
When I plant my hull on an object/ship and go full thrusters /w afterburners, why do they not move? This makes no sense. And since when does the warp-speed impact of an interceptor do less damage than a simple cruise missile? And why can ships pass through static barriers but missiles/munitions of all types (except singularities) can’t.

Welcome to the game that denies a lot of physics. I don’t think they are trying to make it physics based game.

Pls fox, stop with ur useless threads…

Well there were already a dozen discussions about Physics in space. Of course it would be nice to have the game as realistic as possible, but that does not always work together with fun, playability and balance.

Well there were already a dozen discussions about Physics in space. Of course it would be nice to have the game as realistic as possible, but that does not always work together with fun, playability and balance.


Bullocks.  I’d play the hell out of any game that strives for realism.  I mean, I still play the hell out of this game…but I guess I just contradicted myself…

Lets start with limited speed in vacuum and loose of speed when you disable thrusters. Most of maps are on orbit and that would make sens, but some arent

while it would be cool… it would also mean more code… and that means more lag and bad frame rates unless you are the lucky 10% of ppl who can afford a $5k computer.

Funny thing is, Star Citizen, the bearer of the realistic physics standard, is tweaking the flight model more and more so currently when you fly in “assisted” mode, it is like flying star conflict.


Of course you have the decoupled mode, where you just keep flying straight asnd you can turn your ship, strafe and rotate, but most of the gameplay is based in the assisted flight model.


So, yeah, realistic is good, but most of the time it is apart from fun. If you want a realistic space simulator, I recommend KSP. They made physics fun!!

while it would be cool… it would also mean more code… and that means more lag and bad frame rates unless you are the lucky 10% of ppl who can afford a $5k computer.

More code does not necessarily mean more lag. Especially if they compile it right. I mean, they’ve been adding code every other day with ninja-patches and such, but have you seen any more lag than usual? No. You haven’t. (Well, aside from the usual high ping on russian servers.)

Funny thing is, Star Citizen, the bearer of the realistic physics standard, is tweaking the flight model more and more so currently when you fly in “assisted” mode, it is like flying star conflict.

Of course you have the decoupled mode, where you just keep flying straight asnd you can turn your ship, strafe and rotate, but most of the gameplay is based in the assisted flight model.

Ikr! I want Star Cisizen so bad! I really want the Karthu-al while it’s still being sold for the anniversary, but I don’t think I have a spare $150…

Funny thing is, Star Citizen, the bearer of the realistic physics standard, is tweaking the flight model more and more so currently when you fly in “assisted” mode, it is like flying star conflict.


Of course you have the decoupled mode, where you just keep flying straight asnd you can turn your ship, strafe and rotate, but most of the gameplay is based in the assisted flight model.


So, yeah, realistic is good, but most of the time it is apart from fun. If you want a realistic space simulator, I recommend KSP. They made physics fun!!


Well, that would be an awesome mode to add in this game, if you could make such movement physics available, because its the better way to fight.

A very good example of this is BattleStar Galactica Online, of which i’m a player and those flight mechanics possibilitate some awesome moves, and make battles much more about ship control skill and strategy and not running against a ship while shooting.

This is my personal opinion, but would like to know if anyone else played or plays BSGO and have the same opinion, in order to make a suggestion out of this.