the end of the year. Because their “schedule” allows room for about 6 months of “sorry we scrubbed”.

19 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

… I suggest that pirates get a major overhaul. This would include modifying …

… a more run down and angular version of the new Ellydium ship development trees …

…  each node -can- be bought for GS in place of the synergy and credits.

The pirate ships look good and are nice ships to fly!

Yes, this would be lovely.

Start with the Premium Pirate ships and even include the Special Projects ships, later.

Research of those ships could be with synergy and credits as well as with some metarials, like special project (SP) ships … but please not so very much monocrystal expensive


1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

… maybe they can make them craftable not with parts but with materials much like the SP ships, from then on it can be that tree thing …

Yes, yes!!


P.S.: Make a list of suggested ships in your first post, DRF, will you? I suggest the Phoenix as a start!

So far we have the following [pirate ships](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20364-pirates/) in total.

Shark (fighter:command, rank 6)
Phoenix (frigate:engineer, rank 8)
Grim (interceptor:ecm, rank 8)


Joker (fighter:gunship, rank5)
Reaper (frigate:guard, rank 8)
Sai (interceptor:recon, rank 9)


Blood Tormentor (frigate:guard, rank 9)
Nyx (interceptor:covert ops, rank 9)
Sawtooth (fighter:tackler, rank 11)
Cutter (interceptor:covert ops, rank 12)





There are indeed quite a bunch of pirate ships so they would deserve their own faction, who knows, for some reason I tought Dart and Gargoyle would belong to Ellydium since they look so different compared to the other ships, but then I did something outlandish and crazy that opened my eyes forever, I read the patchnotes, and since then I’ve been using eyedrops to keep them from drying up, life is a pain.

I feel like nyx is more like a Mauler family member, rather than BD style. Though I don’t exactly know what kind of faction would that be, maybe something like “Rebellious PCs”

1 minute ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

I feel like nyx is more like a Mauler family member, rather than BD style. Though I don’t exactly know what kind of faction would that be, maybe something like “Rebellious PCs”

The Jericho pirate family involves the Nyx, Cutter, Sawtooth, and Blood Tormentor. Mauler is a different project via lore. But I do understand.

And originally, Ellydium was going to be something entirely different and tbh much better looking, but they changed directions.

I originally thought that the Nightingale/Stingray/Archelon were gonna be Elly, but they changed everything. XD

2 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

I feel like nyx is more like a Mauler family member, rather than BD style. Though I don’t exactly know what kind of faction would that be, maybe something like “Rebellious PCs”

Rebellious PCs?Are those some slang terms for AMD rigs?No wait, that is the “thermal plant” category, huh.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

The Jericho pirate family involves the Nyx, Cutter, Sawtooth, and Blood Tormentor. Mauler is a different project via lore. But I do understand.

And originally, Ellydium was going to be something entirely different and tbh much better looking, but they changed directions.

I originally thought that the Nightingale/Stingray/Archelon were gonna be Elly, but they changed everything. XD

Still, for a project, Mauler sure is a successful one, wonder what its rework will be about…


52 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Still, for a project, Mauler sure is a successful one, wonder what its rework will be about…

I haven’t the foggiest idea.

well tbh I can’t just say GPUs, because razor is the same style as mauler and does not look like any GPU I know… Though definitely still looks PC-ish

Pirate faction with their own docking hangar. Fort … whatever, should exist and that means that we would get a 5th faction - Pirates!

4 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Pirate faction with their own docking hangar. Fort … whatever, should exist and that means that we would get a 5th faction - Pirates!

no, I was thinking that the old 3 factions get obsolete ![:003:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003.png “:003:”)

Still waiting on this too.