What were ‘unkillable’ were Deimos 2’s and to a lesser degree Phobos. They were fighters with equal tank to frigates, and higher damage output and maneuverability with their overdrive ability (that also gave them a +50 boost to resist in everything)
Jericho frigates were only ‘unkillable’ in the sense that if you engaged one with a fighter (Deimos 2 excepted) and didn’t have a clue wtf you were doing, you were going to die. Interceptors typically annihilated frigates, unless you had some kind of backup. The go-to ship in recon for the captain was an interceptor or a deimos 2, since dodging shots was more important than tanking and the frigates couldn’t tank the incoming damage they’d receive.
The empire sniper frigate also had substantially more tank than the Jericho frigate could manage, and the benefit of a higher DPS ability-weapon.
Most people didn’t fly them because they saw the frigates as completely useless - just sitting off in the distance launching a missile occassionally that would only ever kill two or three people a match with luck, and always getting pounced and destroyed by interceptors. There would in all seriousness, be people complaining and bitching that they had frigates on their team - at times you’d even have teammates intentionally trying to mess with you for flying them.
I stopped playing like 7 or 8 months ago, so I have no idea what they wound up being like down the line, but what you describe - that they were unkillable - just sounds so entirely wrong from when I played.
Oh, please, I got “Fear Me” medals in every match I rolled with a Jerry frig. Empire ceptors were even more op.
Frigates still can’t tank any incoming damage (moreso than before) and if you try to dogfight anyone, you’ll end up missing every single shot because xxxx moves fast as lightning at that range, so you’re just cannon fodder until the med-ranged ships (aka, Frigates) arrive on the scene.
The Empire Frigate was one of the worst ships to face because it had Disintegrator at long range, RFR/RFB on weapons, Pulsar and Minefields. When the Pulsar disappeared from it, it became an easy target.
Idk in what matches you’ve been playing, but I’ve always seen Frigates to be rather successful back then. Granted they were all Jericho/Empire ones, so LRF, but they existed in quite a large enough number to be considered a threat. Yes, Ceptors would easily kill them, but that was the natural order of things, back then. Frigate > Fighter > Ceptor > Frigate. Right now it’s… Frigball > Ceptorball > All. And it’s extremely sad to see how the game degenerated into this.
But if you think the Phobos and Demios 2 were anything good back then, you’ll be severely disappointed about what you see if you return.
What I saw in the videos is a way which a Jericho LRF can be used effectively up closer to the front as it had the SOME capability to defend itself with the active modules like the Pulsar and inhibitor.
What you’re seeing is BEFORE ship roles were even implemented. Ships had basic boosts, like “x% bonus to Offense modules” (not even Gunship/Recon/etc) and you could basically use any module on any ship class. Then they changed modules to ship size availability, then the roles were implemented. That’s when the game hit its peak, when roles were implemented. It all went downhill from there, straight off a cliff.