Op ? or Not ?

hello i wanna jsut say why cant be lot of interceptors killed its just weird i got guard rezist aginst thermal dmg 70 pts enemy iterceptor got 67 pts aginst thermal i got destructor he give me dmg about 750 dmg/s i give him 28- 245dmg-with luck dmg/s so what the hell is this when he got fly advantige and dmg advantige rezist too and gues what interceptor wins so thats really kinda weird ecm or not .some of their avantiges should be nerfed i tried with coil but its worst then with destructor inteceptor kill me with lazer gun even when i shot aginst its really weird when guard got only 28 dmg and interceptor got more 

health bar in guard is cry thing too 




Like everybody else said this post is unreadable so you should fix your spelling

hello i wanna jsut say why cant be lot of interceptors killed its just weird i got guard rezist aginst thermal dmg 70 pts enemy iterceptor got 67 pts aginst thermal i got destructor he give me dmg about 750 dmg/s i give him 28- 245dmg-with luck dmg/s so what the hell is this when he got fly advantige and dmg advantige rezist too and gues what interceptor wins so thats really kinda weird ecm or not .some of their avantiges should be nerfed i tried with coil but its worst then with destructor inteceptor kill me with lazer gun even when i shot aginst its really weird when guard got only 28 dmg and interceptor got more 

English Translation


"Hello, I just want to ask why can’t a lot of interceptors be killed? It’s just weird that I have a guard with 70 points of resists against thermal damage, while the interceptor has 67 points.

My destructor only gives the interceptor 28 damage, 245 if I’m lucky, per second, while he is able to dish out 750 damage per second against me!? What the hell is this?!

he has a maneuverability advantage and a damage advantage!

I guess the Interceptor always wins whether it’s an ecm or not. Some of their advantages should be nerfed! I tried using Coils, but it’s even worse than the destructor against the interceptors! The interceptor killed me with Pulse lasers. Even when I shoot against their ship, it’s really weird that my guard only hits 28 damage while the interceptor gets more damage per second."


A rough translation.^


Now, as for a response… 

FermenMLG, you’re not fitting your ship correctly, and you are not hitting the enemy as well as you should. 

A lone interceptor will not be able to get passed your guard very easily if you use its abilities correctly alongside the correct modules. 

The special module gives you plus one hundred and fifty defensive points against any one damage type, and, if you’re getting hit by the type your ability so happens to be defending against, you’ll gain a 25% damage bonus to your main gun. To ensure you keep your shield up as long as possible, make sure to fit resists, and lots of them, alongside the Shield Booster L, and the emergency shield boost, if you have it in your current tier.

Try these basic implants/crew   - left to right 1-15. top to bottom a-b-c.  1c,2c,3c,4a,5a,6a,7c,8b,9c,10c,11b,12c,13a,14c,15c.

Generally it’s good to have these basic shield defenses - shield - one Variative Shield Projector, and two Thermal Modulators. Alongside the +10 shield defense from a booster on the bottom right ship slots.

Fit an EM torpedo on your ship. Hit something near you if you have to, but it’s one of the best missile slot items you can possibly use. 

If you’re in T5, I’ll just give you this build to try out on the Inquisitor rank 13, and the T-Rex MK.II

Engine - Vernier Engines

Capacitor - Three capacitor power relays

Shield - one Variative Shield Projector, and two Thermal Modulators (note, the T-Rex MK.II can use two EM Diffusers instead of the Thermal modulators, depending on your tastes in which damage you find more threatening)

Hull - This slot has a few possible items. My two favorites - Regenerative coating and the passive hull are the two top contenders in my mind, however you can simply put on any of the three damage resists instead.

Do not use the Galvanized Armor

CPU - Proton wall or infrared scanner. 

Active modules - Pulsar, signature masking, shield booster L, and the Emergency Shield Boost. 

Weapon - Heavy Blasters. Ammo - Curved Reflector.

Missile slot - EM Torpedo, or a minelayer. (note, the minelayer is unadvised if you do not know how to properly use it within strategic combat) 

Implants/crew - as I’ve said before - 1c,2c,3c,4a,5a,6a,7c,8b,9c,10c,11b,12c,13a,14c,15c.

Booster - +10 shield defense. 


Keep you energy capacitor at full while within battle, or when you’re regaining your shield via base regeneration, as your regeneration percentage is effected by how full your capacitor is. 

Using the 12c implant, stay at below 50% speed for a good increase to your base shield regeneration. 

Finally, Use your special module with the F key! Blue is anti EM, red is anti Thermal, and the third one, whether it is gold or orange, is for anti kinetic. 




The only reason interceptors are giving you such a hard time is that you are inexperienced. Work hard, and find the right build. Builds, not skill,

(though skill is needed in the base terms of positioning and your fighting ability) is required to properly use a guard. 


The last piece of advise I can probably give you is to know your guns, their dps, the way they fire, how to aim them, and, finally… Release your inner masochist!!


Interceptors are fine. It is the new pilots that may need a buff, which is where the forumites come in, since we actually know the game. 


p.s. Do not judge the balance of the ships on T1, T2, or even T3. 

