Op ? or Not ?

They have stupid EB.



They have stay away from the damn beacon ;p 

That frigates are the most played ships. In almost any tier and game mode, except in some big maps with beacons.


Exactly … Frigs or Ints … You proved me right. You can see frigate balls or int swarms but did u see fighter swarm ever? I did once and they died.


And example in T4 with frigate ball and jericho ints I mentiond earlier. In that frigate ball there were veteran pilots, members of this forum, i dont want to name them now. Not just me. And there comes the guy in jericho int and  dance in front of us for about half of a minute and then go away. 5 frigs spend 30 sec shooting at interceptor and nothing. Ridiculous. And somebody tells me that that ints are not OP. This Fermen guy maybe doesn’t speak english very well but he is absolutely right. Ints should be nerfed, maybe more speed but far less hull and shield strength (jericho and empire). There should be more gradation between ship classes. 


About fighters once more… ECM int can destroy tackler (int killer :slight_smile: )  one on one,also the recon.  I m looking on lone gunship or command ships, even lone engy or lrf as a prey  when I fly with int (and I don’t think I m a good pilot myself). Why use a fighter?  … U want valkyrie, coating polarizer, and aegis? Why? Take another frigate and  your team summary hit points and dps will be same. You want gunship? Why? Take cov ops or yet another fed frig outfitted for speed. We are flying with fighters because we like it  but there is not real strategy reason for that.


Many of you, veteran pilots, are accustomed to this state. You r good and u like it. But if you objectively look at  some things u will see that they are far, far from any logic. New pilots see this and they are confused - with a reason. Answer is: u know u have to equip your gunship with this and that and maybe one day your gunship could kill int, but probably not :D.


And new modules. They contribute to the diversity of the game, that is true. On the other hand they are so unbalanced  and annoying (nukes, holoships etc …). Even veteran pilots share my opinion. In most cases they destroy this little logic left and cause havoc on strategy at battlefield. And this is the point where some smart guy shows up and tells to all of us that live in ignorance: “u should solve this by equiping thermal modulators against nukes, or u should do some other smart sh*”. Wow. Anything can be solved on some way or another but  IT ISN’T RIGHT.

The problem is balancing stuff so that veterans and newbies can play at once. Weaken interceptors so much that they are easy for everyone and my beams LRF will be blowing up all of them (it already blows up quite a few as is).


I do think that holoships could do with another form of balance as currently they are very spammy. Frigates did recently get mines on guards and engies so you could try those if interceptors keep coming close. 


Why use a fighter?  … U want valkyrie, coating polarizer, and aegis? Why? Take another frigate and  your team summary hit points and dps will be same. You want gunship? Why? Take cov ops or yet another fed frig outfitted for speed. We are flying with fighters because we like it  but there is not real strategy reason for that.


A good combination of fighters would be:

  1. Command uses Valkyrie, resists buff, and speed buffs

  2. Gunships overdrive and swarm in, tackler tackle the enemy to reduce speed and -resists

  3. Watch explosions

  4. Gunships get out using Engine Overcharge and Combat reboot.

  5. Repeat step 1.


Now any other class would be a plus such as Engineer to heal and ECM to disable, and as always communication is the key, pure skill won’t win the match, learn to coordinate your attack and defense. Going frigball is fine against randoms in some game mode, but if you meet decent players, your frig will go boom real quick.

Weaken interceptors (jericho and empire). You didn’t blew that jericho int pilot  :012j:  . That interceptor should be dead even if god himself was flying it. 


The problem is balancing stuff so that veterans and newbies can play at once. 


Totally different kind of problem. Imagine this. Me on one side with r12 gunship level 2,  test pilot on the other side with r12 fully leveled gunship. I have all mk2 modules, he has all mk4 modules. I have 1000 pvp battles, he has 5000 pvp battles. Experience aside for now. His ship has approximately 40 or even 50% advantage in summary of DPS, resistances, and hull and shield strength. Enough said. And then somebody asks why there is 5-10 min waiting on servers, why there are so little people tonight etc … Aside for game marketing its perfectly clear for me. 

