Peg Com Cup!

Well I’m a bit late but I think I may as well toss my name in.


IGN: DerpNukem
Class: Destroyer

On 9/9/2019 at 6:49 PM, pegasuscommandst said:

Alien ships are out for this contest.

ooof I cant play. no taikin = no win

20 minutes ago, Oceandust said:

ooof I cant play. no taikin = no win

Inties as a whole are not allowed, so Tai’Kin is out of the race either way.

3 minutes ago, John161 said:

Inties as a whole are not allowed, so Tai’Kin is out of the race either way.

well then this competition is not interesting at all for me.

Peg Com Cup Brackets:  Round 1, Vids due by Midnight UTC 14 OCT 19




Comradsatan v Avenger12

Balier v Dunsel

Just1 v Compdog

Neoncreepr1 v Squange

Treupath v Tert




Avenger12 v Compdog

Balier v Dunsel

Neoncreeper1 v Squange

Just1 v Truepath





Compdog  v Avenger12

Treupath v Just1

Neoncreeper1 v Squange

Balier v Dunsel

Tert v Tainted

Peg Com Cup is back!

Pegasus Command started a tradition on our old game BSGO with Peg Com Cup.  It is our guild sponsored, game wide, PvP tournament.  It will be a double elimination, best of 3 in 1 v 1 matches. Each match will need be videoed to be place on this thread so we can see your work!  Prizes will be a 10 USD steam card to the winner in each class sent to you via email or discord direct message, this Peg Com Cup will cover 3 ship classes.  Now for the rules.


1.  All matches will take place as custom battles, both pilots must agree on the map used, and all settings.

2.  The winner of a match is the pilot who kills their opponent first.  The pts, or who wins the map don’t matter, its the kills baby!

3.  All matches are 1 v 1.

4.  Only tier 5 to tier 15 ships can be used.  Alien ships are out for this contest. 

5.  Ships set up and gear are anything allowed by the game, other than Alien gear.

6.  The ships must be either a fighter, frigate, or Destroyer.

7.  Any complaints need to be made to me via email at I do not take part in the tournament for this reason. 

8.  If you are unhappy with any outcome on a complaint you can appeal to our guild Judicial System found at

  1. Pilots can enter only one account, and only one ship per class.  So you can take part in and maybe win all three.

  2. No premium ships may be used. 

  3. Players can mod the rules if their is agreement between both parties, no one has to agree to changes.


Deadline to enter is 3 AUG 20 at 8pm Eastern time.


Enter by posting on this thread.  After that date I will post brackets matching pilots here.  I will set dates for the matches to be completed.  Failure to complete a match without notice will result in a forfeit.  Also if pilots matched have an issue with recording let me know and we can do it for you. You are also welcome to come to our discord for the Peg Com Cup as it makes matches ect much easier to set up, link to our discord is here


Remember to have fun!