Peg Com Cup!

Hello fellow mercenaries!


Pegasus Command started a tradition on our old game BSGO with Peg Com Cup.  It is our guild sponsored, game wide, PvP tournament.   As we progress in the game we will open the Peg Com Cup up to more end game ships, but we can’t atm so keep this in mind.  It will be a double elimination, best of 5 in 1 v 1 matches. Each match will need to be videoed to be placed on this thread, so we can see your work!  Prizes will be a 20 USD steam card to the winner in each class sent to you via email or discord direct message, this Peg Com Cup will cover 3 ship classes.  Now for the rules.


1.  All matches will take place as custom battles, both pilots must agree on the map used, and all settings.

2.  The winner of a match is the pilot with the most kills at the end of the match.  The pts, or who wins the map don’t matter, its the kills baby!

3.  As you see in 2 while beacons do not matter in the wins, you can use them tactically to make a match shorter, so they do have a purpose.

4.  All matches are 1 v 1.

5.  Only tier 9 or less ships can be use, and alien ships are out for this contest. 

6.  Ships set up and gear are anything allowed by the game.

7.  The ships must be either a fighter, frigate, or Interceptor.

8.  Any complaints need to be made to me via email at I do not take part in the tournament for this reason. 

9.  If you are unhappy with any outcome on a complaint you can appeal to our guild Judicial System found

  1. Pilots can enter only one account, and only one ship per class.  So you can take part in and maybe win all three.


Deadline to enter is 31 MAR 19 at 8pm Eastern time.


Enter by posting here or if a Peg Com members on our website.  After that date I will post brackets matching pilots here.  I will set dates for the matches to be completed.  Failure to complete a match without notice will result in a lose.  Also if pilots matched have an issue with recording let me know and we can do it for you.


Remember to have fun!


Hope to meet some great pilots.




IGN: Johnnynator

Interceptor: Kris AE

Fighter: Nukem 1

Frigate: Crus S


1 hour ago, pegasuscommandst said:

best of 5 in 1 v 1 matches


Imo best of 3 is plenty enough considering that one battle last ~10 minutes. Also 1v1 tournaments in this game are played by one kill per round and a map reset after every kill (can be forced by using the Beacon Capture game mode)

19 hours ago, John161 said:

IGN: Johnnynator

Interceptor: Kris AE

Fighter: Nukem 1

Frigate: Crus S


Imo best of 3 is plenty enough considering that one battle last ~10 minutes. Also 1v1 tournaments in this game are played by one kill per round and a map reset after every kill (can be forced by using the Beacon Capture game mode)


Great thanks for taking part.  I agree that best of 3 is shorter and fine for the most part, but I did the best of 5 to get us more experience.  We are mostly fairly new to the game at this point and more enthusiasm than skill lolz.  Future Peg Com Cups will be best of three as they were on BSGO were we had been since 2011.

Hope to see more want in on this.  So far Peg Com has the following:





DannyWhite (Frigate only)

Bionic Bean


Ben Hoffman




I expect a few more from us.


Add AceMcKool 


Unless stated pilots are entering all classes

Videos of matches need to be sent to me at or posted on this thread by 8 pm Eastern time- 8 APR 19.  If there is any issue just let me know.


Round 1 Brackets


Fighter Class:


Avenger12 v AceMcKool


Johnnynator v Treupath


Borka v Just1


Bionic Bean v Ben Hoffman


Dunsel v NexXxus



Frigates Class:


 Treupath has by due to 11 players


same matches as above but for this:


Johnnynator v Dannywhite



Interceptor Class:


Same as fighter


Videos due to me by, 15 APR 19 at 8 pm Eastern


Round 2:


Fighter Class:


AceMcKool v Dunsel (both have 1 loss)


Johnnynator v Just1 (Just has 1 loss)


NexXxus v Treupath  (Treupath has 1 loss)


Borka v Bionic_Bean (Bionic has 1 loss)


BenHoffman v Avenger12 (Ben has 1 loss)


Interceptor Class:

AceMcKool v Dunsel (both have 1 loss)


Johnnynator v Just1 (Just has 1 loss)


NexXxus v Treupath  (Treupath has 1 loss)


Borka v Bionic_Bean (Bionic has 1 loss)


BenHoffman v Avenger12 (Ben has 1 loss)


