Nuke them ALLLLLL

so i am what they call a nuker if i can nuke someone i will its lots of fun if u are in teamspeak and nuke a buddy but my suggestion is to kinda fix the nukes when the missile defense shoots a nuke down it should explode and still cause the same damage to anyone around teamate or not so that way nukes arent wasted and they can still do damage

try and nuke esb or syn its rare when u suceed but now if they would explode automatically when taken out bye missile defense i would be able to kill those guys more even if i died doing it

The nukes are really unbalanced at the moment, I think there are a few things which need a change for the nukes.

The nukes are really unbalanced at the moment, I think there are a few things which need a change for the nukes.

by nukes you are refering to torpedos, guided torpedos, misiles or the nuke missile?

my input on them is:

missiles are okish, wish there was a way to restock them specialy in the low tiers, one run out of missiles way to fast

torpedos seems lackluster good dmg and aoe but i have yet to see someone getting hit by them, going a bit to the side andthe torpedo will miss

guided torpedos are borderline between op and up, they are op with the early detonation as they can hunt faster ships with ease aswell as hit targets behind rocks, in the other hand when it comes to doing damage over time disintegrator are far better due to their instant hitting and faster reload, disintegrators olso dont get screwed big time by anti misile laser.

nuke missile: never use it

i think torpedos need a buff, i find them nearly imposible to land and when they do dmg is not very impresive for something so hard to land

guided torpedos could use the removal of early detonation and a reduction in explotion radius, in exchange buff dmg and speed aswell as making them inmune to anti misile laser giving them the anti camping nich without making them op against moving targets.

im speaking of nukes that dont fly just sit for a few seconds and BOOOOOOM