New Shop Container - Rare Destroyer Ship Parts

I remember back when I could chose what I wanted to level up without having to be stuck levelling ships I’d never use in any other scenario. I did a few battles, made money, and bought the ships I wanted. None of this synergy requirement nonsense. That slows everybody’s grind immensely.

And yet it would take you hundreds of battles more just to unlock next rank of ships available for purchase, while now you can blaze trough ranks in no time. Oh and do you remember when implants were separated by faction? and in order to have a choice between implants at higher ranks, you MUST have had each faction of that rank, unlike now where everything unlocks for you just case.

Do you remember prices, repair costs, and gains? Even after all these hundreds of battles just to unlock next rank of ships you’de find yourself still unable to afford anything, and you would have to spend just as much time more just farming credits for next ships, even though you have them unlocked.

Some things have improved. But the fact they Nerf a paid module that cost about $20 is just wrong. Its been over a year and they still have not made that right.


The spatial scanner is a pile of poop. You circle around for sometimes 20 minutes getting attacked by what ever until the object finally appears, only for it to be a screen battery or CPU or worse.

Every now then I might get a bp, but all I want are mono crystals.

Alien used to drop artifacts. Yet have I seen a mono crystal in open space. I have bought hundreds of dollars worth of gold for the containers that don’t give monos enough for what I have spent.


I feel the devs owe me a lot of mono crystals.

The unlocking and leveling is fairly good, got no issues there. I guess sometimes people get used to the new changes and forget how it was in the early stages, also some of these stages were good for some and for others it was kinda bad. I have played many different genres of games from mmo to singleplayer and being a space exploring enthusiast, this game with all its grind issues is great for me.


As a “freeloader” i get the chance to be even with some paying players with somewhat more effort and time, but they should fix the containers to be a bit paying friendly for all those willing to spend/invest into the game, at least don’t punish them with a bunch of lottery containers lol, ease up a little :fed001:  :snowgirl: .

Lol the faction implants were one thing that I genuinely hated. Though at the time I just accepted it as part of the game. And ranking up by faction is a whole lot better than by ship line.

Then: rank up in faction, three new ships to buy for cred and no need to level previous ships. (Level up factions to get ships)

Now: level up ship completely to unlock one, maybe occasionally two, ships that you have to level to get the next one. (Level up ships to level up factions.)

Things that need to be like before:

  1. no synergy levels needed for next ship.

  2. level up factions for loyalty items (the OLD way to get Mk3 stuff)

  3. cheaper everything.

  4. actually useful LRF’s

  5. Get a usable amount of GS in-game with no hastle. (Now you get only a few for achievements and polls. More for tournaments, but only once a week and they are flooded with OP unbeatable teams.) (They said that you can get everything in-game for free, but at the rate you get GS in real-time it would take years to get even a T3 ship.)

Things that don’t:

  1. literally everything else.

Some things have improved. But the fact they Nerf a paid module that cost about $20 is just wrong. Its been over a year and they still have not made that right.


The spatial scanner is a pile of poop. You circle around for sometimes 20 minutes getting attacked by what ever until the object finally appears, only for it to be a screen battery or CPU or worse.

Every now then I might get a bp, but all I want are mono crystals.

Alien used to drop artifacts. Yet have I seen a mono crystal in open space. I have bought hundreds of dollars worth of gold for the containers that don’t give monos enough for what I have spent.


I feel the devs owe me a lot of mono crystals.

Your speech shows you as a lazy person who wants to spend 0 time to get stuff, where low money payment is all you need to have everything. Im afraid thats not how things work (nor how they should work). License by itself is a tremendous grind speedup (i can tell from the times ive been awarded that) with that 50% extra gain to all (and you can increase that much more with other boosters).

About spatial scanner: from what you say, its pretty clear you are bad using it. I get 4 mysterious containers in 5-7 minutes most of the time. Drop is not ideal thats for sure, but its way better than you say. If you say you take 20 mins to find one (i quickly tell if theres any container in the map since spatial scanner is very easy to use…so my problem is knowing when the container will respawn: that takes less than 6 minutes if you really want to be the only one to pick it up ASAP) and have problems with ships chasing you, first you arent using the scanner well and second, your ship build/use is incorrect (700ms recon gets rid of anything quick and safely).