Frigate Class: 






Videos due to me by, 28 APR 19 at 8 pm Eastern

Round 3:


Fighter Class:


AceMcKool v Johnnynator (undefeated)

NexXxus v Borka (NexXxus 1 loss)

 Avenger12 v (Treupath has 1 loss)



Interceptor Class:


AceMcKool v Johnnynator (undefeated)

NexXxus v Borka (NexXxus 1 loss)

 Avenger12 v (Treupath has 1 loss)


Frigate Class: 


Borka has by:

Johnnynator v AceMckool

Avenger12 v Treupath

NexXus v Dannywhite


Round 4:

vids to me by 8pm Eastern 6 MAY 19

Out:  NexXxus, Treupath for all but Fighter class


Fighter Class:

Treupath has by


AceMckool v. Borka (Ace and Borka have 1 loss)

Johnnynator v Avenger12 (Avenger has 1 loss)


Interceptor Class:

AceMckool v. Borka (Ace and Borka have 1 loss)

Johnnynator v Avenger12 (Avenger has 1 loss)


Frigate Class:

By Avenger12

Borka vs Johnnynator (no losses)

AceMckool vs Dannywhite (both have 1 loss)


Round 5:

Vids to me 13 MAY 19 by 8pm Eastern.


Out:  Danny, Borka all but Frigates, Avenger12 all but Frigates


Fighter Class:

Truepath vs AceMcKool (each has 1 loss)


Winner meets Johnnynator for class final and Peg Com Cup Win!


Interceptor Class:


AccMcKool vs Johnnynator


Winner is Peg Com Cup Champ for Class


Frigate Class:

Avenger12 vs AceMcKool (each has 1 loss)


Winner meets JohnnyNator for class final and Peg Com Cup Win!


Good Luck all! 

Peg Com Cup is back! Now up to T 15 ships and Destroyers allowed.

Pegasus Command started a tradition on our old game BSGO with Peg Com Cup.  It is our guild sponsored, game wide, PvP tournament.  It will be a double elimination, best of 3 in 1 v 1 matches. Each match will need be videoed to be place on this thread so we can see your work!  Prizes will be a 20 USD steam card to the winner in each class sent to you via email or discord direct message, this Peg Com Cup will cover 3 ship classes.  Now for the rules.


1.  All matches will take place as custom battles, both pilots must agree on the map used, and all settings.

2.  The winner of a match is the pilot with the most kills at the end of the match.  The pts, or who wins the map don’t matter, its the kills baby!

3.  As you see in 2 while beacons do not matter in the wins, you can use them tactically to make a match shorter, so they do have a purpose.

4.  All matches are 1 v 1.

5.  Only tier 7 to tier 15 ships can be used.  Alien ships are out for this contest. 

6.  Ships set up and gear are anything allowed by the game. Alien weapons are fine.

7.  The ships must be either a fighter, frigate, or Destroyer.

8.  Any complaints need to be made to me via email at I do not take part in the tournament for this reason. 

9.  If you are unhappy with any outcome on a complaint you can appeal to our guild Judicial System found at

  1. Pilots can enter only one account, and only one ship per class.  So you can take part in and maybe win all three.


Deadline to enter is 5 JUL 19 at 8pm Eastern time.


Enter by posting on this thread.  After that date I will post brackets matching pilots here.  I will set dates for the matches to be completed.  Failure to complete a match without notice will result in a forfeit.  Also if pilots matched have an issue with recording let me know and we can do it for you.


Remember to have fun!


Also our discord is open, the invite link is at under guild discord, that is the best way to set up matches ect…I am Aer in there just message me when you arrive.

[@pegasuscommandst](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/262674-pegasuscommandst/) If you copy a message out of you forum, use the remove format button here (next to the yellow warning sign) to remove the background/text color, it always looks weird having your posts in a different color. Also your background - text contrast imo should be higher.

4 hours ago, John161 said:

[@pegasuscommandst](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/262674-pegasuscommandst/) If you copy a message out of you forum, use the remove format button here (next to the yellow warning sign) to remove the background/text color, it always looks weird having your posts in a different color. Also your background - text contrast imo should be higher.


Paste as a plain text

Peg Com Cup is back!

