Pirate Cargo Scanner

New craftable module idea.


Name: Pirate Cargo Scanner

Type: Crafted CPU Module

Range: 4,000 meters

Tier: 3-5

Ingredients: Processing Block, Computing Chip, Screened Battery

Restrictions: Cannot be equipped at the same time as Spatial Scanner




Pressing the ‘X’ key allows the pilot to see the contents of a targeted player’s inventory if they are within 4,000 meters. Would temporarily replace the image of their own inventory with an overlay of the target ship’s inventory and contents.

Cool idea

Cool but soooo broken.

don’t see why this would be broken. just a bit cheap imho. good idea.

I propose toning it down a little; the scanner shows the number of cargo spaces that are full, but gives no clue to their contents.

Who would use it then? keep idea as it is.

You would use it to decide if the mark was worth the effort. Spotting a Mauler with 8 full cargo slots is a potentially huge reward, but if the scanner reads 1/8 he’s probably just carrying extra fuel; hardly worth the risk of engaging.

This toned down version is fairer on the target because it gives no indication of cargo value. I could be carrying 400 fuel or 400 iridium and the Pirate Scanner wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. If it can, it essentially punishes me for farming loot and doing all the hard work and rewards people who camp the gate or try to lure NPCs to get me killed.

You would use it to decide if the mark was worth the effort. Spotting a Mauler with 8 full cargo slots is a potentially huge reward, but if the scanner reads 1/8 he’s probably just carrying extra fuel; hardly worth the risk of engaging.

This toned down version is fairer on the target because it gives no indication of cargo value. I could be carrying 400 fuel or 400 iridium and the Pirate Scanner wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. If it can, it essentially punishes me for farming loot and doing all the hard work and rewards people who camp the gate or try to lure NPCs to get me killed.


Fair enough, though it might be nice to keep some indication of special loot. Perhaps the scanner can tell the difference between generic, alien, and blueprint/voucher loot by displaying different colors?

That still punishes legitimate players and rewards the bottom feeders. You could just wait untol your scanner found biotech and attack, knowing you were guaranteed a high value reward.

That still punishes legitimate players and rewards the bottom feeders. You could just wait untol your scanner found biotech and attack, knowing you were guaranteed a high value reward.


Guaranteed? First, I’d have to be within 4K of the other ship, so they would already have seen me on radar. Second, they’d get a target lock tone, letting them know they were being scanned.


At this point, a smart pilot carrying super valuable cargo would have already bugged out (cloaked, micro-warped, RT’d). And then there is the actual battle (provided the pilot didn’t successfully flee). Depending on what they are flying vs. what I am flying the fight could go many different ways. Not to mention other factors such as ping (if we’re fighting in Russia vs. US) and random Biomorph and Cartel attacks. So I don’t understand this ‘guaranteed’ talk.

I think it just would be bad if the game would turn into highway robbery, like in Eve, where you get scanned every second gate.


However I don’t really see that problem, yet.


Scanning cargo could be aggression. Would remove the possibility of home-gate-camps, since it would alarm the police if you scan other ships like that. After all it isn’t legal to run around poking into other people’s stuff.

Yes make using this module/mod as a sign of aggression.

Yes make using this module/mod as a sign of aggression.


Only if they make a soundbite that plays for the target that says “Warning, cargo bay security breach.”  :fed_cool:

Das sum cool shiet

don’t see why this would be broken. just a bit cheap imho. good idea.

Because then instead of farming players and getting loot it’ll be more like farming players for their loot specifically.  Why not a module where you can see what loot you’ll get for killing an NPC?  If it’s a fuel cell don’t waste your time, but if it’s a light sensor kill them and bank it?  Doesn’t that sound broken.

Omfg I love it. Make it happen devs!