Open Space Adventures

Open Space Adventures
by ORCA1911

Operation OSA will be a community based daily event with me (or anyone else interested here) as a host. It will cover raids on Alien worlds, material farming as well as mass synergy farming where everyone gets a piece of the “cake”.

Anyone can participate with rank 7 ships and above and it’s a great way to promote team based behavior in every way and not just corporal based one, one for all and all for one!

Some organised events will be streamed or posted on youtube as videos or both so if you are interested in custom stuff and exploration and explosions, hit me up, leave a comment and the event arrangements can start.

Welcome to the OSA team!









If OS had anything to give any more I would definitely join you, but as of now, Open Space is essentially pointless unless you have hours and hours to spend in it.

Orca showed me a screen shot of his post battle screen after being in os for something like 1 hour and that screen shot is more than enough to persuade me into it.

Maybe he should post it as incentive

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

If OS had anything to give any more I would definitely join you, but as of now, Open Space is essentially pointless unless you have hours and hours to spend in it.

There’s plenty to do IF you don’t have every ship and material and are sick of playing games in general lol

4 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Orca showed me a screen shot of his post battle screen after being in os for something like 1 hour and that screen shot is more than enough to persuade me into it.


4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Maybe he should post it as incentive

I posted some of my screenies, i wish i do them more often but here are some in the spoiler worth noting.

A small problem of OS for me is: No stacking resources(I hate to have to use drone every 30s… just because I looted 3 shards, 1 van and 1 other thing). The missions itself doesn’t refresh w/o docking AND you need again to fly to Sector x. Even with 700m/s ships, flying 3+ sectors, farming there and then docking back(because you may want to play PvP/E/Coop for variety) is quite time consuming to go back where you was.

This topic is for those who like playing Open Space, I have already set up everything, all I need is people.

I like OS, but have other things to do recently and the rest of the time is reserved for OS missions/event. :confused:
Maybe at the weekend? But need forum time else friend request.

Hit me up ingame once u have time, same nick as here.

Today i had one player that was interested in the OSA project, was fun, lookin forward to more people ! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Edit: and today a whole team of people, looking good ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

The event is still ongoing for those who want to participate in it!

Great stuff; ORCA’s guides are the only way to do SC the right way! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

THX! Here are some vids to help you out guys, not really much but at least i tried lol



Some screenies i took these days 










If Destroyer get access to some point to laser weapons, TS with you, I could produce a video too w/o hud. Then we could hunt those pesky aliens, blow pirates and help guards protecting the transports. Dreams… They will never stop.

I hunt transports  evil.png

The good or cyber/pirate ones?

All of them  evil.png

For anyone interested i would like to exchange any berylium or neodium ore i find in open space for crystal shards or processing block/battery (not the credit items, only building materials).

Orca, just came over your topic…


Would you like to give us this, also:

On 2.11.2016 at 8:17 PM, xXConflictionXx said:

Orca showed me a screen shot of his post battle screen after being in os for something like 1 hour and that screen shot is more than enough to persuade me into it.



On 3.11.2016 at 11:53 AM, ORCA1911 said:

This topic is for those who like playing Open Space, I have already set up everything, all I need is people.

I have made a post about mining ship builds, see [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32999-ships-mining-looting-open-space-exploration/)

meant more like a synopsis of previous ideas than original work ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

… hope you like it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)