Nuke controller

I was recently playing the game that led up to me getting and investing in this game, “MoonBreakers”, when a carrier assault mission (not unlike the new dreadnought missions here) was initiated. I flew out in my lovely Timberwolf as usual and started letting nukes fly. The mechanics (and AMAZING graphics) of the nukes in that game are very simple, yet sooooo much better than that of Star Conflict. The nukes have a cooldown where you cannot shoot nukes, but detonate them remotely after their “arming” timer has elapsed.


So the process is as follows:

  1. Nuke is fired and cooldown initiated.

  2. Nuke arming timer arms the nuke so it is ready.

  3. Nuke firing button is pressed again to detonate the nuke.

  4. Nuke cooldown finishes and another nuke is ready to be launched.



So what I’m suggesting is that instead of nukes just going off after a timer, they can be laid, then detonated at the will of the pilot. This would make them so much more useful. the game even has a “useful tip” saying that all missiles have a remote detonator!!!





Also nukes being taken down by Guard Missile-shield is way OP considering you only get one per 300s. Just sayin’.

+1 Nice ideea

the remote detonator is while a missile is flying you can make it exploding while this time


Never tried this on a nuke - could already work.


Can you please check?

the remote detonator is while a missile is flying you can make it exploding while this time


Never tried this on a nuke - could already work.


Can you please check?

I think that it means the Nuke we have now.

Stationary, but it can be remotely detonated.

As of now we cannot remotely detonate anything at all.

As of now we cannot remotely detonate anything at all.

as of now you can still remote detonate the Jericho Frig Guided Torp.

That’s the only thing that’s “Remotely Detonated”… Unless the missiles running out of gas and exploding are also remote detonation which does not fit the definition of the term in that situation.

I like to remotely detonate my missiles on the enemy’s ship…

so for beacon hunt basically your team all go covert ops and arm nuke on next beacon, and since nuke doesn’t hurt ally, remotely detonate one by one and watch enemy burn.

so for beacon hunt basically your team all go covert ops and arm nuke on next beacon, and since nuke doesn’t hurt ally, remotely detonate one by one and watch enemy burn.

Wait that requires team coordination. You’re asking for waaaaaay too much here stahhhhp

Wait that requires team coordination. You’re asking for waaaaaay too much here stahhhhp


Don’t you wish you have hive mind and control your whole team :stuck_out_tongue:

This idea is nice, but we already got nuke spam all over the place, especially in Dreadnought Battles…

Not viable.