About monos: they are mostly used for Secret Proyect ships which are NOT PREMIUM (so cant and shouldnt be obtained by real money: its a reward for effort spended). Even so, you can greatly reduce the time to get enough monos with a license, obtaining 9 per day instead of 6 (1/3 faster). If you have troubles doing daily missions, heres what i got for you: stop being lazy and get out to do those missions, all 3 of them can be completed in 20 minutes without hard work (this includes escorting the cargo ship at vanguard outpost).

EDIT: i forgot, are you displeased with the tremendous amount of free-easy given away monos from ms summer?


Also I agree about the spatial scanner. Kinda useless now. All you get it pointless cred items or those cheap pirate shield things.

And for Papitas, laziness has nothing to do with those missions. Ever tried to escort a carrier through the middle of a map full of aliens? Ever tried to kill that predator in Solaris wasteland without a cloaking ship? Also her name is Frost not Summer. Summer is an evil alien AI.

I also just realised how offtopic this is getting.

Please, people.

Also I agree about the spatial scanner. Kinda useless now. All you get it pointless cred items or those cheap pirate shield things.

And for Papitas, laziness has nothing to do with those missions. Ever tried to escort a carrier through the middle of a map full of aliens? Ever tried to kill that predator in Solaris wasteland without a cloaking ship? Also her name is Frost not Summer. Summer is an evil alien AI.

I also just realised how offtopic this is getting.

Please, people.

Yes i have tried to escort a *cargo ship* through the middle of a map full of aliens, as a matter of fact, i completed the one in terramorphing station in an inquisitor S shooting all predators and hunters without dying, all by myself (i had to do it twice cause the first time i was too busy shooting aliens and was too far from the cargo ship when it jumped out). Easiest way of completing this missions is with a fast recon: lure all ships in the path, cloack, microwarp to the cargo ship when its near the jump gate, done. Ive used this tactic effectively in all my attempts even that im flying with 240-300 ping, theres no excuse for a low ping player. Its simple and fast, no need for superhuman skills at all, just know what to do.

Ive also managed to kill the predator in solaris wasteland in a recon with long range PG, its not easy, but possible if you know how to get some friendly npcs taking agro ( pro tip: bring flares/holo ships and heals).


Its either lazyness or adaptive disability. All of these situations have been challenging to me, but since i spend time to figure out how to succesfully surpass them, now i have effective, efficient and easy ways of completing those tasks.

My bad, i meant ms frost. Also you are right, its going offtopic.

Insulting me the way you have, just shows your maturity level or lack there of.

If you looked had at my in game profile which you have pointed out previously, Then you would see I am not lazy by any stretch of the imagination.

I have responsibilities, I only have so much time to play. I would gladly pay to unlock a few things, so I don’t have waste countless hours for something that gives very little benefit.

Most of the stuff I have I, is by grinding.


I know free loaders hate pay to players, but without us this game would not exist.


As far as killing bio-morphs, hunters, predators, or what ever, I have no issue killing them and its easy. The rewards for all the effort is not much.

When they come for me, then I have kill them and circle around some more. It’s back to “Find the stupid object before more spawn.”

I hate it because there is little to no reward for all the work. The collecting and mailing is just an other unnecessary part to this. I feel once item is collected it should just automatically go to my inventory.


Your speech shows you as a lazy person who wants to spend 0 time to get stuff, where low money payment is all you need to have everything. Im afraid thats not how things work (nor how they should work). License by itself is a tremendous grind speedup (i can tell from the times ive been awarded that) with that 50% extra gain to all (and you can increase that much more with other boosters).

About spatial scanner: from what you say, its pretty clear you are bad using it. I get 4 mysterious containers in 5-7 minutes most of the time. Drop is not ideal thats for sure, but its way better than you say. If you say you take 20 mins to find one (i quickly tell if theres any container in the map since spatial scanner is very easy to use…so my problem is knowing when the container will respawn: that takes less than 6 minutes if you really want to be the only one to pick it up ASAP) and have problems with ships chasing you, first you arent using the scanner well and second, your ship build/use is incorrect (700ms recon gets rid of anything quick and safely).

