
The Nuke is a veeeeeeerrrrrrrry unbalanced weapon.

He can kill anyone im a mediun radius.

And you can carry more then 1.

uuh… i dont see anything called “nuke” in tech tree… is this some kind of wide explosion Torpedo from Frigate or Self Destruct Module? both are crazy damage and have big explosion

also there’s seems available tech make frigate explosion when xploded can harm anyone in some radius…

This nuke is a nuclear bomb. He can destroy all in a medium radius area.

Nuke is strong but in close combat also deadly for the launching ship. Its rather desinged for killing squads of Ships or Frigates. And only by having Torpedos replaced by a nuke isnt such a bad thing. They are still slow and if you pay a bit of attention you are able to dodge it. Btw if anyone tryed the Deathray you would also be suprised. Deathray is mor like a beam missile but it can miss you like the laser can. Put some Armor against it and you’ll se its not so powerfull. The only thing making it op is T3+ or T4 against T1 or T2 ships. They are all 1 hit by nuke.

The Skill is in the Energy Tech Tree one of the last, scroll right to see it. If anyone has skilled the tree to this point he has nearly nothing else skilled or has played like hell to get there.

good idea for blast some frigates … or quick demolish guardian drones from afar…

how many the limit each time you can carry nuke? i hope only 1…


ok… now that maybe need to be reduced hahaha…

the aumount of large missiles that ship can carry.

i guess they should make new type for nuke torpedo… maybe XL Missiles?

but well… u guess nothing we can do for now… im thinkin maybe those nukes intended for higher Tier ship fight… which they can survive it… as end-tech… no way T1 or T2 can survive that hahaha

but well… that almost impossible atm due lack player…

i guess they should make new type for nuke torpedo… maybe XL Missiles?

but well… u guess nothing we can do for now… im thinkin maybe those nukes intended for higher Tier ship fight… which they can survive it… as end-tech… no way T1 or T2 can survive that hahaha

but well… that almost impossible atm due lack player…

Sure you can do anything. We notice your feedback and we will try to find a solution.

well… as i state above… due size XL, 1 nuke take 3 missiles slot ?

what about putting it in a category like “tactical weapons” for weapons like nukes that are aoe?

nukes are unguided, and can be avoided.

also, the AoE effect happens on all missiles - try firing one within 50m of an afk player

No, he cant be avoided. If he explode near you, you die.

And the nukes look a small rocket.

How will I be able to differentiate?

i just wonder if hedgehog system for frigate can neutralize it…

Well, If this system destroy the nuke before he hit you, the area explosion will kill you.

well… wide aoe missile and piercing missiles seems neutralized completely by hedgehog system, with that thing on, so far not even T4 missiles can harm me (the normal shoot still kill me fast thought… ) … but not sure for nuke…

that’s why im askin if… well… no way to be confirmed except we can start personalize match…

get someone with nukes to find out with you on a no-bots training arena.

@ArqueiroX: they travel MUCH slower than rockets. really.

ook… i meet… uuh… someone seems from _TOR clan (well, aside i dont wanna say who, since i dont want everyone hate him… i also see alot player with that suffix, so i assume they intent to be clan). he using frigate as main ship… and shoot nuke point blank to our beacon while alot ship around it… and what i see… those nuke only eat enemies… allies bots, players and himself seems doesnt harmed…

well… im not really sure… but if those nukes really doesnt harm the user and allies within explosion radius… i agree it overpowered and requesting it giving same amount of damage no matter whoever caught in blast radius… so they not just can shoot something with that huge damage recklessly

This nukes kill allies too.

Once, someone of my team shot a nuke and the explosion kill me too.

In the kill list apear: “Alliadname”–>>ArqueiroX–Blast wave nuke