Online Ship Builder



first version of my Star-Conflict Reference Site can be found here:


All data is extracted from the Gamefiles and i really like your feedback.


I also currently working on an Online Ship fitting tool.





Original Post:



i’m quite new to StarConflict and really like it, but i’m missing some sort of Ship builder.


Sample for Eve-Online:


Is something like this in the making (officially or fan made?).


If not i’m thinking of creating something like that. (already done that for a different game


But for that i think i need some kind of access to the game-data so does anybody know how to extract the .pak files of the game or another way to access the game-data?






I already tried to build such a tool based on java, but there are a lot more changes planned so I stopped it.

The .pak files cannot be extracted, but most important information will be posted on the wiki.



i would create this tool using html and javascript (like my other builder). (backend php)

But its really hard to create the source of infos (number of modules, ships…) by hand.


if the data is available in some sort of programmable readable format (xml, csv, json, binary) i can create some sort of website for it.


The data wiki is great but fairly incomplete (english version, russian is better but i don’t speak/read russian). An automatic approach would be better in my opinion.


I work since 2001 as profesional web-programmer and i’m sure if i get access to gamedata i can create a stats website and with a bit more time a ship builder aswell.


Changes in the gamedate or any other data is common the parser can adapted as-well. 


For the MWO mechlab/stats-site i parse xml data and they change stuff every patch :slight_smile:


So if the interest is there and maybe even support from gaijin (game-data, specs) i’m happy to create something for this great game.





i would create this tool using html and javascript (like my other builder). (backend php)

But its really hard to create the source of infos (number of modules, ships…) by hand.


if the data is available in some sort of programmable readable format (xml, csv, json, binary) i can create some sort of website for it.


The data wiki is great but fairly incomplete (english version, russian is better but i don’t speak/read russian). An automatic approach would be better in my opinion.


I work since 2001 as profesional web-programmer and i’m sure if i get access to gamedata i can create a stats website and with a bit more time a ship builder aswell.


Changes in the gamedate or any other data is common the parser can adapted as-well. 


For the MWO mechlab/stats-site i parse xml data and they change stuff every patch :slight_smile:


So if the interest is there and maybe even support from gaijin (game-data, specs) i’m happy to create something for this great game.



This guys mechlab website for MWO is absolutely amazing to say the least.  Gaijin really should support him in this.

Hey smurfy, I just want to say thank you for your work!  I use your MWO Mechlab a lot and it’s fantastic.  Hopefully you will get the support you need from the devs here.


I already tried to build such a tool based on java, but there are a lot more changes planned so I stopped it.

The .pak files cannot be extracted , but most important information will be posted on the wiki.


You sure about that? :wink:

Thanks for the support guys, i’m quite eager to create something great for the community. (Multi language possible reuse of the existing translationfiles ingame)


I will try contacting the developers of the game to get the gamedata in a readable format, because it seams they dont use xml or any other usefull source for the game data (weapon, module, ship stats).



You sure about that? :wink:


:smiley: sadly having a way in extracting the .pak files won’t really help :frowning: because it seams that all relevant data is stored in compiled lua scripts :frowning:


But lets see what the time brings. maybe i will get help from the developers of this great game.



ooooh, a smurfy :smiley: i used the mechlab, too, great work :smiley:

but i stopped MWO because of a dumb matchmaker xD

The ship tools were mostly developed in eve by very good programmers. Some of them very known in the scene. Many of them were already “over their childbirth” of programming for other games like Ultima Online, which inspired Eve most and back in the days, had the most geeky developer community for all games next to HL.


Such a tool was also possible, since CCP releases the WHOLE database dump of their sandbox for download, and you can even import it into php, python/django or whatever by using 3rd party apis.


Such tools only work, if data is kept alive by the gamedevs, and are really designed by programmers, who also have some kind of competition (like EFT has with other tools for eve). So it also depends on the community size to have those people.


Not hard to do such a thing if you are a seasoned programmer. But atm. I wouldnt see the benefit of it spending my time on it. So I can understand why you pause this project, just dont delete it. Lets hope :slight_smile:

All data can actually be collected from the game, but due to the many changes it is a lot of work to keep it up to date.

