Penalty for quiters / obstructers

Since it is so cheap to change side, i see a lot people are abusing this. For example on recon missions, i see a lot people are doing kamikaze attacks as Captains. And they just disconnect. I saw a person did that and on next battle they switched from Empire to Jericho.  


Another example that i saw, a squad of people join the match and they all disconnect from the game in first 10 seconds. Leaving you to fight 7-8 vs 10 that is major advantage to the other side. 

Players that leave the battle do not get any reward.

And they must wait until your match is over until they can start a new match.


Don’t worry too much about who’s on what side.  I think that’s the server doing matchmaking more than people playing a side.

Players that leave the battle do not get any reward.

Yes, but the point is, they reduced chances for victory of the team, and that is what they are trying to achieve.

Losing one player is also not a major disadvantage in 10v10.  In 3v3 or 4v4 is can be, but not in 10v10.


If someone disconnects, there could be any number of issues, including life.  About once a week I have to go AFK in the middle of a match.  Either I get disconnected for inactivity, or I come back in time.  There’s no pause.  Maybe they just disconnected because of life?

I saw a person did that and on next battle they switched from Empire to Jericho.

There are no nation vs nation battles, just fights between 2 teams of randomly distributd players.

Yes, but the point is, they reduced chances for victory of the team, and that is what they are trying to achieve.

People play for synergy, not victory, so it hardly matters. Besides, there is any number of reasons to leave a battle. I typically leave when it’s laggy, for example, or when my team is so bad that I really cannot be bothered to waste time on them.

One thing I see increasingly often is commanders switching to T1 ships in T3 games (and even though they have T3 ships lined up). Those guys also have abysmal DSR so they’re probably not even trolling but just dumb. No solution for that either…

Seen an intentional disconnect yesterday in a combat recon game. Whoever it was, he was selected as cap and in the next second he was out, leaving his other selected cap unknowingly charge in and die in 1 min (i was cap on our side). Battle ends REAL QUICK, re-queue, the guy who disconnected was there. That was NOT a random ‘gtg afk’ situation, that was an abuse.