Open Space Adventures

Also if you have the alien ammo blueprints you can use them to get double synergy for alien kills, instead of 90mins you would be done in like 40-50 easily and now you can get more xenos than ever to craft them.



Way to go xd, if you can spend 300GS for a one day premium, the one session synergy limit is doubled, also u get 50% more syn on top of everything.



Luring alien group on pirates. Nice sharing for those who never thought about that.

I think i’ll make the Ska Ra after all. Looks pretty nice for OS, hitting whole groups like that. I never cared about it for pvp. But… that new pew pew sound might be too annoying.

I’d go for the scatter gun with spread reduced, does a ton of damage to aliens due to negative EM resist.

Maybe these prove to be helpful.

so, does this event actually have a daily schedule? 

Well it had but I can’t keep it up on my own + not many people know what i know so i cant have randoms leading it.



You’re doing great, you still have a long way to go to take down my record ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


On 3/16/2017 at 9:34 AM, ORCA1911 said:

I’d go for the scatter gun with spread reduced, does a ton of damage to aliens due to negative EM resist. ------well i cant type in the comment section so i’ll put it here. I don’t like scatter gun and i don’t play Recon in OS. No damage beside main gun and missile slot. Thanks for your proposition though.



Here’s one from my latest syn farm ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


I’d like to do one of these some time, mostly I just use a solo destroyer.

Hey, wasn’t there a gate probe that collects and stores your items? I can’t seem to find them next to the gate? Flying all the way back to base is a pain.

2 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

Hey, wasn’t there a gate probe that collects and stores your items? I can’t seem to find them next to the gate? Flying all the way back to base is a pain.

Cringe level is too damn high lol

read this ^^

I dont know if this has been answered but Im lazy to read the entire thread. what are the times of the event?

Whenever you see me online.

3 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:


Hey, wasn’t there a gate probe that collects and stores your items? I can’t seem to find them next to the gate? Flying all the way back to base is a pain.

I cri at this part

allright then I’ll add you, orca.

4 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

I’d like to do one of these some time, mostly I just use a solo destroyer.

Hey, wasn’t there a gate probe that collects and stores your items? I can’t seem to find them next to the gate? Flying all the way back to base is a pain.

there you go buddy, seems nobody wants to help

map’s outdated but all drones are there.