Get to T5, live in it, and then make your decision.

You are not considering that:

  1. If that interceptor is a cov op (meaning its basic setup renders a lot more critical hit chance and dmg) and can be using orion. Or plasma arc, plasma web and the reactor overload thing.
  2. That interceptor could be using 1 or more adaptives: they add the most resistances both for shields and hulls and they dont show at stats (you can easily identify them counting the shield slots and pressing control to see where the bonuses are: if there is any bonus for shield missing, most likely is that that ship has at least 1 adaptive)
  3. Destructor is not a DPS meant weapon, its meant for denying beacon capture and cloack. Also you must hold the target completely to see a full dps counter (if you constantly miss, you will always see low numbers), specially with destructor: that area damage takes about 5 seconds to deal maximum damage only IF you have maintained the laser completely over the target…hard to do versus skilled interceptors.
  4. With the right build, any frigate beats an interceptor if all shots hit the target; frigates have much more survability and usually more dmg, the strength of interceptors comes by dodging enemy fire.

Ints with right outfit can be OP.  Often there are situations when, for example, jericho ints, cant be killed by the whole team for about 20-30 sec. So u get interceptor with right modules dancing polka 30 sec in front of 5-6 frigs and survive. They are too much tanky for ints and that is a fact. I  already wrote about balance between ship classes - some of people who replied - millanbel, rennie, tried to advise me how to equip my ships same as WolfKhan on this topic ( and I m very thankful for that ), but that is not the point. Int should be slightly nerfed, fighter should be stronger and frig should stay “as is”.

Ints with right outfit can be OP.  Often there are situations when, for example, jericho ints, cant be killed by the whole team for about 20-30 sec. So u get interceptor with right modules dancing polka 30 sec in front of 5-6 frigs and survive. They are too much tanky for ints and that is a fact. I  already wrote about balance between ship classes - some of people who replied - millanbel, rennie, tried to advise me how to equip my ships same as WolfKhan on this topic ( and I m very thankful for that ), but that is not the point. Int should be slightly nerfed, fighter should be stronger and frig should stay “as is”.

Try to use a tackler. You know, is the counter class to any other interceptor. Or lasers. Or positrons. I mean, interceptors have so much counters that currently in high tiers is all about who brings more frigates and “ball” better.


The main problem is that there are quite some number of pilots who choose to fly interceptors because is the “carry” ship in this game.


But if two frigates are having trouble against 1 interceptor, then they are doing something wrong.

@Eviscerador - I know how to fight ints Eviscerador - I dont need advices on that now. Maybe I m not fast enough for now but I have read whole forum, guides and stuff and tried it out ( A victorious warrior wins first, then goes to war. A defeated warrior goes to war and then seeks to win. Sun Tzu, The art of War). I m telling that IN GLOBAL - (IN GENERAL) Int should be slightly nerfed, fighter should be stronger and frig should stay “as is” .


With all due respect - look at the number of ship classes in every PVP mode - What does it tell?

Interceptors are not op when you learn how to handle them.

Also note that explosive weapons like coil mortar deal 33% less damage to interceptor and 25% more to Frigates. So coils aren’t ideal for taking on a fast interceptor.

Beam weapons like Destructor or beam cannon are good to destroy interceptor but you need to keep on target as much as possible.

Interceptors are not op when you learn how to handle them.


True to some point. But answer me this:  What does the number of ship classes in every PVP mode tells u?

With all due respect - look at the number of ship classes in every PVP mode - What does it tell?

That frigates are the most played ships. In almost any tier and game mode, except in some big maps with beacons.

That frigates are the most played ships. In almost any tier and game mode, except in some big maps with beacons.

In the higher Tiers Recons became also very popular, due to their Microwarp, Annoying uncloak modules (Spy Drone, Micro Locator) and the Holoships of course, you see them so often. They became really, really annoying.

In the higher Tiers Recons became also very popular, due to their Microwarp, Annoying uncloak modules (Spy Drone, Micro Locator) and the Holoships of course, you see them so often. They became really, really annoying.

Holo recons are like drone popper tacklers. One trick pony chosen by people who don’t understand the class.

Holo recons are like drone popper tacklers. One trick pony chosen by people who don’t understand the class.

Exactly. And nobody explains them, but they are super annoying in any beacon game if they are being spammed, 6 Recons on the enemy team, but 18 ships around the beacon. Smth is wrong there.

Exactly. And nobody explains them, but they are super annoying in any beacon game if they are being spammed, 6 Recons on the enemy team, but 18 ships around the beacon. Smth is wrong there.

I don’t have those problems. One ML and they’re all gone. But yes I think that the recon being the counter of another recon is not perfect, and other abilities should also “puf” the holos.

I don’t have those problems. One ML and they’re all gone. But yes I think that the recon being the counter of another recon is not perfect, and other abilities should also “puf” the holos.

I would say if the real pilot receives a set amount of damage all holos puf away, maybe like 3k on Mk1 and 5k on Mk4. Because if it’s being spammed it’s really hard to counter it, and impossible if your team has no recon with ML.

Nuke them ;p

Nuke them ;p

They have stupid EB.