New Year's eve entry in Devblog from 23, December


In today’s New Year’s eve entry, we would like to tell you about what you should expect in the newest update! This update came out really huge, so instead of the usual Thursday, we moved it to today. What is it going to contain?
It’s going to be a lot of festive fun!
Let’s start with the fact that on New Year’s eve, all our pilots will be able to feel the atmosphere of this winter holiday thanks to Christmas decorations in hangars and celebratory beacons on the battlegrounds! However, this is not all of what we have prepared for our pilots this year!
In addition, you will see a chain of 9 christmas assignments , revealing the secret of the mysterious disappearance of Nicolai Clauss, the founder of the corporation “Klauss Inc”! (you can read about these events in the INN news release!)


Moreover, in addition to these tasks, “Klauss Inc.“ will provide all mercenaries with an opportunity to personally test the latest weapon prototypes and even get the achievement “Cold-blooded”! (details about the weapons and missions can be found in the news)
Along with these great new products you can expect just as vivid and festive missiles to paint the space in New Year’s colours!

But that’s not all! Along with the update, three brand new premium ship with a unique look will be added to the game! Each ship will be a great addition to your hangar, you can learn more about them right here!

So, the first ship, “Razor ”, one of the most complex and interesting Jericho prototypes, is now available to our pilots! Application of artifact technology allows the ship to achieve outstanding performance, however, given the complexity of the production, this ship is available only to a limited number of pilots!

Building the “Razor” prototype gave Jericho designers significant amounts of important information, which allowed them to create a long-range T5 ship “Mauler” that fully justified its name in testing. The ship is now available to our pilots! Make your enemies tremble with the latest “Mauler”!


Empire tech designers know no rest, and now all the mercenaries have access to the newest T4 ship - Loki, which, just like the Norse god, allows its pilots gain superiority in battle! Rumor has it that the designer, who was involved in the development of this ship, drew inspiration from the prototype weapon used by the Emperor’s Guard! With this ship, you will destroy allenemies in the name of the Emperor!

Of course, with all the holiday preparations, we have not forgotten about the battles! We continue to work to improve the “Sector conquest” mode. This mode allowed many corporation pilots to try their skills in ruthless battles for the sector and its locations and receive great rewards, however, there is a certain imbalance which we intend to fix. How? By means of economics! Now, the fewer locations one of the sides controls, the more significant its rewards become! Thus, capturing locations for the losing side will be not only be necessary, but also extremely profitable ! See for yourself: the losing side of conflict will receive much greater rewards! The number of all received credits and loyalty for victories in battle will be much higher!
Important: The sum of taxes coming from locations has not changed!
We have also modified the matchmaker settings for other modes!
In addition to these exciting changes, we also improved the main interface of the game to make it more comfortable - very soon you will be able to try it for yourself!
As you can see, this update will be really interesting, but that’s not all! What else? At the end of the week we plan to publish another entry to our blog, or rather, video blog - where we plan to summarize and… tell you something very exciting! We, just like you, are eagerly waiting! In the meantime - a Happy New Year to you, Mercenaries!


Of course, with all the holiday preparations, we have not forgotten about the battles! We continue to work to improve the “Sector conquest” mode. This mode allowed many corporation pilots to try their skills in ruthless battles for the sector and its locations and receive great rewards, however, there is a certain imbalance which we intend to fix. How? By means of economics! Now, the fewer locations one of the sides controls, the more significant its rewards become! Thus, capturing locations for the losing side will be not only be necessary, but also extremely profitable ! See for yourself: the losing side of conflict will receive much greater rewards! The number of all received credits and loyalty for victories in battle will be much higher!

Hueh, Feds gonna be rich now

Hueh, Feds gonna be rich now

They have to win in order to get those rewards :slight_smile:




Whoever designed those ships gets a big A+


They have to win in order to get those rewards :slight_smile:


Whoever designed those ships gets a big A+



Look at this cool art for new ships!




They have to win in order to get those rewards :slight_smile:

I saw two blue sectors recently, so it’s possible :slight_smile:

Now I understand why ESB switched sides =)


Wery logical decision to switch due to that new bonus thing, as Federation gets 4x multiplier.

Serious optimization and min/maxing guys ^^



This system has a game theorerical flaw: players now should join up on storming one side on purpose to create a 4x multiplier side, then join into that and storm again other sides. Repeat, repeat and repeat. At least if all have read their Game Theory.



Good thing that you made that limit for switching sides.

I gotta say, Mauler looks like an actual missile battery.  Now I’ll have to decide between Sensei and cold blooded titles…   I’m still curious about Klauss Inc.

I gotta say, Mauler looks like an actual missile battery.  Now I’ll have to decide between Sensei and cold blooded titles…   I’m still curious about Klauss Inc.

According to what intelligence was able to dig up, “Klauss Inc” was founded by Nikolai Klauss - a mysterious old and very reclusive person, who was found with serious injuries and amnesia more than one hundred years ago! After some time in clinic he was able to regain memoriуs of his name, but still couldn’t remember anything on his occupation and whereabouts prior to injuries.

After some time of travelling he has founded a weapon manufacturing company, “Klauss Inc”, which has become very successeful after merger with “Electronic Lions Factories”. Nowadays, corporation concentrates on researching artefacts and creating various weapon prototypes based on this research.

As for Nikolai, at the moment he has found himself in charity - he was in the middle of his charity tour, when suddenly all communications were lost… you can find out what happened next by clearing the quests in game!



I gotta say, Mauler looks like an actual missile battery.



I just don’t understand . Why did the fed get nothing. The solo non esb fed pilot has nothing

Slow beams seem ridiculous to me


Look at this cool art for new ships!




Nice :slight_smile:

Loki looks like a Federation frame though

Loki looks like a gun, a Federation gun to be more precise xD

“Destroy 100 ships in PVE with the new Interceptor weapon”


Does this work correctly?

“Destroy 100 ships in PVE with the new Interceptor weapon”


Does this work correctly?


AFAIK not yet.

“Destroy 100 ships in PVE with the new Interceptor weapon”


Does this work correctly?

Yes, with the fighter weapon.

I totally dig this event - finished my chain and got the title :slight_smile:

The beam weapon should remain post-event though. It’s awesome for tacklers, and fit’s the role of the ship. Perhaps in the future we will get one “ship specific” weapon for each role, and the other 4 being generic.

Its op though, the debuff is too strong

AFAIK not yet.

It works all right, there is a mistake in description. Use freeze beam in order to complete it. 

It works all right, there is a mistake in description. Use freeze beam in order to complete it. 


Thanks Antibus =)