Interceptors were already nerfed. They do not need further nerfing except the holoship module. (and I was the first to complain about interceptor OPness in previous versions of the game).

No, people just need to learn how to counter them, by using tacklers.

Story goes - int vs all other ships - one on one. Not tacklers. Tackler - only one counter ship for whole int class. And what about recons and Tacklers millan?


@Rennie One more thing and I’ll stop posting. In last months i was recruiting and interviewing new pilots (T2,T3). We talked a lot about the game and I came to one conclusion - Devs do not pay much attention to the needs  and opinions of the new players. They rely on veteran opinions far more. That could be dangerous mistake.


I rest my case. 

Story goes - int vs all other ships - one on one. Not tacklers. Tackler - only one counter ship for whole int class. And what about recons and Tacklers millan?


@Rennie One more thing and I’ll stop posting. In last months i was recruiting and interviewing new pilots (T2,T3). We talked a lot about the game and I came to one conclusion - Devs do not pay much attention to the needs  and opinions of the new players. They rely on veteran opinions far more. That could be dangerous mistake.


I rest my case. 


I can tell you’re very inexperienced with actually using these classes correctly, and the people who agree with you are those who just happen to be raging because they are confused to as the reason of why they keep on dying. 


The Tackler is a class that’s a counter against just about everything. It’s not a ship you normally just go out and 1 vs 1 other ships with, no, it is a support ship. Use it as such; slow an enemy, and your team will help you kill it.

Do you want to kill an interceptor? improve your aiming ability, and shoot where the enemy will be, if your shots are not connecting, then bring a tackler with every slow module, and its gun within its own possession.

A well used tackler is, without a doubt, one of the best counters against interceptor pilots. You just need a good team.

To rely on Veteran opinion is no mistake. Who would you trust more to solve a problem? The Kindergartner of two years age or the teacher with the right experience behind his/her back?


As for more counters to the interceptor class - Guards, LRF, Gunships, Tackler, Interceptors, commands, and, sometimes, even an engineer.

Learn how to build your ship, how to fly it, and, lastly, Don’t make decisions on key elements of the game when you yourself haven’t even experienced all of it yet.

There’s a reason that veterans are generally the most trusted; They actually know the game, unlike those who simply complain at their current

lack of skill, which it is due to their lack of games and, as such, experience. 

I’m probably simply raging at you, but this is most of the problem.


I will state this - Our case is rested upon a lofty mountain that you have yet to scale. I will not scale it down to your current level, so play the game until you actually understand it, and

stop bringing new players to leave because of your bitterness; It’s because of complainers without experience behind their backs that people generally leave games such as these.  

Release your inner masochist.


On a side note, my apologies. 

 I can tell you’re very inexperienced with actually using these classes correctly.



I m not, WolfKhan, and I m well aware of my current skill and knowledge. I wrote  that in one topic I started before and in this one also. You have used right comparison between your skill and mine with this statement “The Kindergartner of two years age or the teacher with the right experience behind his/her back?”. I m not angry with that - u r right (every normal person will accept that if he looks mine and yours time in battle). I m not raging because I keep dying or something similar. No, my friend, I m not that kind of player. For me pleasure comes from understanding things, overcoming limits, team play and strategy . Not from number of deaths and kills, or who has bigger …  



and stop bringing new players to leave because of your bitterness; It’s because of complainers without experience behind their backs that people generally leave games such as these.


And this is the place where u probably should apologize. I really like this game. I m playing it a lot every day. Last couple of months i dedicated working with new pilots - our recruits. Me and some other guys from my corp are trying hard to motivate them and to explain these things u are talking about in your post. Also we are trying to attract friends from real lives to come here and play this game. It is in our best interest that this game be only better, to have more players. And here, I speak in my name that i m very grateful to this company and devs because this game exists and it is free.




I’m probably simply raging at you, but this is most of the problem


No, that is not the problem. Maybe the problem lays in fact that english is not my native language and i m not explaining complicated things very well. But it is my problem not yours. I m concluding this because while i m talking about whole class of ships in global (not tacklers, not gunships etc), everybody tries to explain to me some concrete examples.





My case is rested upon a lofty mountain that you have yet to scale. I will not scale it down to your current level


True, but don’t forget this: the more and more you are better at some things (sport, work, science, pc game or whatever) there is a bigger gap between u and average user, player … in opinions, logic, expectations  etc. If u are tennis champion it doesn’t mean that every tennis player should run 20 km every day just to play several games and have fun. And there are lot more average players than champions so don’t forget them and their logic, expectations. And if u forget them u will play matches with no audience on stadium. Also do u know what did u said to new players with this sentence - “if u don’t have whole lofty mountain of pvp matches we are not interested in your opinions  … so run 20 km every day if u want to understand and enjoy this game or if u want somebody to even hear u” 



Despite our disagreements here I have only respect for you and several other members of this forum. I will accept your opinion as opinion of more experienced pilot and better player. 

The problem with interceptor is, with new or bad pilot, interceptor can die very easily, with pro pilot interceptor is very hard to hit.

For me pleasure comes from understanding things, overcoming limits, team play and strategy . Not from number of deaths and kills, or who has bigger …  

I’m happy your a good type of gamer. 

And this is the place where u probably should apologize. I really like this game. I m playing it a lot every day. Last couple of months i dedicated working with new pilots - our recruits. Me and some other guys from my corp are trying hard to motivate them and to explain these things u are talking about in your post. Also we are trying to attract friends from real lives to come here and play this game. It is in our best interest that this game be only better, to have more players. And here, I speak in my name that i m very grateful to this company and devs because this game exists and it is free.

I am sorry for mistaking you for something you’re not. I hope we can be on good terms. 


No, that is not the problem. Maybe the problem lays in fact that english is not my native language and i m not explaining complicated things very well. But it is my problem not yours. I m concluding this because while i m talking about whole class of ships in global (not tacklers, not gunships etc), everybody tries to explain to me some concrete examples.

If I’m not mistaken, the argument was whether or not swarms of fighters are able to win, instead of just swarms of interceptors or frigates. I would answer that yes, gunships, commands, and tacklers would make very formidable opponents; It just takes good players, like in most of the other interceptor or frigate ball. 


Your English is on a good level, so don’t worry too much about being able to get the point across too much. 

That being said…

What do you mean by this? -> " I m concluding this because while i m talking about whole class of ships in global (not tacklers, not gunships etc), everybody tries to explain to me some concrete examples."


True, but don’t forget this: the more and more you are better at some things (sport, work, science, pc game or whatever) there is a bigger gap between u and average user, player … in opinions, logic, expectations  etc. If u are tennis champion it doesn’t mean that every tennis player should run 20 km every day just to play several games and have fun. And there are lot more average players than champions so don’t forget them and their logic, expectations. And if u forget them u will play matches with no audience on stadium. Also do u know what did u said to new players with this sentence - “if u don’t have whole lofty mountain of pvp matches we are not interested in your opinions  … so run 20 km every day if u want to understand and enjoy this game or if u want somebody to even hear u” 

Perhaps it’s a bit harsh of an explanation, but it’s somewhat accurate. The only thing we really want is suggestions that make complete sense, really. They don’t need to be at the lofty heights, but it’s nice when they have a decent grasp on the game as a whole. 


Despite our disagreements here I have only respect for you and several other members of this forum. I will accept your opinion as opinion of more experienced pilot and better player. 

Thank you for taking this in a good manner. I apologize if I went a bit too far in my wording, and I hope we can have some good matches together once I am able to get on again when I gain a new computer. 

