New Weapons (Phase Suppressor OP?)

So after several games with the Phase Suppressor (on the receiving end), and have come to see that it is extremely broken. I mean, it reduces your hull and shield regen by 95%. Yes,  95%. That is insane. Spy Drones are already bad enough at 50% reduction (which is balanced), but 95%??? Any regen module you could ever use would instantly become useless in terms of regen.


To me, it seems this weapon was designed to counter frigballs, because yes, frigballs were OP. But now, frigballs will be completely useless. All you need is 1 covops with a phase suppressor to ruin any team’s regen.


Now, I am well aware that this is a new weapon, and is most likely going to change, but it seems that every time new weapons are introduced, there is always 1 or 2 that are extremely OP. It’s like the devs will never learn how to bring in new weapons that are balanced (or close to balanced). And it’s also like they never listen to their super testers (or never use them), I mean, this is something that should be brought up in testing, that something like this is extremely broken.


Anyways, rant over. Thoughts on this weapon, or any new weapons?

nah, dat cannot be OP


Nah man, put that on an ECM with Overload and energy drain.

What is healing? What are guards? What are engis?

Does this weapon also affect your healing modules? Does spy drones affect heal modules?

Does this weapon also affect your healing modules? Does spy drones affect heal modules?


Yes and yes. Anything that could heal your ship will be affected, by 95%. 50% with spy drones

50% from spy drones is bad enough – anyone who’s spent enough time with me on TS knows that I hate that module with a passion, since it’s not only the fastest cooldown in the game, but also because the 50% regen really, really hurts when getting shot at in a ship that isn’t very tanky.


The phase suppressor, though…

I thought they took this effect off spy drones when they buffed the reload time? Unless I’m not mistaken.

I thought they took this effect off spy drones when they buffed the reload time? Unless I’m not mistaken.

They buffed reload time, because everyone and their grandmother were scratching them off within seconds from the collision dmg. Nothing was changed to actual status effect.

If the gun is truly 95% that is a bug, it should be 50%

If the gun is truly 95% that is a bug, it should be 50%


Then it is a bug. When I was flying in my Wolf-M yesterday, I activated my repair kit (which normally heals 3120), and it healed for less than 300.

You know the drill, logs or didn’t happen. 

They buffed reload time, because everyone and their grandmother were scratching them off within seconds from the collision dmg. Nothing was changed to actual status effect.

Oh OK. Well anyway I now feel like people are trying to kill me by collision damage, they are being spammed so much ^^

Ok we tested it in a custom battle, the gun reduces your hull and shield regen by 50%. We also tried the combo with spy drones and the effects don’t stack. 


Dirk i guess yesterday you just got it wrong ^^

Yo Sponge, send these test logs my way, so I can ask designer - I think, original plan was to stack it with drones,so it might be a bug.

I’m on the phone atm but i will be home tonight, btw i didn’t checked the logs i trusted dirk that made the math while i shoted at him. I was quite convinced by myself that effects wuold stack but he told me they don’t. Better check the logs

Yo Sponge, send these test logs my way, so I can ask designer - I think, original plan was to stack it with drones,so it might be a bug.


If that is indeed the intent, that would be extremely OP. I mean, you are talking a 75% reduction there. Sure, you can brush off the spy drones, but they’ll be back on 15.6 seconds later (or less).


And yes, in the testing they did not stack. When I activated my repair kit, it did 2 ticks to heal me for 3120 (1560 each tick). When under phase suppressor alone, it went down to 780 per tick. When under both phase suppressor and spy drones, it was still at 780 per tick.


So regarding my original post, Phase suppressor isn’t as OP as I made it sound, I just think something was up yesterday that caused it to drop regen by 95% or something, w/e it was has fixed itself I think. I still think this weapon is a bit overpowered. 50% is a pretty huge regen nerf when you can’t get rid of it like you can spy drones. Maybe if it were something like 35% or so it would be a bit more balanced, especially considering that it can actually achieve some significant damage for a weapon that is supposed to have low damage.

I suggest you play more PvP games before we start debating on how or not OP this gun is.

None the less, if it was intended to stack and it doesn’t that is a bug in the implementation, regardless of balance consequences. like, for example, Adaptive staking bug awhile back.

I’d love to attach logs of my experience with phase suppressor early yesterday, but it seems that my logs have become rather fragmented due to the nature of the PvE farming I was doing. Guess it’ll be a mystery.

Here is the log of the custom battle.

[2015.09.02](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9741)

After playing with the Phase Suppressor myself, I can definitely say this weapon is overpowered. You can get some pretty impressive damage for a weapon that is supposed to have low damage, and combine that with the fact that there is no way to counter the 50% regen reduction… The few games I’ve actually been able to play today have proven to me that it is fairly OP.