NPC nerf

NPCs in PvE and OS need to be nerfed at least a little, the amount of damage they do, the faster spawn rate and snowballing into OP-ness is getting a bit out of hand.


PvP is getting unplayable because of destros so there’s no point in arguing anymore, PvE has gotten harder but the rewards haven’t upped with the difficulty so it’s also a no-go, and the OS is simply overrun with single to multiple ships, each being waay stronger in 1v1 terms than your ship. Step it down a little, no point making everything that moves OP. And when i take the destro for a spin, it seems like the usual NPCs are dealing double damage even tho its not an AoE weapon that explodes on impact.

OS has always been like this. No reason for it to change now. Hard enemies for xxxx loot.

Yes. I noticed since probably 1.3.6 that all targets in pve were hardened, and it seems like it was to make pve something destroyers have to actually play instead of just roll through it. These targets are now a time-eating burden even while hitting them with everything a gunship has. I don’t know about earlier ranks of pve targets. I guess it’s all pve’s that rank 8 destroyers and up are in.


Pve was already bad enough with ai spam before 1.3.6 to disqualify anything that doesn’t have aoe damage or cloaking.

Haven’t notice a difference?

Only two changes:

Integrator damage depend on target hit.

Fire storm missiles from a specific enemyclass in FS.

OS has always been like this. No reason for it to change now. Hard enemies for xxxx loot.


Yea but this time enemies got buffed and the loot stayed as it is. As dazarco said, there was a visual and base stat update on OS npcs on 1.3.6., aka ninja update.



Yes. I noticed since probably 1.3.6 that all targets in pve were hardened, and it seems like it was to make pve something destroyers have to actually play instead of just roll through it. These targets are now a time-eating burden even while hitting them with everything a gunship has. I don’t know about earlier ranks of pve targets. I guess it’s all pve’s that rank 8 destroyers and up are in.


Pve was already bad enough with ai spam before 1.3.6 to disqualify anything that doesn’t have aoe damage or cloaking.


Im really tired of soloing every damn mission with random players above T3, it got a bit too much to handle for everyone and skill is not even helpful at this point.