Other games to play

A little friendly advise: Download the MODManagers first, they’ll come in handy (to install, uninstall, update, etc.) and you’ll suffer less :wink:

Anyone tried BSG: Diaspora? Its a fanmade standalone mod… but its free and omg. its the exact epic BSG battle feeling. 


Also: Nexus: Jupiter Incident is a real Gem. 


If you can live with crude graphics check out System Shock 2, for me its still the best game ever made. 

I played Beyond the Red Line a few years ago  which Diaspora is a fork of.  No multiplayer, not much of anything after you beat it.  How is Diaspora?

i installed and used steam first time 9 years ago. until 2 years ago, i actually hated it, and only used it if the game really needed it. it was clumsy back then, crashed a lot, used resources, etc.


2 years ago then i discovered, that steam became much better as software, and actually i really started to like it, as younger players told me they even use it as a start manager or messenger. which i am happy about because i hated the msn generation.


but the latest builds of steam are really creepingly awesome. i installed win8 a week ago or so on an ssd, and started my old steam installation on my old disk, which became D: instead of C:. it did something for a long time, but then to my surprise it was installed and active with all my previously installed games ready to go. except restarting arma to get my profile so i can play dayz, everything worked instantly, i havent installed anything and could play stuff like sconflict before i even finished setting up the pc.


so the stigma i had for steam is long gone, instead, i hate origin now, because its a useless clone which always pops up windows for me without any ability to make it stop. in steam, they deactivated that, and you only see news once you enter the steam window once.

also, steam runs pretty well on linux and i can use my laptop to play some games on it, on holidays, which is pretty cool.


finally, skype does not have to run, ts3+steam has IM enough for all the players you know.

btw. anyone seen space engineers? public alpha launches tomorrow on steam. i love it already.

[2 posts above]

Yeah, maybe it manages stuff good. But what i hate about it is that it’s an intermediary program between the game and the system. If it happens to fck up you get all the chances to fck everything up while running a game / software. Also there are annoying alt-tabbing pop-ups. And also it makes your computer eat more while running, especially if updating / displaying ads giving an occasional brief frame lock. At least that’s my experience with ANY intermediary software. The most annoying is Java which nearly insta-kills your memory on more complex stuff developed around it (Minecraft, ArchiCAD etc.). If at all possible i want to run my games / softwares clean and built on their own engines.

At 4 AM I suddenly realise I should probaly stop playing minecraft and sleep…~New Game~

yes, the intermediary thing can be annoying, however, you can deactivate steam community ingame in the steam settings. then steam just checks the game at startup.


steam does however not update while a game is running it itself manages and lets you disable all kinds of annoyances; i don’t have issues with it anymore, and i am very sensitive to misbehaving software.


also, i rather have steam doing these things, than every half baked software engineer putting in a little facebook in their game, or friend systems you cannot even join a friend easy into a game, broken chats etc…


the network lag caused by steam profile updates (badges, etc.) did hardly bother me yet, and is usually also a bit dependent on the game and how they implement the steam connectivity in their game; while the overlay itself should not affect much as long as its not activated.


steam is kinda like the lesser of all evils.

as i said, at least i got rid of skype running. and yeah java… probably that problem goes away with the linux-steambox, if it takes over the world. :smiley: (java does not have a separate update demon there, and all those update demons are actually a windows architecture problem)


anyway i only use java for mc. and i hardly play mc. but i get what you’re saying. just saying, it was a lot worse. steam is pretty stable now.


2 years ago i would have cursed on steam with you probably, so i really changed my mind there.

At 4 AM I suddenly realise I should probaly stop playing minecraft and sleep…~New Game~

Do you still store everything in chests like a little xxxxx? =P


Or do you do what I do:


I am just mostly playing around in peaceful in survival, trying out things before I start a real survival map.

But right now I got mostly:


EVE online collectors edition is in  cheer3-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286249


So happy, time to waste my time playing EVE online.


Fear ze uprising of the onion heads! 

EVE online collectors edition is in  cheer3-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286249


So happy, time to waste my time playing EVE online.


Fear ze uprising of the onion heads! 

The only thing worth the collectors was the music CD and the book. And I’m not paying 150 € for that…

It’s actually not bad at all.

The codes are worth about 100 euro in game right now(ISK > plex > RL money), the Rifter USB hub is really nice, though feels weak its cable is really short.

The art/history book seems really nice, the CD I will listen to in a short bit, the danger game I’ll check later as well. 


For me it was worth the 150 euro, but I can fully understand why someone else would think differently.

I am just mostly playing around in peaceful in survival, trying out things before I start a real survival map.

But right now I got mostly:


DAT FOV!! That was horrible in UT, it’s horrible here, lol


Also, yes, you’re a chest xxxxx. Figured as much.

Gotta keep things clean :stuck_out_tongue:

What activity are you doing in Eve to get your shiney ISK?

(just curiosity)

Selling collectors edition stuff right now xD

Last few months I’ve been sitting in station, logging in every few days to up the training queue.


It used to be missioning though, something I am looking forward to in Rubicon(2x bastion paladin ftw(Buying a paladin alt with my ISK once I get that golden pod implant sold))

Anyone tried Strike Suit Zero? Looks awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGRl9iNYVDc

It looks partly great, but doesn’t look like the kind of game for me.