By the time I get back, though, you may very well be a veteran, and me the rusty player, haha. Best of luck to you, and don’t leave the forums; I wish that 100% of the players would make their way here into the forums. 



The problem with interceptor is, with new or bad pilot, interceptor can die very easily, with pro pilot interceptor is very hard to hit. 


The problem with interceptor is, with good pilot and good outfit becomes very strong ship. ( jericho and empire ints are too tanky)   :01414:

Just wanted to show my opinion on the matter:


As a recon pilot myself I use the holoships as a momentary distraction and to force tacklers off me if they have a lock, but since the holo ships are AI controlled and deal no damage, the illusion shatters usually seconds after they’re deployed since if the pilot uses a module or fires a missile then they’ll be spotted out by the enemy team (and if the enemy is smart, someone will ping the real recon). Back to terms of interceptors being OP, I personally think that they are… in the right hands. New players usually will decellerate whilst aiming and will fly in a straight line whilst approaching a firing enemy which is why they die so easily. Whereas in the case of most veterans projectile weapons are near useless as they rarely fly straight whilst dogfighting which brings me to yet another point. Not too long ago there was one specific build being used on every interceptor which had 3 engine slots: the strafe build, which in most cases made the ship extremely manouverable and made most projectile weapons useless in a dogfight and usually couldn’t be killed without the presence of a Tackler or ECM. Luckily the inertia stabilisers were nerfed and the meta went back to the federation since they were by default the most manouverable.


What I’m saying is that how tanky an interceptor is doesn’t matter, it’s how you fly it.

sad keyboard sorry :slight_smile:

and thx for your positive comments

Don’t forget if you find yourself getting picked out you should stay with the team for support, even though they sometimes don’t seem to help you XD It may be tempting to go and chase someone but staying as a group is usually a better option.

Don’t forget if you find yourself getting picked out you should stay with the team for support, even though they sometimes don’t seem to help you XD It may be tempting to go and chase someone but staying as a group is usually a better option.

This here is the mindset that all players should have. im a tackler pilot, and its much easier to slow incoming ceptors for kills if i only have one group of ships to protect. another note, try using gauss tacklers, tackle the inty > twoshot them :slight_smile:


What I’m saying is that how tanky an interceptor is doesn’t matter, it’s how you fly it.


But it is … good pilot + currently ship strength = OP.


Look at this:



Recons are a tricky role to master. Their damage ability isn’t up to the standard of covert ops interceptors, and they don’t have the ECM interceptors’ disabling abilities, making them arguably the weakest interceptor in a straight fight. However their bag of tricks is varied and deep, allowing them to debuff key targets, disable cloaks in an area and cloak themselves to escape if things go wrong. Finally, their MWD ability gives them unparalleled mobility, allowing them to capture unguarded beacons, surprise Long Range Frigates, lend their support to teammates exactly where it’s needed most, or simply to escape.


There are some logic about “recons” in every game. Recons = speed + sight + maneuverability. Here one can often see that solo recon bring down guard  or gunship (GUNSHIP - THE KING OF DPS). Doesnt metter who flyes with it. In 85% cases it should not be possible. There were cases that even I (and I m still in Kindergartner- no sarcasm here)  have destroyed gunships flied by far more expirienced pilot then myself (not many times  but  still it happens too often).


Or look at this:



Covert Ops are damage dealing interceptors. They are fragile and aren’t meant for straight fights, but are fast and have stealth abilities to allow them to come in from the sides or rear unseen. They have several abilities designed to do incredible damage in a short time to their targets, allowing them to go in, kill key targets and get out before enemies can react and concentrate fire on them.


" and get out before enemies can react" - But to stay 30 sec in front of 5 firgs all shooting at it and survive … not a chance. Doesnt metter who flies it, doesnt matter who flies frigates (me and rennie and three other guys or 5 domestic pigs), doesnt metter what outfit is used, he should be dead  long before 30 sec.

