Octopus engine trails

Ever since I first saw the Octopus with its three giant outer engines, I always wanted it to put out three engine trails. I know this adds nothing to the ship and actually makes it more visible, but hey; its an engineer, it’s not meant for stealth.

Suggestion: make the three outer engines put out engine trails, instead of the middle one.

That would make some awesome trails while corkscrewing… :smiley:


I want it, even though it will probably never happen

Do you want trails for adjustment thrusters as well? That is exactly where this train of thought leads. Engine trails are used for tracking ships, not really, IMO, for representing the actual thrust vectors. If they change this, is your next request to get more?

Alright snowball logic. We haven’t place for you here.


I mean just the big three on the outside. Nothing more

It sounds nice, but right now we see no need for such a change.

It sounds nice, but right now we see no need for such a change.

There’s never a need for asthetics, but they’re always wanted.