Nominate Star Conflict for a Steam award!


Pilots! Steam has presented the prestigious Steam Awards!

This November you will get to choose nominees for 8 different categories and to create your very own award category!

Nominate Star Conflict for a Steam award! Make your favorite game a winner!

Star Conflict Team

/vote for DON’T PLAY THIS award.

Joke beside. I don’t recommend it for an award as to many negatives exist.
OS feel as pain with its balance/lacking content.
PvE got a few nerfs and other scenarios not a buff - making grind longer.
Quests got a nerf.
Module got a grind/big nerf.
PvP got a fail mode and not even a statement when it will be removed.
R14 destroyer fail.
Resource fail for R14 destroyer.

I already nominated on Wednesday  ![:014:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/014.png “:014:”)  ![:fed001:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed001.png “:fed001:”)




13 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

/vote for DON’T PLAY THIS award.

Joke beside. I don’t recommend it for an award as to many negatives exist.
OS feel as pain with its balance/lacking content.
PvE got a few nerfs and other scenarios not a buff - making grind longer.
Quests got a nerf.
Module got a grind/big nerf.
PvP got a fail mode and not even a statement when it will be removed.
R14 destroyer fail.
Resource fail for R14 destroyer.

OS : Yeah. That’s why they reword it for the next update. 


PVE : I don’t see what nerf has to do with enjoyable. FS give too much rewards, that’s it. 


Quest nerf : What? Mono ? 

We used to have only 6 mono a day. 

Now we have 3 from OS + 4 from League + some with PvP. 


Module grind nerf  ? What, vouchers? 

This was definitely a buff. 

>>PVE : I don’t see what nerf has to do with enjoyable. FS give too much rewards, that’s it. <<
Enjoyable in three ways: Scenario itself, difficulty and loot.
While most time scenario and difficulty are the same, sometimes it’s different.(like better in x class of ship while in other it’s more difficult/bad). How the scenario is build make a difference as well.
And ‘give too much rewards’ is what? An opinion? A balance reason? What factor(s) measure this?
Loot: Was nerfed with useless things injected/replaced.

>> Quest nerf : What? Mono ?

We used to have only 6 mono a day.

Now we have 3 from OS + 4 from League + some with PvP. <<

  1. 6–>3 is a nerf.
  2. Voucher can’t be done anymore(0 progress since this fail update for me).
  3. No new missions for those doing PvE. So 0 mono for those players. Or did the majority find these OS monos suuuuuuuuuuuuper enjoyable?
    Stagnation is a form of nerf.
    The only source - if you bought/finally assembled one - for PvE is currently the switch of shipparts for mono. And that take very long/remove your incentive.

>>Module grind nerf ? What, vouchers?<<
Yes, yes and tripple yes.

  1. No kits anymore.
  2. Require now for each step voucher.
  3. Combined with the quest nerf an increase in grind for me.(0 progression of course since fail update)

Think of the long run. Bring more attention to the game by nominating it and with that bringing more people into the game? And don’t just look at things that are currently under rework. Help the game and thus help yourself. Look at core things like design, art, community, stuff like that. There’s lot of things going on and a lot of value in there. There must be something that keeps us here for years.

I think in the long run.
New players aren’t interested how things work for veterans.
They don’t have 6+ month(or even years) of grind behind them.
You don’t say all is good/awesome/super duper mega coool. Else they will leave the game faster as they came.
They encounter R8 destroyer, and get either disappointed by them or the grind towards them.
They encounter quests, that get difficult to achieve(because r15 mean nothing below r13 can’t be used for them and you want r15 in at least one faction due new crew meaning less skill switching and the feeling of ‘power’).
Then you encounter OS, that you find boring to farm as it’s tedious and not rewarding for not knowing how.
And in PvP you get this x3 OS that you either love or totally hate. And with the bonus to ranks you get a newbie thrown into fights with new modules/ships/whatever they haven’t encountered before and don’t have a clue and get rekt and if the powergrind to high ranks, they feel they don’t kill this pisky r11 with their r15, no they even get easier destroyed by them as they do with those(vet vs. newbie or newbie vs. newbie).
And the loot is needed for the long grind(SP/dessy) else useless.

Besides,the game is not all about gathering resources that will just end up in a huge pile after you craft everything,upgrade,sell and craft again 5 times(Coromak),It’s about the “fun” you can get from playing it,even if it means doing it to waste time,or for resources,if you want better game content,you have to play the actual game for it,any gamemode can be fun if you are looking for the right thing to do,for example OS(and some nice music in the background as the OS ambient is a bit creepy)either fighting aliens,searching for loot from the Mysterious Containers(that’s another topic)or just flying around and trying to take nice pics for the screenshot contest on steam,or doing the dailies,hopefully,the big update will bring more things to do out there,or change the ways you can do the things you can do already in something that appeals more to the masses.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do in the game already,there are new things added with every patch(I think)and so the possibilities increase every time,imagine if we still could use every weapon on every ship!(Interceptors with Singularities,anyone?)

How the hell do you have no progress with vouchers? 

The kits were totally random anyway. By the time you got what you want, you already had enough vouchers. 


Now leveling mk1>2 takes 2 battles. 3 at most. 

Then comes the daily vouchers mission, doing an instant mk3 upgrade. 

So in 10 battles you went from mk1 to mk3 within a day. That’s definitely a buff here. 

45 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

How the hell do you have no progress with vouchers? 

The kits were totally random anyway. By the time you got what you want, you already had enough vouchers. 


Now leveling mk1>2 takes 2 battles. 3 at most. 

Then comes the daily vouchers mission, doing an instant mk3 upgrade. 

So in 10 battles you went from mk1 to mk3 within a day. That’s definitely a buff here. 

That for a low rank gun right? or maybe we get more with a premium account? cause whatever I try I can’t get more than 1940 voucher per match. no matter the ship, no matter the rank, no matter if I kill everyone, the amount stay the exact same thing. I need 226k to lvl up to mk4. should be done arround after 100 match… 


Why would I do that?

2 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Why would I do that?

Why would you be there? ^^

Sorry, you want me to nominate this game?

But it probably matters what you pick from multiple options, right?

2 minutes ago, Koromac said:

But it probably matters what you pick from multiple options, right?

Or create your own nomination ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

2 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

That for a low rank gun right? or maybe we get more with a premium account? cause whatever I try I can’t get more than 1940 voucher per match. no matter the ship, no matter the rank, no matter if I kill everyone, the amount stay the exact same thing. I need 226k to lvl up to mk4. should be done arround after 100 match… 


I said mk1 to mk2, not mk3 to mk4. 

Mk2 upgrade requires between 10 and 20k vouchers for t5. 

A mission gives between 2000 and 4X00 depending on license and premiums ships. That’s nothing you can’t do.


For all other upgrades, there’s the daily voucher missions. Which gives 50k (80 for prems). 

And there’s also A.Gage which give another random 50k. So an mk3 upgrade (which is between 50 and 80k ) is done in a single day.


Only mk4 are a bit slow, but not more then 4 days. And it’s still better then when we needed Iridium.

In this update, they nerfed the amount of loyalty vouchers for rank 15 modules. I am getting around 3700 loyalty vouchers instead of 4000 loyalty vouchers per won battle.

You can get loyalty from Dread battles if you win

Without a doubt:




Just nominate the game so it becomes the first game and not a second game after warthunder.

The least we can do for the game.