One Tick Gaming [OTG] - English

So something happened with the formatting of our page and it just died. I’ll be updating it later.

If you are interested in joining, send Kadaeux, DONKEYD1CK, Azure5, or mrgriffen1975 a message in-game.

Just a heads up-- these guys kicked me for calling the CEO, the individual above, a xxxx, when he was acting like a twat. I apologize for the confusion between verbs, however I’d take this into consideration; the CEO says narcissistic, cunty things, AND he buckles under pressure (a word made him lose his mind, imagine a firefight!)




P.S. Aside from that, the group is a great bunch of fun people. Shame I got kicked, but I’ll move on to having a life instead! Don’t let the CEO dissuade you-- the people inside are pretty stellar. Great sense of humor among the lot of them.

In response to my former associate Zeph, I gave him fair warning to act in a respectable manner. When he continued to act immaturely and spout his aforementioned words, I kicked him. As the FAQ states, blatant disrespect towards staff will not be tolerated. He was a generally good fellow, just doesn’t understand when to stop.

Hi i registered on you web site but didnt know how to get in contact with anyone about joining your corps. I’m currently running in tier 2 and have seen your clan tag and want to join you guys. My name in game is ZeroCool in-game and steam its Ez2bBad.  This is pretty much the only game I play and would like to enjoy it with a full squad. Thank you for reading this and hope to be able to join.

I recently joined corp, and as more and more people start getting their courage to use voice comms, we’re going to have a blast.  There’s some seriously good pilots that will give you a good idea as to what your play type is and which ships/fits you should be playing towards.  OTG I think just recently broke 28th in ranking from 42 like 3 days ago, so we’re definitely making moves. I think OTG will have a long term prescence in this high potential game.  In game name is Sympulse if you have questions about joining.

Hi i registered on you web site but didnt know how to get in contact with anyone about joining your corps. I’m currently running in tier 2 and have seen your clan tag and want to join you guys. My name in game is ZeroCool in-game and steam its Ez2bBad.  This is pretty much the only game I play and would like to enjoy it with a full squad. Thank you for reading this and hope to be able to join.


The next time I see you online, i’ll send you an invite. I’ve informed the officers as well.

since it wouldn’t let me message you i wouldn’t mind joining.  Couldn’t think of another way to get a hold of you so figured this was worth a try.

since it wouldn’t let me message you i wouldn’t mind joining.  Couldn’t think of another way to get a hold of you so figured this was worth a try.


I’ve sent you an invite. Welcome to OTG.

I would love to join! I’m mainly a T2 player, but I recently bought my first T3 ship. Username: M11xStryker

I would love to join the Corp. I’ve only got 10 hrs playtime but I’m working on my first T2 and steadily moving along. In-game name is the same as my username here, Malibukenny

I’d like to join as well. Currently trying to master the Interceptor-type playstyle, since I like the potential they have.

I have T3 ships, but that’s just because of the Elite Pilot pack, so I guess that makes me a T2 pilot in reality.

My IGN is Morzun.

My Steam name is Morzun as well.

Message me next time you’re online and i’ll toss you an invite.


LF a chat with one of the officers, online on your TS atm for a bit.

I won’t be on for the next two days as I will be out of the country for business. I will be happy to attend to requested invited upon my return.


Good Hunting,

As far I can tell this corp. has a lot of fun, decent people in it.

Also everyone is pretty darn helpful. :slight_smile:

Hi OTG !


Currently sitting at level 4 and really getting into this game and looking to join a corp for fun organized matches (and / or winning of course !)


Let me know if recruitment is still open as i am very interested.


Playing in Australian timezone but i’m awake at most hours 




As an Officer of Corp One Tick Gaming in Star Conflict I am here to serve you. Let me know what ever we or I can do to help your gaming experience grow into our tight knit network of Geeks and Carls. Internet Spaceships is SERIOUS BUSINESS so join the Corp that is on its way to the top.


o7  Keep Killing all those Carls!


(Special thanks to Kadaeux :kamikadze: )

Add to achiev screenies :stuck_out_tongue:



Im playing the ST from 4 days, the game is awesome and Im loving it. right now at lvl.8 and up :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to join OTG, but having difficulty to contact. is the recruitment still on?

IGN bacimoto, pm me