About monos: they are mostly used for Secret Proyect ships which are NOT PREMIUM (so cant and shouldnt be obtained by real money: its a reward for effort spended). Even so, you can greatly reduce the time to get enough monos with a license, obtaining 9 per day instead of 6 (1/3 faster). If you have troubles doing daily missions, heres what i got for you: stop being lazy and get out to do those missions, all 3 of them can be completed in 20 minutes without hard work (this includes escorting the cargo ship at vanguard outpost).

EDIT: i forgot, are you displeased with the tremendous amount of free-easy given away monos from ms summer?

Insulting me the way you have, just shows your maturity level or lack there of.

If you looked had at my in game profile which you have pointed out previously, Then you would see I am not lazy by any stretch of the imagination.

I have responsibilities, I only have so much time to play. I would gladly pay to unlock a few things, so I don’t have waste countless hours for something that gives very little benefit.

Most of the stuff I have I, is by grinding.


I know free loaders hate pay to players, but without us this game would not exist.


As far as killing bio-morphs, hunters, predators, or what ever, I have no issue killing them and its easy. The rewards for all the effort is not much.

When they come for me, then I have kill them and circle around some more. It’s back to “Find the stupid object before more spawn.”

I hate it because there is little to no reward for all the work. The collecting and mailing is just an other unnecessary part to this. I feel once item is collected it should just automatically go to my inventory.

Thats right, i have no idea who you are and what youve done, reason why i explicitly based all my opinions from your words. I havent looked your game profile and i havent mentioned it either. I do not hate pay users, i hate lazy users. IMO SP arent a “little benefit asset” by far and doing dailies arent worth little, cause the effort required is little too; low reward for low work. Aliens have crap rewards, but spatial scanner doesnt, not if you use it right (your words say you dont). Collecting and mailing makes things a lot more realistic which im ok with (i dont like games where you store infinite stuff in a very limitated space), i would only like getting materials of higher quality/purity (lets say an item that is worth 5 vanadium in example).

If you dont have the time to get stuff, dont claim for it, you got access to a lot of top efficiency stuff through real money. Grind is not as high as many players say it is, and if you have some time to spend on grinding, you can speed it up a lot through real money. Otherwise premium ships are your best friends and they wont let you down.

Advice: take charge of your words.

Boys, your dicks are both equally as short. Can we move on now?

+1 for the sugestion

Ever tried to escort a carrier through the middle of a map full of aliens?

It’s actually not that hard just invite 1 friend to squad and both take 700m/s recons and distract the aliens while the transport flies or 1 recon and 1 guard.It can be done solo but it’s a bit harder.

Or, you know, cancel escort mission and anotherone instead

Or, you know, cancel escort mission and anotherone instead

That works to but i do these missions every second day and if i cancel i miss 1 mission.

  1. Cancelling doesn’t always grant a different mission

  2. cancelling doesn’t waste a mission. You get 1 per day regardless of cancelling.

  3. Still offtopic.

  1. Cancelling doesn’t always grant a different mission

  2. cancelling doesn’t waste a mission. You get 1 per day regardless of cancelling.

  3. Still offtopic.

1)devs said it’s a bug if you get same mission twice in a row

2)it does waste a mission if you stack 2 of them

  1. it’s 100% on topic

Boys, your dicks are both equally as short. Can we move on now?



Or, you know, cancel escort mission and anotherone instead



  1. Cancelling doesn’t always grant a different mission

  2. cancelling doesn’t waste a mission. You get 1 per day regardless of cancelling.

  3. Still offtopic.


U guys just crack me up LOL

BTW are we still talking about containers or the paying community and payments in general?

we are talking, that is all that matters

welcome to the English forums

This new container is bull crap. I tried it when it first came out, and again last night when the destroyers were released.


High chance they say. Well, out of 13 purchases I have not received one plate or ore.


Those stupid containers do not drop neodymium like they are supposed to.