New Year's eve entry in Devblog from 23, December

I would not mind the freeze beam staying on as a tackler only weapon.  It is definatly less killy than ions, or realy any of the  so it doesnt bother me much.


The frig gun could also work as a engi only weapon, that hull healing ability on it is nice, I saved our captain from nigh certain doom with it earlier today.


It would need some tweaking though, as current it is the highest dps a frig has.  well okay blasters have more raw damage, but by their very nature most blaster shots are going to miss any given target, the snowballs are super acurate and have a realy high projectile velocity. Even with its poor heat qualities it fealt a bit too ripper.



The inty weapon, I dunno, I didnt like it.  I dont think i ever saw its shrapnell feild do any damage, and without that it was more or less a kenetic plasma cannon with slower bullets and a slower RoF, and a poorer heat cycle.  I could have just been using it wrong it though.  concept is decent, but the exicution could use some work.

It was better than the plasma cannon imho, id like to see it stay