Orion Nexus

Adding you now General :wink:

Iā€™d like to join. Right now im running support frig. I dont have beta forum access for some reason, i post a reply to the thread yesterday but still havenā€™t gotten anything. Also wher you guys from? I know most of the game is in russian and i dont wanna get caught up in the wrong zone. Im U.S

Hi there,

I dont see the function about the clan in this beta since we cant even add friends :frowning:

So can you tell me how to play ingame together?

  • lubo -

Teams, Clans and the rest will follow soon;)

Id like to be part of this clan :slight_smile:

Adding you now :slight_smile:

Since I have lost all hope and interest in this game, I am officially disbanding this clan. I suggest you move on to another game, if you havenā€™t already. Games you might like:

-Planetside 2 (Best MMOFPS, ever. Nominated to 26 awards and won 15 at E3.)

-End of Nations (nextgen RTS)

-Starbound (Terraria-like game)(If you donā€™t know what terraria is, think of minecraft in 2D. Its much better than minecraft, much more content.)(Starbound is the next game, and itā€™s coming along nicely)

-Firefall (interesting concept and iā€™m in the beta. Its a MMORPGFPS,PvE, PvP, Mining, Crafting, City defense, sieges. Itā€™s a futuristic game, like Planetside 2.)

-Family Guy Online (First MMOLOL ever ^^ kinda funny but still in beta phase, but even they make better progress than this game.)

Thats it folks :slight_smile: If you wanna play something with me or start a clan/guild/outfit(its called like this in Planetside 2), email me at pedroalexxxferreira@gmail.com.

Hello I am new and would like to join an active clan.B)

i wanna join the clan