Pegasus Command started a tradition on our old game BSGO with Peg Com Cup.  It is our guild sponsored, game wide, PvP tournament.  It will be a double elimination, best of 3 in 1 v 1 matches. Each match will need be videoed to be place on this thread so we can see your work!  Prizes will be a 20 USD steam card to the winner in each class sent to you via email or discord direct message, this Peg Com Cup will cover 3 ship classes.  Now for the rules.


1.  All matches will take place as custom battles, both pilots must agree on the map used, and all settings.

2.  The winner of a match is the pilot with the most kills at the end of the match.  The pts, or who wins the map don’t matter, its the kills baby!

3.  As you see in 2 while beacons do not matter in the wins, you can use them tactically to make a match shorter, so they do have a purpose.

4.  All matches are 1 v 1.

5.  Only tier 7 to tier 15 ships can be used.  Alien ships are out for this contest. 

6.  Ships set up and gear are anything allowed by the game. Alien weapons are fine.

7.  The ships must be either a fighter, frigate, or Destroyer.

8.  Any complaints need to be made to me via email at I do not take part in the tournament for this reason. 

9.  If you are unhappy with any outcome on a complaint you can appeal to our guild Judicial System found at

  1. Pilots can enter only one account, and only one ship per class.  So you can take part in and maybe win all three.


Deadline to enter is 5 JUL 19 at 8pm Eastern time.


Enter by posting on this thread.  After that date I will post brackets matching pilots here.  I will set dates for the matches to be completed.  Failure to complete a match without notice will result in a forfeit.  Also if pilots matched have an issue with recording let me know and we can do it for you.


Remember to have fun!

Our 3rd Star Conflict Peg Com Cup is back!


1.  All matches will take place as custom battles, both pilots must agree on the map used, and all settings.

2.  The winner of a match is the pilot with the most kills at the end of the match.  The pts, or who wins the map don’t matter, its the kills baby!

3.  All matches are 1 v 1.

4.  Only tier 7 to tier 17 ships can be used.  Alien ships are out for this contest. 

5.  Ships set up and gear are anything allowed by the game. Alien weapons are fine.

6.  The ships must be either a fighter, frigate, or Destroyer.

7.  Any complaints need to be made to me via email at I do not take part in the tournament for this reason. 

8.  If you are unhappy with any outcome on a complaint you can appeal to our guild Judicial System found at

  1. Pilots can enter only one account, and only one ship per match.  So you can take part in and maybe win all three.

10.  The prize for the winner of each tier is a 20 USD Steam Card.  The number will be sent to the winner via email or discord message.


You can find the invite link to our discord on our site at, this will be the best way to contact us and keep up to date on brackets and such,


This is open to all players and all are welcome!


Deadline to enter is 23 SEP 19 at 12AM UTC/8pm Eastern time.


Enter by posting on this thread.  After that date I will post brackets matching pilots here.  I will set dates for the matches to be completed.  Failure to complete a match without notice will result in a forfeit.  Also if pilots matched have an issue with recording let me know and we can do it for you.


I would like to enter this.


ship class: Fighter


and question am I allowed to take multiple ships of the same class or can I take multiple of the same class


On 9/9/2019 at 6:49 PM, pegasuscommandst said:

and only one ship per class. 

This part in the rules always strikes me as somewhat weird, I read it as I have to choose a specific ship beforehand and use it in any battle and can never switch, but at least in the first cup players did switch their ships over time e.g. because they got new ones. The rule itself is probably more meant to just say: “You as a player can only enter once per class”

38 minutes ago, ComradeJedus said:

I would like to enter this.


You should specify AFAIK which classes (or just all).

On 9/16/2019 at 2:33 AM, John161 said:

This part in the rules always strikes me as somewhat weird, I read it as I have to choose a specific ship beforehand and use it in any battle and can never switch, but at least in the first cup players did switch their ships over time e.g. because they got new ones. The rule itself is probably more meant to just say: “You as a player can only enter once per class”


Yes what it means is no switching ships during a match, you can between matches.  And if the two players agree then you can in a match but that in general should not be happening.  I think it read clearer now lol

On 9/16/2019 at 1:55 AM, ComradeJedus said:

I would like to enter this.


ship class: Fighter


and question am I allowed to take multiple ships of the same class or can I take multiple of the same class



Welcome, I have you in the Fighter class. If you want to be in the other two let me know. Also thanks for coming to our discord.