 So I can understand why you pause this project, just dont delete it. Lets hope :slight_smile:


i don’t pause / cancel the project. i’m currently creating a proof of concept to show ship / module stats, but there quite a lot ships and even more modules/weapons and its just not practical showing all on the same page like i do on my mwo site.


I’m currently trying to figure out how to display the ships in a clean and nice matter. (by fraction, by type or even both?) 

After that i will take a look at the modules/weapons.




All data can actually be collected from the game, but due to the many changes it is a lot of work to keep it up to date.



i intend to keep the site updated.  but an automatic way in updating the data on the site is much easier even with many changes than trying to keep a wiki up2data.


I’m also planning to do a multi-language site with support for all available languages in-game. (for the menues etc. i guess i need to stick/fallback to english, because i only know english and german) All other strings could be used from the game itself.



Would be excellent if you could get this running…new to this game and enjoying it so far…played EVE for a long time, far too long…lol…and a tool like this or EFT would be wonderful…thanks for trying Smurfy.

Looked up you work for mwo , WOW ! If you could build this for SC , i’ll put you on my list for people i worship xD.

Or to say it my german “Dufte Arbeit, ick wär dir sehr verbunden wenn de det och für SC basteln könntest , ick wünsch dir was” xD

just an update:


finished a basic stats page (ships, weapons and modules).  I also thinking about bringing the first version live for you guys to take a look. But i need to work on small things before i can do that.


I currently started working on an online fitting tool based on the game data as well, but for that i need to try different ui concepts. star-conflict has much more ships and modules than mwo has mechs/components, but on the other hand a simpler logic in placing said components :slight_smile:


so i need to find out a nice solution to select / place modules.

mate, standalone is good, standalone is golden


post it here so that i have something to do while at work :smiley:

Just throwing this out there. I found a program called Dragon UnPACKer 5. any game that is zipped in .pak and within the programs list can be extracted. but it has an option to rip out common data. like MP3 or xml files. I tried it out, and I managed to pull some music data out of it for kicks and giggles. granted, the sound files where all meshed together  but I’m sure that the programmers in the community can pull any data out of the pak files without any problems.

Ok, i just updated the initial post and released the first version of a purly stats reference page:



Ok, i just updated the initial post and released the first version of a purly stats reference page:



very nice! i’m missing a few ships tho :wink: but could be that they are just very similar to their counterparts and thus not worth mentioning? and only thing i could ask if you you could maybe make a ship viewer?(or the devs(A)) once the time comes like in eve online: it would be great if i could see ships before buying them(because some ships are worth buying just because of their looks) :slight_smile:



besides that its great and very lengthy!

hmm, energy-regen/sec isn’t right, huh? 5.98pts/sec is a bit low for an Anaconda-M :stuck_out_tongue:

and the range of the experimental mass propulsion inhibitor (T3) isn’t 140m but 1400m :smiley:

very nice! i’m missing a few ships tho :wink: but could be that they are just very similar to their counterparts and thus not worth mentioning? and only thing i could ask if you you could maybe make a ship viewer?(or the devs(A)) once the time comes like in eve online: it would be great if i could see ships before buying them(because some ships are worth buying just because of their looks) :slight_smile:



besides that its great and very lengthy!



hi, thanks, i will add the in-game images of the ships soon, also for modules/weapons (i need that for the fitting tool) but this takes a bit of time.

3d models could be possible but i did not checked the model files. also there could be a problem with lightening etc.

Which ships do you miss?


hmm, energy-regen/sec isn’t right, huh? 5.98pts/sec is a bit low for an Anaconda-M :stuck_out_tongue:

and the range of the experimental mass propulsion inhibitor (T3) isn’t 140m but 1400m :smiley:


yea rages must be multiplied by 10. looks like i missed that for the tooltips :slight_smile: for the energy/sec i have to check. because * 10 does not work here. thanks for the catch.

as i said this is the first version :slight_smile:

