Permanent Premium License




There should be the option to buy a permanent Premium license.




Cost: 75Euro

I would welcome it, but only if it would guarantee the toning down of the endless grind/pay to progress model for the game’s supporters. I’m fine with completing certain missions to get the new stuff. But I’d rather become a permanent game supporter and then have getting the rest easily, while the free players are free to grind however they like. I don’t have the time or even desire to play for 4 hours a day to complete all the daily missions so I can get all the new and/or necessary stuff. And I won’t fork over tons of cash either. And thus I’m at risk of getting steamrolled in PvP by the next new stuff that, for a time, breaks the balance of the game until the next new thing gets released and it starts all over again.


Some sort of permanent license would be great if I was actually sure it is profitable to even have such a license. But at the current state of the game, I am not so sure about it. Would be awesome if Star Conflict was a one-time premium purchase game where I could then spend the GS on cosmetics and such (with options to speed things up a bit with the GS containers, preferably with less RNG, for some players who would desire to use such a system).


How much would be an appropriate cost to get a lifetime Premium license?


Expected life time of this game is 8 to 10 years.


So far, it’s 5 years old. Some say that it’s nearing its cycle.




50 Euro would be a reasonable price I’d say. With the benefits I listed of course. 60 at maximum. But that would invalidate the horrendous price of the alien ships DLCs price. But that’s in no way a bad thing because those are overpriced by 40 Euros. Demanding more than an AAA title’s price for a permanent licese would only be insane.

Or I’d say if you own all dlc you get it automatically. (not the single ships but the actual DLC packs. Mercenary packs etc.)

Games like this survive off of micro-transactions and this is not one of those but I am not Gaijin so I wouldn’t know if something like this could work for SC.

With as much as I have spent in this game alone for license, I should have a permanent one. My entire accounts life has had a license, except for maybe 2 months tops.


Considering the game is declining again I could see a possible cash grab here. What happens by the end of September will determine a lot.


I find the idea interesting. In ‘Making Balance together’ I wrote that the game SC should generally make it more cool to be a supporter of this game, not to let paying supporters down so that they become stigmatized as wallet warriors etc.


A permanent license would be great, lets say permanent licensen opens the access to some special game modes/items/sections ect. like free fuel, 2 more inventory space, access to play testing servers (PTS) , and ease the grind, or such things…


As obviously the much more expensive license as of today is more money generating for them, the increasíng numbers of player who at least spend some money must do it or there will be side- and additionally-licenses.


I would like to see broze, silver, gold model of permanent licenses and that player who support the SC show and let the servers run and give the devs and designers what they need and deserve should be somehow better respected and rewarded in genral!°


+[DrDeath_ScD & Koro](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/240008-masshomicide/ “Go to DrDeath_ScD’s profile”)

23 minutes ago, avarshina said:

I find the idea interesting. In ‘Making Balance together’ I wrote that the game SC should generally make it more cool to be a supporter of this game, not to let paying supporters down so that they become stigmatized as wallet warriors etc.


A permanent license would be great, lets say permanent licensen opens the access to some special game modes/items/sections ect. like free fuel, 2 more inventory space, access to play testing servers (PTS) , and ease the grind, or such things…


As obviously the much more expensive license as of today is more money generating for them, the increasíng numbers of player who at least spend some money must do it or there will be side- and additionally-licenses.


I would like to see broze, silver, gold model of permanent licenses and that player who support the SC show and let the servers run and give the devs and designers what they need and deserve should be somehow better respected and rewarded in genral!°


+[DrDeath_ScD & Koro](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/240008-masshomicide/ “Go to DrDeath_ScD’s profile”)


On 8/6/2017 at 9:50 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:


It’s pretty simple.


If you had invested at least 400-500 EUR (including with all main DLCs) in total in this game, you should have the option to unlock and get a permanent Premium license!

Cost of such Premium license could be 60-75 EUR. That’s a way of saying “Thank You!” from the Developers!

Instead, I am getting my resources destroyed and limit cap makes any farming any progression on Ellydium ships useless, because you need to pay to get the drop you need.


So, the message so far was more like: “We don’t give a F*ck!”

The onliest game that i know so far that offered a kind of “lifetime” membership is Star Trek Online and costs 300 bucks for the perma thingy.

Don´t know exactly what the membership in Star Trek offers but it seems like the devs of the game decided to give this offer for player who really wanna play this for a very long time


However in terms of Star Conflict these Perma Licence would need something else next to the 50% bonus that makes it worth to have. Some ideas i would like to throw in here would be:

Full Loot chances - Every node can be searched after a victory (in case of a los 50% can be searched)

Daily Licence Container - No real idea here what this one could/should contain aside from materials or eventually 1 rndm item from every container that is part of the “regular” shop (so event crates don´t count)

Synergy Free Transfer - Pretty self explanatory i think. Synergy can be transfered without of any GS costs into Free Synergy (may defy the purpose of flying the other ships but hey if you spend 300 bucks for an lifetime licence you would convert it anyway ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”))


To tired to have some more ideas atm but those are some that just came into my mind what it could include.

Im actually amazed that the “onliest” word is an actual word xD


I put it up for review, perma license might actually be a good thing when talking about supporting the game and having something given back in return.

Would be nice if it were given free to players that reach a certain point in the game like buy and max all standard ships so that it gives more reason to stay and be another player to fill the queue with. We need as many players to stay in the game as we can. And yes, I have a mouse in my pocket.

Slightly off-topic but i just wanted to say that i really don’t like how the DLC on Steam is “packaged”. Having to buy several very costly packs to get the maximum permanent Synergy bonus while the majority of the packs content is either of subjective value or duplicates. More nuanced choices please ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

On 15.8.2017 at 12:40 AM, Vesperion said:

The onliest game that i know so far that offered a kind of “lifetime” membership is Star Trek Online and costs 300 bucks for the perma thingy.

Robocraft has a permanent license for a while now.


I do think, SC could make that, but might not want to !? It might be a better idea to get income from older players, than introducing new systems each time a new thing is released, just to keep old players farming…


On 5.8.2017 at 12:51 AM, xXConflictionXx said:

Games like this survive off of micro-transactions

“survive” is good. that sounds like, f2p isn’t lucrative.

Do you know StarMade?

You can customize ships all the way you like with 10 guns on them or 50 fighters on them.


But why do I play StarConflict?

Because it has actual PvP matches and respanws implemented.


In StarMade you have no match-maker, that’s the only reason.

… its a GNU/Linux compatible and good space sim game, that’s why I play ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Why play any of these super fancy spacey games when RawBawJaw exists? XD

Or that super big game that he made that’s 2-D but amazing. Like dreadnoughts but not.