Nova Corparation

Hello Pilots,  Nova is recruiting now!


Nova Corp is build by a Fusion of Zero + Red Corparations, we are  80% Russian Speaking Corp,

but some of us are also International english and german speaking Pilots, and

we are looking for experienced pilots with at least 500 Battles and Destroyed Ships Rating 1300+/-


just write a ingame mail to: Raymaru or whisper me when im online



regards Raymaru Nova Officer International Lead

I have got to say, you guys came out of freaking nowhere to pass us and get into the top 3. Good job, I look forward to flying against you or with you guys. 


BTW, russians are the most bad xxxx white people. They need to learn respect them!

BTW, russians are the most bad xxxx white people. They need to learn respect them!  <<russians Need to learn respect russians?  wtf:=)


btw we are still looking for pilots, just contact us to fly with one of our main squads

Nova-Tag in the opponent team grants a hard fight. 

But Im looking forward to it, we´ll duke it out once again. 

See you guys on the battlefield! (Especially you, Raymaru  :)wt )

Just wanted to tell you that you guys are awesome. Some of my most memorable battles were against the Nova guys. See you on the battlefield :slight_smile:

You guys are a hell to fight :stuck_out_tongue: seeing a 4 man squad on the opponent team usually means a loss xD

actually Squad vs Squad battles or NOVA vs NASA equates to a VERY long match and is always decided within the last 30 seconds or so of the match. 

Attempted to send a message via the in-game mail, however it said that ‘Raymaru’ was an invalid recipient. Unsure as to why. Username is the same in-game as it is here, and was curious as to joining. 


As of this message, my total battles are around 400~ or so although my rating is at 1362.



Apparently the mail system is case sensitive. Did not know that. Learn something new everyday. 


I play mostly interceptor (ECM) as good support in dogfights. (Kris-AE)

Also Covert Ops frigate killer. (Ricasso, but may change to Kite some day)

Before the big update I played fed tackler (Fox)
Now I play that too on detonation matches taking down all those interceptors.
The choice for me after the update Katana-AE.

Sometimes I swap for Katana Type S (Command)
But do not have Mk3 modules for it and the range is important for that.

I have ~1200 ship kills, but in battle I mostly care about the victory than to get the last hit.
Doing 80% of the damage then someone snipe it from you is not good feeling, but if that means

winning the match - so be it.

I am looking for good squad mates for good wingmanship. Like tackler fighter to go with and kill

enemies (or captain) in matter of 2 seconds or less.

Cassual player, but lately I am playing few hours a day.


Seems that nova is quite popular these days so il give it a try.


battles 1400


Ratting 1250


Got teamspeak just need to buy some decent headset.