Or situations that cov op enters frig  ball formation … takes one pulsar, two pulsars, several coil hits and several laser hits, stays 20 sec, kill some frig, put a nuke and then goes to McDonalds to drink a coke.


And some of you tell me that this is not OP. Right.





But it is … good pilot + currently ship strength = OP.


Look at this:



There are some logic about “recons” in every game. Recons = speed + sight + maneuverability. Here one can often see that solo recon bring down guard  or gunship (GUNSHIP - THE KING OF DPS). Doesnt metter who flyes with it. In 85% cases it should not be possible. There were cases that even I (and I m still in Kindergartner- no sarcasm here)  have destroyed gunships flied by far more expirienced pilot then myself (not many times  but  still it happens too often).


Or look at this:



" and get out before enemies can react" - But to stay 30 sec in front of 5 firgs all shooting at it and survive … not a chance. Doesnt metter who flies it, doesnt matter who flies frigates (me and rennie and three other guys or 5 domestic pigs), doesnt metter what outfit is used, he should be dead  long before 30 sec.

Or situations that cov op enters frig  ball formation … takes one pulsar, two pulsars, several coil hits and several laser hits, stays 20 sec, kill some frig, put a nuke and then goes to McDonalds to drink a coke.


And some of you tell me that this is not OP. Right.

On Recons:


Recons are support ships. The only reason a recon can kill a gunship, is because the gunship player is bad, or it has a long range build with strafe instead of rotation. Still the DPS of the recons is usually so low (except with mines), that the gunship can just escape with engine overcharge, or just wait for the team to help. Concerning guards, even with parasitic it will take a recon about 30 secs to take down a full guard if the guard knows his stuff. The only guards that go down fast are adaptive guards because slowing missiles stop the adaptives and parasitic will strip the shields.


On cov ops:


IF a covert ops dives into the guard ball and you gave him time enough to kill a guard, you are doing something wrong. Engine inhibitors + pulsar is dead cov ops if he stays. And he need to wait for 15 seconds before he goes in again. If you have more than 2 guards, you can PERMA SLOW everything in your range, which means any torpedo hit (you can fire at your friends for zero damage and kill the cov ops orbiting them) coils, positrons, lazors, even a llama spit, will kill the cov ops.


If cov ops are that good. Fly them. Maybe you will understand that they are not that good. But they are great at taking down isolated enemies or distracted foes.


And of course any good pilot will always make any ship shine.


But I’ve been finding more and more veterans and good people just flying frigball squads even in high tiers, because with the current meta, frigates are just better.

For a moment i thought i m moron (And maybe I m). But Eviscerador u and me completely agree at some things. Look what I wrote about fighter class in general  in past posts (and they keep hitting me in the balls). And look what u wrote:



But I’ve been finding more and more veterans and good people just flying frigball squads even in high tiers, because with the current meta, frigates are just better.


Second one:


Forget all this about good pilots, bad pilots, good outfits, bad outfits, forget it completly now. Some things by the logic and nature and a bit of realism shouldnt be possible in any case. Imagine that u are best shooter in the world and u have a handgun in your hand … then u meet tank on open ground. You will die my friend no matter how bad is driver of that tank. Even if u have hand grenade launcher u will die, maybe if u are lucky, just maybe, u will disable it and run away  but u wouldnt kill nor tank nor the driver. Belive me i know what i m talking about.


I hope u undrstand now what i m trying to say on this topic.


I almost forgot something . Now is the time when some smart guy shows up now and tell - yes but a good shooter with a H&K handgun  on a distance of 533.783 m will shoot throught tank gun barrel right in the moment when tank driver loads grenede in a barrel, 0.754 seconds before firing his gun and then that grenede will explode inside the tank and it will kill the tank and its driver. And thats the way how tank gets killed.