Permanent "Rejoin Battle" Button in Hangar

I’m not gonna say it again. Add a permanent rejoin battle button in the hangar that is always available. These fabled pop ups that ask you if you want to rejoin are completely unreliable.

  • from me.

Once you choose to leave, you leave.


The bug should be fixed, not replaced by another feature.

34 minutes ago, Shotan said:

Once you choose to leave, you leave.


The bug should be fixed, not replaced by another feature.

“Fixing the bug” would, in essence, be adding a permanent rejoin battle button. Just the permabutton would look better and be better.


My laptop crashes the game easily every 15 minutes.

Did I choose to leave the battle? No.

Do I want back in as soon as it loads back up? Yes!

Will the game let me? About 20% of the time.

hey i didnt receive my free hug ingame when i last saw you lol … i take a rain check i guess hehe : )


Once you choose to leave, you leave.


The bug should be fixed, not replaced by another feature.


Once you get DC/thrown out of battle/OS, you sometimes don’t get this option.
And nope, not really my fault that the server ‘don’t respond’ or ‘zone jump failed’.

+111111111 this!

Well we didn’t planned hangar interface rework in the near future, but i got your point ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

4 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

Well we didn’t planned hangar interface rework in the near future, but i got your point ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

It’s not a rework, it’s an addition. You can add all the buttons you want with ease. Doesn’t mean you have to change everything else. Xp

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