New Year's eve entry in Devblog from 23, December

Its op though, the debuff is too strong

'Ceptors are too fast and agile. This just illustrates just how over-maneuvered they are. Having only a single mod on a long CD for tacklers is pointless. They’re a broken class, which is a shame.

'Ceptors are too fast and agile. This just illustrates just how over-maneuvered they are. Having only a single mod on a long CD for tacklers is pointless. They’re a broken class, which is a shame.




Too fast? broken class?


Come on we already had this discussion here in the forum, this game is too Ace friendly and slow paced, interceptors are the only way we have to have some fun in this game. 


And they’re still too easy to kill lol.

'Ceptors are too fast and agile. This just illustrates just how over-maneuvered they are. Having only a single mod on a long CD for tacklers is pointless. They’re a broken class, which is a shame.


They are meant to be fast and agile, darling. 

'Ceptors are too fast and agile. This just illustrates just how over-maneuvered they are. Having only a single mod on a long CD for tacklers is pointless. They’re a broken class, which is a shame.

As of now, 24th december, ceptors are pretty slow, they aren’t what they used to be.

Ceptors are FAR too slow, they cant avoid enough damage.

The concussion noise from the ice bolts is so over powering the rest of the sound of the game gets drown out…?ment to be that way,i think it is a bit much though if it was ment to be that way.Had to turn the game sound down so much can bearly hear it,but hear them icebolt great…

No worse than getting an octopus to the face

No worse than getting an octopus to the face

A Torpedo to the face is even worse (most of the time).

A Torpedo to the face is even worse (most of the time).


En damage terms yes. An octopus in the face its veeery annoying and distracting for me.

En damage terms yes. An octopus in the face its veeery annoying and distracting for me.

Well I suppose that being in the worst end of a frigate five missile salvo it’s meant to be hard.

We have fixed an incorrect description for quest ‘Chill’, thank you for bringing that up! 

“HO-HO-HO” Siberian Snowstorm Mauler will gift you Torpedoes “HO-HO-HO”





It’s not enough?

What’s about a Snowflakes Mauler?



“HO-HO-HO” Siberian Snowstorm Mauler will gift you Torpedoes “HO-HO-HO”





It’s not enough?

What’s about a Snowflakes Mauler?






For you :smiley:


Taste and Colours…

Just tried the new frigate gun, gotta say, id like this one to stay, its a perfect weapon for an engineer

Just tried the new frigate gun, gotta say, id like this one to stay, its a perfect weapon for an engineer


Even better if you’re used to having coil mortars on your engie. 

Even better if you’re used to having coil mortars on your engie. 


I want to see this Firing mechanics on the Beam Cannon.

Actually use positrons at most times, but i would give up that range for an em weapon that is mid and short range.

Edit: needs more time before overheat.

The freeze weapon is awesome on my Command, i never go for kills anyway, but its just too good to slow down an annoying inty and let the gunships finish it.

The inty weapon IS too loud, i get hit by it and think i’m in trouble, but my shield barely even moves. Same with the mentioned octopus, sound effect should be in some connection with the damage/danger.

Frigate weapon overheats way too fast, but i love that its a fast firing one. Theres nothing like mountint a huge gattling on a big xxxx ship and making cover fire. Blasters are cool, but i dont like the heating up period of it.

They are meant to be fast and agile, darling.

You are mistaking class design with implementation.

The class is meant to be agile and fast, with paper thin armor (like any fast moving/intercepting role). They’re stripper chassis. Problem is, they still pack too much punch with too little counter.

The tackler is - on paper - the anti-captor role. Unfortunately, it falls flat for a multitude of reasons. Right now, with the ceptors so difficult to hit, and with only a *single* slowing mech (pre-winter fest weapons) on a very long CD, the tackler is just flat out lackluster. if the role of the boat is to lock people down, it needs more ECM style mechanisms. Hell, the ECM role is more akin to a tackler currently than the tackler itself :frowning: