New Shop Container - Rare Destroyer Ship Parts

This container costs exactly 400 GS. Price is okay and acceptable. However, it is the loot that worries me!




Do you think, that it is worth to buy 10 of such containers?

How common or rare is it going to be in Open Space?


  • 3 random rare manufacturing ingredients                     (3 random Secret Project ship parts, or 3 rare manufactured ammunition components?)

  • High chance to get impure neodium or neodium plate  (neodium plate is more valuable, because you need 2 neodium ore to craft 1 neodium plate)



P.S.: Improve so called “Random Store” aspect and expand upon it. Give us some guaranteed resources, so that we don’t gamble so much.


Some examples: Monocrystal     Pack (Gives you guaranteed 5 -10 monocrystals)

                           Neodium Plate Pack (Gives you guaranteed 3-5  neodium plates)

                           Iridium             Pack (Gives your guaranteed 250-500 Iridium units)

                           Secret Project Pack (Gives you guaranteed 1-2 random SP parts)



What do you think, guys? This isn’t a suggestion, but it is a discussion.

I like the idea of fixed reward + random component. It is not good to be entirely random because then only large numbers of purchases guarantee reward. I would prefer microtransactions where I am sure of what I’m getting for my money.



I like the idea of fixed reward + random component. It is not good to be entirely random because then only large numbers of purchases guarantee reward. I would prefer microtransactions where I am sure of what I’m getting for my money.



For me it is the store design. If I don’t like it, I rather farm and buy nothing, just to show my resentment towards such practices.

People with similar mindset won’t buy a thing and they might just leave the game for good and write a negative review.

I bought 4 of the Destroyer pack and got 2 impure neodium. I would complain but it did catch me up a bit.

I bought 4 of the Destroyer pack and got 2 impure neodium. I would complain but it did catch me up a bit.

4x400=1600GS, which is around almost 5 EUR for 1 neodium plate. Very bad bargain. Will have to pass, unfortunately.

I bought 4 of the Destroyer pack and got 2 impure neodium. I would complain but it did catch me up a bit.

What was the other stuff you got vor did you got 2 empty containers?

What was the other stuff you got vor did you got 2 empty containers?

Other assorted components like screened batteries, processing block and some metal blanks.

Other assorted components like screened batteries, processing block and some metal blanks.

sounds like this containers are totally worth their 400gs.

sounds like this containers are totally worth their 400gs.

If you got over 400 Tier V Mark 4 Kits, no they aren’t at all. If instead of ore, you would get plates, then maybe yes!

These new containers are anything -but- worth the 400GS at the moment. I highly suggest waiting until release of destroyers before buying anything with GS.

For me, the containers are almost fair, their drops should just be a bit more towards the description they have and we are good to go. I’m against “buying” special project ships via container content, the reason is simple, it makes a mockery out of other peoples effort to make/have one. What’s an endgame content if it can be acquired with a little bit of money, a joke- ba dum tss.

I have spent hundreds of dollars on loot and I can tell you the value you get sucks. 


$140 was not enough gold worth of container to unlock one secret ship, and I had half the modules before I started. 

For $3000 in this game I feel very shorted. Then i tried the new container, but it gave me things I get with no effort. Not one rare thing.

Now we got the threat of this new currency.


The spatial scanner was nerfed about a year ago. So tired of progression getting nerfed every update.


Its seems the free loaders are helping the devs have a reason to screw the paying customers who finance this game. 


If the devs want to get the numbers up, then they should reduce the grind. The grind chases people away.

Its seems the free loaders are helping the devs have a reason to screw the paying customers who finance this game. 


If the devs want to get the numbers up, then they should reduce the grind. The grind chases people away.

I thought prem license, prem ships, prem boosters, DLCs, etc. were reducing the grind…

I thought prem license, prem ships, prem boosters, DLCs, etc. were reducing the grind…

i think he tried to farm all iridium for a a Dreadnought frame and modules, all by himself…

I do agree that the grind is insane and does nothing but shoo new players, but guess what the devs are going to do about it?

Nothing at all

i think he tried to farm all iridium for a a Dreadnought frame and modules, all by himself…

iridium is easy, just salvage mk4 kits at the lab (premium option).


I do agree that the grind is insane and does nothing but shoo new players, but guess what the devs are going to do about it?

Nothing at all

I still got everything i have without investing a single cent here. In the game “Ace Online” you would have to farm way more in a much more boring way (PVE is insanely fun compared to the way you can level up at that game), also PVP would not help to lvl up. Oh yes, almost forgot, paying does give you a big advantage over players who dont pay, since they cant get those items from alternative ways in “Ace Online”.

I do agree that the grind is insane and does nothing but shoo new players, but guess what the devs are going to do about it?

Nothing at all

Exactly. The constant nerfing of progression with the currency is killing the game.


Now we got this new currency. Even if they allowed unlimited runs for mono missions. Most of us can only do so many of those missions a day due to attention span and time.

The loot nerf in open space, basically made the spatial scanner useless.

The paid bundles rarely drop anything rare or needed.

*flashback* I remember back in the day when levelling synergy was optional and all ships could be bought outright. Also when you didn’t need vouchers to get Mk3 stuff, but had to level up in factions to “gain their loyalty” legitimately.

You don’t spend loyalty. You spend money.

Also, another grandly agreed upon fact is that containers’ randomness is the dumbest thing. I’d much rather spend money on micro transactions that actually gave what I wanted instead of game me a chance for something I needed but might not get.

The containers should be less lottery and more their description and everyone is happy.  :005j:

iridium is easy, just salvage mk4 kits at the lab (premium option).

yeah, of course it is easy… do you remember how much iridium full Dread costs?


Exactly. The constant nerfing of progression with the currency is killing the game.

Bul1xxxx, this is exact opposite of what happens in game, over past year progression has been speeded-up over and over, even in last patch (1 before that?) they reduced progressions even further, with huge reduction on price of everything in t1-t3. Change on modules rank spread, increases in loyalty gains, reducing power difference in ranks, increasing synergy gains in battles, these all together are HUGE reductions in so called grind.


*flashback* I remember back in the day when levelling synergy was optional and all ships could be bought outright. Also when you didn’t need vouchers to get Mk3 stuff, but had to level up in factions to “gain their loyalty” legitimately.

You don’t spend loyalty. You spend money.

Also, another grandly agreed upon fact is that containers’ randomness is the dumbest thing. I’d much rather spend money on micro transactions that actually gave what I wanted instead of game me a chance for something I needed but might not get.

I guess you were so yong back then, that you can not even remember how much SLOWER progression was back then, and by slower I mean in multitudes of 10ths slower, it was enormously slow, it took me about 3000 battles (all 3000 with PREM LICENSE) just to take a glimpse at mk2 T4 gear and ships back then, while now I can reach t5 with mk3-4 gear and multiple ship lines in under 1000 battles, WITH NO LICENSE.