Nibelung, King Nibelung or Leonina?

I would like to ask you guys your opinion, for the ones who have played T4 and have experience and knowledge. What ship is better?


Nibelung has extra sensor range while King Nibelung has an increase in Parasitic Remodulator, same with Leonina.

Nibelung has extra energy regeneration speed while KN has reduced afterburner consume, and Leonina has increased damage.

Nibelung has 2 speed slots and 2 cpu slots while KN has 3 speed slots but only 1 cpu. Leonina has both but it lacks on a shield slot.


Imo Nibelung is the best, but KN and Leonina has available the rank 12 implant, thats why I’m asking this.



So what’s better and why? More speed considering Empire Recons are slow? More CPUs to increase crit values or reduce spread? Or both of them but renouncing one shield slot?


Thanks for your help and your time, I appreciate it.


EDIT: Also, if you could share your builds, they would be very helpful too!

King. Because only the Black Boomber has range bonuses, so that makes the King the best alternative. That or the Swift Eagle.

Well afaik Black Bomber has only 8 module slots because rank 10, anyway I was just comparing the Empire ones, so I still don’t know why do you think why King is the best.

Well afaik Black Bomber has only 8 module slots because rank 10, anyway I was just comparing the Empire ones, so I still don’t know why do you think why King is the best.

Premium ships have the same stats (IN THEORY) to those of the highest rank in the same Tier. Despite the extra 10% weapon damage from the Leonina, I still think the King is the best bang for your free buck.

How does the bomber stack up?

Depends on your playstyle: 

King is more the “Killer” while Nibelung is more supportive, actually you can boost with only one enhanced scanner your sensor range to incredible 15km range. 

The Nibelung is very slow on the other hand: I didnt even got that ship on 500m/s… which is quite pathetic. 


Conclusion: If you are a loner and want to kill stuff: go King. 

If you are in a squad: go Nibelung. 


No opinion on Leonia…


btw.: :taunt:




Conclusion: If you are a loner and want to kill stuff: go King. 

If you are in a squad: go Nibelung. 


This. Knowing your playstyle resi i would first suggest KN. N afterwards if you wish. I would do the same.

Premium ships have the same stats (IN THEORY) to those of the highest rank in the same Tier. Despite the extra 10% weapon damage from the Leonina, I still think the King is the best bang for your free buck.


What do you mean with the best bang?


Considering the slow speed of Empire recons, who cares about 1 speed mod? isn’t it better the extra cpu?

Depends on your playstyle: 

King is more the “Killer” while Nibelung is more supportive, actually you can boost with only one enhanced scanner your sensor range to incredible 15km range. 

The Nibelung is very slow on the other hand: I didnt even got that ship on 500m/s… which is quite pathetic. 


Conclusion: If you are a loner and want to kill stuff: go King. 

If you are in a squad: go Nibelung. 


No opinion on Leonia…


This. Knowing your playstyle resi i would first suggest KN. N afterwards if you wish. I would do the same.


So KN is better for Killing, right? I thought it was the opposite, since N has 1 extra crit mod or spread reduction mod etc




Sweet speed indeed… the EM mod is to fight against bubbleships and their particle purge?

So KN is better for Killing, right? I thought it was the opposite, since N has 1 extra crit mod or spread reduction mod etc


But its so slooooooooooooooooooooooooow. And for unknown reasons I tend to kill more PPL with KN than with N. 

Tanking Pulsar with Parasite is only doable with KN… and Swift Eagle ofc. 

I don’t think a single CPU slot makes that much of a difference, while an extra engine slot is a higher edge for the simple reason you’re flying an inty (and you’re base speed is lower because it’s an empire ship too, so that compensates for it). I’m flying the Hawk M now as my first decent CO for a long time with just 1 CPU slot and it’s a damage monster. And as you said: make use of R12 plant as bonus.

Sweet speed indeed… the EM mod is to fight against bubbleships and their particle purge?


Sure… The answer to the IWIN-Button. Sadly its a must-have.  :sad:

What do you mean with the best bang?


Considering the slow speed of Empire recons, who cares about 1 speed mod? isn’t it better the extra cpu?

I know your flight style. You need the King.

I don’t think a single CPU slot makes that much of a difference, while an extra engine slot is a higher edge for the simple reason you’re flying an inty (and you’re base speed is lower because it’s an empire ship too, so that compensates for it). I’m flying the Hawk M now as my first decent CO for a long time with just 1 CPU slot and it’s a damage monster. And as you said: make use of R12 plant as bonus.

I know your flight style. You need the King.


Well, since I didn’t play T4 I should indeed listen to you so I’ll level up N and KN and fly with it, thanks for the help.



And btw, I was asking about Leonina too because I saw a lot of ESB players with that ship, and I was wondering if it was good.


Anyway, and please, feel free to post your opinions, I would want to see more builds for T4 Empire Recons ^^

Well, since I didn’t play T4 I should indeed listen to you so I’ll level up N and KN and fly with it, thanks for the help.



And btw, I was asking about Leonina too because I saw a lot of ESB players with that ship, and I was wondering if it was good.

It has 10% extra damage, that’s the SOLE reason they spent 8k GS on it. The second CPU slot is also good, considering you cans have a sensor scanner and an Electronic Guidance… I still prefer the King.

It has 10% extra damage, that’s the SOLE reason they spent 8k GS on it. The second CPU slot is also good, considering you cans have a sensor scanner and an Electronic Guidance… I still prefer the King.


Do you have any build you would like to share? :smiley:

Do you have any build you would like to share? :smiley:

I haven’t even bought it, yet. I can give you my full grey Nibelung fit, though <.<

So just forget fed recons?

So just forget fed recons?


Atm yes, but if you want to share your thoughts about them they’re welcome.


I don’t want to hink about them because I don’t even have anyone bought already. Once I establish myself in t4 with a full Empire lineup (recon-ecm-command-engi is my favourite lineup) I will start buying and leveling the rest of the ships :stuck_out_tongue: