AYE, i i checkd out how much a Secret project ship costs.

i placed a 100€ on my steam and spended it on STAR CONFLICT !!


Now i bought with the full 100€, Gold standards. (to check how much such a ship costs)


to tell you its a gamble. buying the containers becoz you get 0 at least 3 times in a row.


so that means that a ship is between 80 and a 100 € or more if you have bad luck .???


where is this game going to … i saw the commurtial about the new DLC … and what did you gus do … throw them on steam without gold standards when you buy a DLC !!


Star Conflict is an awesome Game , But Gajin your MESSING it up and you wonder why no one stayd and why you guys dont make enuff money … come on stop this noncenses.

AYE, i i checkd out how much a Secret project ship costs.

i placed a 100€ on my steam and spended it on STAR CONFLICT !!


Now i bought with the full 100€, Gold standards. (to check how much such a ship costs)


to tell you its a gamble. buying the containers becoz you get 0 at least 3 times in a row.


so that means that a ship is between 80 and a 100 € or more if you have bad luck .???


where is this game going to … i saw the commurtial about the new DLC … and what did you gus do … throw them on steam without gold standards when you buy a DLC !!


Star Conflict is an awesome Game , But Gajin your MESSING it up and you wonder why no one stayd and why you guys dont make enuff money … come on stop this noncenses.

Some people said that it costs over 200EUR, but nobody actually told me, how much resources did he get and how many monocrystals.

It depends on your luck

I do get average 4/5 Monocrystals / Contraband which costs me 350 GS

Do simple math before you buy dozens of GS

Average ship cost, let it be 475 Monos

With 4 average you will need 118,75 Containers

Times 350

41562 GS

Equals about 100 euros

Which can grow up to 150 euros if you have a bad luck

It depends on your luck

I do get average 4/5 Monocrystals / Contraband which costs me 350 GS

Do simple math before you buy dozens of GS

Average ship cost, let it be 475 Monos

With 4 average you will need 118,75 Containers

Times 350

41562 GS

Equals about 100 euros

Which can grow up to 150 euros if you have a bad luck

Average cost is 550 for me, if you want more “deluxe” builds. It can get over 600 as well.

Or you could spend $20 on containers and get the rest of the materials in invasion idk I’m just throwing that out there…

But I do agree that everything in this game is overpriced. I’ve probably spent around $300 on this game over the past few years.

And the new premium DLC ships are so overpriced I was speechless when I first saw them. Who the hell would ever pay that much for a single ship?!?!

If you could simply buy them, they would be nothing special and just “like” premium ships.

If you could simply buy them, they would be nothing special and just “like” premium ships.


Then why is it possible to simply buy them? Yeah, thought $o.

I dunno, you spent $100 on a gamble and lost. Bit of a waste of $100. And that was to get only 1 ship lol. I would have thought that it is obvious it is a bad way to get a SP ship.


I think I’ll be lucky to build 1 ship, especially considering how dull the daily missions are. Lets just hope there will be more ways to get monocrystals soon (T4/5 pvp rewards…wink wink nudge nudge )

It has been said for almost a year that buying enough crystals for a SP cost around 40k GS. Kyostan even did a video of that.


I can tell you that it is right, more or less is that amount of GS to buy the crystals.


But funny thing is that you don’t need the SP, really, they are the ULTIMATE ships, they should cost a lot ot build. And even then, some of them are really bad against their rank 15 counterparts.


Also, you can get all the materials for free. It will take time, but if you are not in a hurry, it is quite easy to do.

And the fact that scrapping ships doesn’t give back all the materials makes it even worse.

I bought around 20 100Gold containers during the sales… and i got 0 Monos 50% of the time. When i didnt get 0 i got 1 Mono like 80 %, and one time i got 8. The Rest was 2 or 3. So in general u get about 1 Mono for one container. That is one Mono for 100 Gold.

100g containers are the worse for Monos, and in a long run it averages to 1 mono per 2 containers.

350g containers have much better gold/monos ratio, still quit expensive even on sale.

I have found that simply working for the secret project ships doesn’t take too terribly long. Since a ship typically costs around 450 monos, and you can get 9 a day, it works out to 50 days. So in 2 months, you can have a secret project ship. Where I have found that the contraband’s are useful is in speeding that up. If you don’t wanna grind the whole 50 days, you can buy some contrabands to reduce the time it will take you, but in no way do I think it is worth it to spend over $100 to get the ship instantly.

It’s somewhat of a pity, though. They decreased the mono count per container since when they were giving about 7 or 10 per good drop. (If I remember correctly)

The containers have decreased in value, while the price remains about the same. 

Even when it was a better deal, though, it was a bad trade, and now it’s just worse. 

I do not recommend to use those containers as your source of monocrystals.

I would recommend buying them, if there would be another container, called monocrystal container, which would ALWAYS bring 10 of them in each package for the same price of 350GS.


As for the mono grind. You need to own a Premium License to get 9 per day. Then you need to have an excess amount of credits, if you want to salvage proper components and not just monocrystals.

Monocrystals alone are not enough. You need other resources too and most likely to aid you with some of them is the Spatial Scanner.

For me the problem are the damned Computing Chips, I have a crapton of other resources, including hundreds of Monocrystals, but I can’t seem to get the Computing Chips needed to craft almost any part of the ship… 

For me the problem are the damned Computing Chips, I have a crapton of other resources, including hundreds of Monocrystals, but I can’t seem to get the Computing Chips needed to craft almost any part of the ship… 

I tried to salvage all previous known means to obtain computing chips, but I failed, since I only got osmium crystals and graphite plates from such items.

There are only 2 possibilities now. Different item type, or complete removal of getting the computing chips from tier IV or tier V mark 2 salvaging.

For me the problem are the damned Computing Chips, I have a crapton of other resources, including hundreds of Monocrystals, but I can’t seem to get the Computing Chips needed to craft almost any part of the ship… 

I’ll give you a nice tip, but you have to constantly check it:


T5 reactor overload module is the cheapest by far (94k to buy and like 250k to upgrade to mk2), and since items recieved by salvage randomly swaps from mod to mod, you will have 5 computing chips and 5 something else (metal blank/graphite plate?) from salvaging T5 reactor overload mk2. Last time i salvaged reactor overload T5 (this week) i got the 5 computing chips, so i spend like 6kk of those the get what i needed :smiley: credits come and go so dont worry about giving them a good use :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll give you a nice tip, but you have to constantly check it:


T5 reactor overload module is the cheapest by far (94k to buy and like 250k to upgrade to mk2), and since items recieved by salvage randomly swaps from mod to mod, you will have 5 computing chips and 5 something else (metal blank/graphite plate?) from salvaging T5 reactor overload mk2. Last time i salvaged reactor overload T5 (this week) i got the 5 computing chips, so i spend like 6kk of those the get what i needed :smiley: credits come and go so dont worry about giving them a good use :stuck_out_tongue:


Thank you, really, I just savaged any mk2 and 4 kit I had and I couldn’t find a decent source of Computing Chips but this one is so cheap and gives a very good amount of them. Thanks a bunch. 


Might know also a good source of Osmium Crystals?

Thank you, really, I just savaged any mk2 and 4 kit I had and I couldn’t find a decent source of Computing Chips but this one is so cheap and gives a very good amount of them. Thanks a bunch. 


Might know also a good source of Osmium Crystals?

I checked reactor overload a few days back and I got different resources. It seems, that they change salvaging every now and then.