Open space

I was just thinking, it would be a nice idea if you would add blueprints for special modules that would, once activated, send one random item from your inventory every few minutes back to station. It is kinda a pain to have so few inventory slots, needing to go back to station unless youre far away to have those drones accessible plus when there are a lot of players its usually a cluster and takes you a good amount of time to get to one.


Or, make it a possibility for us to just come back to the main station and dump our cargo without the need to dock and undock again at the very least.




I was just thinking, it would be a nice idea if you would add blueprints for special modules that would, once activated, send one random item from your inventory every few minutes back to station. It is kinda a pain to have so few inventory slots, needing to go back to station unless youre far away to have those drones accessible plus when there are a lot of players its usually a cluster and takes you a good amount of time to get to one.

Or, make it a possibility for us to just come back to the main station and dump our cargo without the need to dock and undock again at the very least.


Use drones. If people are using them, go to dangerous sectors and kill them. You will be able to collect thier loot and then use the drones uncontested.

It’s what I do.

I’m not a badass, I’m just a high competitive carebear.


This is not Eve Online they said… but once you get into Eve Online, everything is Eve Online.


PS: xxxx you CCP, for the free days you gave me…

I didn’t even look at those mails. I was like “hmmmmmmmnnyeehh, no.” Cause I know that, if I start playing it again, I won’t stop. Again…

I didn’t even look at those mails. I was like “hmmmmmmmnnyeehh, no.” Cause I know that, if I start playing it again, I won’t stop. Again…

It was fun, because I was deep into Curse, but I found my old corp moved to some Caldari Low sec, about 70 sectors from our latest position. I was flying using my safe points to avoid the usual bubble camps in my thrusty traveling crow, when somebody told me in the chat “Why are you doing that in an interceptor?” So I noticed interceptors now are bubble inmune!!


Travelling null was never so cheap and easy.


But I don’t think I will keep playing. Being in null is fun and easy, and you can just switch clones and play some missions or incursions for farming. But low sec is a pain because of the status… And I don’t want to move all my ships there. I’m using interceptors and HACs till my account expires again.

Evis uses this technique when killin ships with ease.

Not sure if this is a dead thread, but maybe cargo slots could be expanded, something along the lines of Earth & Beyond, and enable access to inventory from different sectors other than home. Flying one or two sectors to drop cargo is a PITA, especially when it’s just six slots on a slow frigate. Maybe an option to cash them in would be good idea, as well.