Phosphor Rocket [Missile Promotion]

Name: Phosphor Rocket (Starlight Rocket)

Type: Dumbfire Rocket

Ranks: 9-15

Damage: 4,500 Thermal

Explosion radius: 125m

Burn time: 3s

Burn damage: 500 Thermal

Flight speed: 1,500m/s

Flight range: 6,250m

Reload: 5s

Charges in cartridge: 4

Cartridge reload time: 90s

Tooltip: These rockets had their explosive charge replaced with a block of pure white Phosphorus. Once they hit the enemy, they will continue to be burnt by the phosphorus for 3 seconds. These rockets act like IR flares as they will confuse guided missiles.

They will look like super bright starts being flung at the enemy, and on hit, the target will burn and glow bright white for 3 seconds. White phosphorus is mean stuff. Look up some vids of it online. ;3

Sounds kinda neat. Although the blast radius and number of charges is a bit high, a missile slot flare seems interesting.

Sounds kinda neat. Although the blast radius and number of charges is a bit high, a missile slot flare seems interesting.

Changing values…

Changed values.

Changing values…

Changed values.

Previous: 150m

New: 125m




Okay, I guess. 125m isn’t all that bad.


On a different tangent, white phosphorus is more dangerous than a lot of conventional explosives because it (and a lot of its derivatives) are really dang toxic. Which is slightly negated, due to being in space, and in space ships. Not to mention, it needs an oxidizer :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t you know that everything in the future has oxygen by default. Even the void of space. How else would we have these pretty explosions and have flaming debris in space? And how could we hear everything???

Answer: oxygen is everywhere in the future.

Explosions: Clearly, on-board life support systems and fuel tanks rupturing, plus the high energy of incoming weapons fire, leads to explosions.

Flaming debris: Life support systems continue to function for a small period of time after exploding, providing enough oxygen for debris to continue burning.

Hearing: Uh, early Empire innovations in simulated sound allowed for pilots to hear everything their radar detects. After integrating alien technology into the system, it now manages to simulate sounds that are completely impossible to sense in any other way. Yep.

Hearing: Uh, early Empire innovations in simulated sound allowed for pilots to hear everything their radar detects. After integrating alien technology into the system, it now manages to simulate sounds that are completely impossible to sense in any other way. Yep.
