


Also, dreadnought general.


that smarts

Avoid the beam and you won’t get hit, pilot!

Avoid the beam and you won’t get hit, pilot!

Gets a bit harder when you’re dogfighting.

Wow ! That damage is insane!

Me want dreadnought battle!

Gets a bit harder when you’re dogfighting.

It’s a quote from a game and is Command’s response to a pilot complaining about friendly fire ;p

Oh wait, friendly fire was on? :stuck_out_tongue:

For dreadnoughts I think those huge guns kill you even if you are friendly XD

In old SecCon, friendly fire was activated. I hope it’s the same in this iteration :smiley:

Friendly fire is indeed on in Dreadnought battle.

It’s a quote from a game and is Command’s response to a pilot complaining about friendly fire ;p

Oh. :stuck_out_tongue:



Oh wait, friendly fire was on? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I think I might have hurt some friendlies. Singularity cannon rules!

ping 7… so jealous. 

ping 7… so jealous. 


He practically lives next door to the US servers…

ping 7… so jealous. 

My connection:


Austin, TX —Google fiber—> Dallas, TX

Reminds me of the time I got stuck when the BOJ dread crossed beams with the enemy dread…

I got a facefull of laser.

I also saw what happens when a drone gets caught in the laser.

it gets toasted faster than a potato strapped to a nuclear bomb right as said bomb detonates.




Someone needs to find out how to survive this… I wanna see it happen.

I always wonder: was the “500” on the 100500 reeeally necessary…?

Maybe it is balancing to make sure the dreadnoughts do enough damage to each other XD


Does EB stop it? If not, then wait until T5 and try to pimp out your Inquisitor S, but I doubt you’ll get 100.5k pure hitpoints XD


The other way to survive is…avoid the beam and you won’t get hit, pilot!