Only Mark 2 and Mark 4 Kits should be salvageable!

Current situation:

We can salvage resources from any item, which isn’t Mark 1, because it’s an upgraded version of it, including Kits.

Mark 2 , 3 , 4 , and  5 items can provide resources by salvaging them as regular items, which aren’t Kits.



I recommend to remove such feature, because the looting system now already contains such resources or materials in impure form.

However, you can still obtain resources or materials from any items, salvaged from Mark 2 and Mark 4 Kits.





Seriously why do you want to increase the grind? 

If you don’t like it, don’t use it. 

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Seriously why do you want to increase the grind? 

If you don’t like it, don’t use it. 

You’re missing the big picture here. I am not your foe, I never was.

Not everything is as it seems. People tend to forget that.


Commercial Department most likely likes it, or at least, it might consider doing something similar, if not the same, in the future. It’s inevitable!

I had to put it here in order to “protect” the player base. That’s why I added a voting poll, so that you can express your opinion.


“You’re the voice! You’re the resistance!”


Your vote/s matter/s!


Reach at least 50 one-sided votes until September the first of 2016 to seal this dilemma forever!


Developers always claim, that they are listening to their “fans” or “player base”. They will listen  to your voice - your choice!

If voting is massive enough and one-sided, they will probably not dare to implement such a suggestion.

If they would push for it in one way or another, it would mean a breach of “we listen to our player base” policy.

It’s a win-win situation for both sides.








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Make Star Conflict great again!

While i agree in principle that the salvage of Mark 3+ items is kinda pointless i’d rather that there was more options with salvage and not less.

I made this suggestion

But alas no comments, makes sense to me for ppl to get what they want from salvage rather than the option to salvage something thats valuable for common resources.

I’m against this!

You have to wait to loot or either get a kit to get the wanted resources.

With the current situation you can upgrade anything you want to salvage it after and therefore get your wanted resources.

So NO to this.

Funny thing: I wanted to suggest a module to rip off enemies hull with it(therefore bypassing shields like black hole) to avoid that such a module will ever be released like Koromac do with this one. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) If this suggestion become a big fail I will do it. (^.^) Koromac? Maybe we are synced? xD


22 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

I’m against this!

You have to wait to loot or either get a kit to get the wanted resources.

With the current situation you can upgrade anything you want to salvage it after and therefore get your wanted resources.

So NO to this.

Funny thing: I wanted to suggest a module to rip off enemies hull with it(therefore bypassing shields like black hole) to avoid that such a module will ever be released like Koromac do with this one. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) If this suggestion become a big fail I will do it. (^.^) Koromac? Maybe we are synced? xD


Exactly. It’s broken or unbalanced. It gives you the edge, if you have a very high amount of credits.

They were nerfs to Open Space, resources, looting system, salvaging issue is the last on the list. It’s inevitable and predictable as well and it’s not because of me.

I raised this so that you can express your opinions and vote. If the voting fails to have a desire quota, then there will be no reason not to implement this.