Online Ship Builder

Modules propably require a multiplier of 100 aswell, they show “Missile deflect with 1% chance” etc.



if you could post -csv or any type of textual data dumb i’d be immensly grateful


also, list of ship bonuses

also, formula for synergy bonuses…





if you could post -csv or any type of textual data dumb i’d be immensly grateful


also, list of ship bonuses

also, formula for synergy bonuses…





bonis and race/faction weapons display is planned, synergy also but i have to look in the data to figure out how to get the formula for that.

Same goes for afterburners and stuff like that.


i’m thinking about an export method but for now i need to understand the data and then think about creating such feature. for what do you need a csv file? 

bonis and race/faction weapons display is planned, synergy also but i have to look in the data to figure out how to get the formula for that.

Same goes for afterburners and stuff like that.


i’m thinking about an export method but for now i need to understand the data and then think about creating such feature. for what do you need a csv file? 


How are you actually getting the data from the game files? You can PM me if you don’t want to discuss it in public.

Smurfy good idea:) I want ship builder too:)

Lookin’ good smrufy. I (along with everyone that plays) also use your MWO builder, and that’s fantastic as well.


Some suggestions? Filtering ships by race/subfaction/tier. Filtering modules by tier/ship type/class with a drop menu. Option to display all of a given module in order to compare by quality, for instance show Tier 1 flares to see the different reload times.

bonis and race/faction weapons display is planned, synergy also but i have to look in the data to figure out how to get the formula for that.

Same goes for afterburners and stuff like that.


i’m thinking about an export method but for now i need to understand the data and then think about creating such feature. for what do you need a csv file? 

i’d like textual data 'cause i started playing with it a bit

I’m gonna first try to formulate some kind of fitting program, so i need just a fraction of data to glue it all together

If i actually finish it, i’ll post source here (C++/CLI) or maybe just continue to work on it.


but main thing i plan is to have all the data in text for prog to read, so it’s easily modified 


so anything would be more than welcome, a couple of weapons, ships, some mods…



nicely done, bootstrap rocks


you could use something like datatables to make it sortable, but you gotta css fix it for bootstrap


is there any link where there is info how to extract the statistical data you use?

Again thanks for all feedback, here a some updates:


* fixed some of the values in the tooltips (100m  instead of 1000m …)

* I have the latest gamedata on my dev environment and working on showing icons and stuff

* i added icons and infos for the special ability per ship

* added a submenu for easier jumping between the different module/weapon/ship types 

* Dont know yet how to get the synergy level steps

* Dont know how to convert the energy regen info to reflect the ingame value


i try to release an updated version to the public later this week.



I will vouch for this guys work the MWO mech lab is great .  Some enterprising game company needs to pick this guy up he does great work.  Cheers

Just pushed a new version.

Wow , great work . Its awesome . And even multilingual .


Thx , superior work :slight_smile:

You are a beautiful person. 


Thank you.



Some ships are missing btw, such as centaur 2 and kastor 2. :smiley:

there are 3d rotating gifs of all ships on the russian wiki

here’s an example:


so, these maybe you can integrate into your site too

You are a beautiful person. 


Thank you.



Some ships are missing btw, such as centaur 2 and kastor 2. :smiley:


thanks, need to take a look why they are missing.


there are 3d rotating gifs of all ships on the russian wiki

here’s an example:


so, these maybe you can integrate into your site too


i like it, but dont know to do that automatically.

well, there are only 144 separate ships so i guess you could do it by hand, would take maybe an hour tops to get all the links…

ok fixed missing ships



well, there are only 144 separate ships so i guess you could do it by hand, would take maybe an hour tops to get all the links…


ok, i’m thinking about it.

Just curious, have you made any more progress on this? I would love to mess around in a ship builder. Thanks for what you have already done.