New PvE map - Ceres

New Ceres mining facility


Map story/in-game description

_ “Ceres-3. This planet is well known for an unknown facility, that no one could ever say by whom it was built. Neither aliens, nor precursors. In fact, the only thing that is known, is that it is surrounded by a field, which blocks all navigation systems. We have got news that cartels somehow managed to get through this field and they are trying to get the most of information they could use on their ships. If this facility falls to their hands, the chance to take over federation by cartels rises!” _



general description

The map looks like the orbital station that can be seen from both maps northern mining station and eastern mining station. Design of the station is uknown and partialy the same as jericho, since it was mentioned in the sectors description on game website (+design of objects build in asteroid field in eastern mining station). Enemies are cartels. You can fly into the station (it has tunnels in it leading to core (a big room with a strong generator dealing Thermal damage when you get too close)) l7JHFvl.jpg



Map description

the new ceres mining facility is an unknown cube-like station with entrances to tunnels leading into the station core. The main idea came from this picture, but the station tunnel system is far more complex. tuXKcKD.jpg



First round-securing facility

your task is to disarm 5 EM bombs located somewhere on/in the facility. The bombs spawn on random places evreytime you enter this scenario. Every bomb has its own countdown. Fast ships recommended. In order to disarm a bomb you need to fly close to it and interact like capturing beacons. If a bomb explodes before you disarm it, you failed. Cartel squads periodically arrive to fight against you. If all players died you failed. You can see bombs on your radar, even though the bombs are further than your maximum range, and these can be seen through obstacles.


Narrator: "Attention merceneries! The nearby areas are well known for computing system failures due to the radiation coming out from the core. Our scientists delivered us new alien shielding technology that should protect you from it. Secure this area from cartels at all costs!"

Enemy description:
Cartel lieutenant (unlimited number)
ship: swift (t1) / sai (t2-t3) / eagle (t4-t5)
weapons: pulse laser mk 2
modules: orion targeting complex, hull booster / parasitic remodulator, hull boost
Cartel captain (only one of them appear in t1, two in t2-t3 and four in t4-t5)
ship: raptor (t1) / reaper (t2-t3 / grizzly (t4-t5)
weapons: coil mortar mk2
modules: autonomous repair station, mass shield generator / pulsar, spectre field

continuous energy regeneration
max speed increased by 20%

Second round-defeating enemy forces

this round is divided to 3 waves, your mission is to defeat all enemy forces. But watch out for those getting too close to the mining station core, their task is to destroy the core. The enemies are so strong and in such numbers, because the fact, that you can build your own defense systems helps you a lot. This means the enemies should be stronger so it still ould be challenging (see my reply to mill’s post(#5)).
-1st wave-40 cartel leutenants + 2 cartel captains (T1); 1st wave-50 cartel leutenants + 3 cartel captains (T2-3); 1st wave-55 cartel leutenants + 5 cartel captains (T5)
-2nd wave-45 cartel lieutenants + 5 cartel captains (T1); 2nd wave-55 cartel lieutenants + 6 cartel captains (T2-3); 2nd wave-70 cartel lieutenants + 10 cartel captains (T5)
-3rd wave-3 alien hunters, modified by cartels + 20 Biomorphs + a landing party (cargo ship) (T1); 3rd wave-4 alien hunters, modified by cartels + 25 Biomorphs + a landing party (cargo ship) (T2-3); 3rd wave-6 alien hunters, modified by cartels + 45 Biomorphs + a landing party (cargo ship) (T5)
-they must not destroy the core, otherwise you will fail. If all players died you also failed.


Narrator: Wave 1: _ “Looks like some cartel managed to call for reinforcements! The unique core must not fall!” _ Wave 2:_ “Attention pilots! The next enemy wave is already in action!” _ Wave 3: "Watch out merceneries! Alien signatures detected along with a transport ship!"

Enemy description:
Cartel lieutenant
ship: swift (t1) / sai (t2-t3) / eagle (t4-t5)
weapons: pulse laser mk 2
modules: orion targeting complex, hull booster / parasitic remodulator, hull boost
Cartel captain
ship: raptor (t1) / reaper (t2-t3 / grizzly (t4-t5)
weapons: coil mortar mk2
modules: autonomous repair station, mass shield generator / pulsar, spectre field
Modified alien hunter
ship: Hunter
weapons: unknown weapon
modules: unknown modules, Alien defence system
Landing party
ship:Cargo ship
weapons: none
modules: none

ship: infected ship

weapons: Turbophaser

modules: Unknown modules

critical chance increased by 25%
critical damage bonus increased by 25%

Third round-activating shield barrier

your task is to activate 3 energy generators and a shield projector. You should do this as fastest as you can, because enemies will keep coming. In order to activate an energy generator you need to get close enough to “capture” it like a beacon. You need to do the same with the shield projector. If all players died, then you failed.


Narrator: "We have gone this far, we must not fail! Activate all three generators and make sure the shielding systems are working!"

Enemy description:
Cartel lieutenant (unlimited number)
ship: swift (t1) / sai (t2-t3) / eagle (t4-t5)
weapons: pulse laser mk 2
modules: orion targeting complex, hull booster / parasitic remodulator, hull boost
Cartel captain (unlimited number, but spawns less frequently than cartel lieutenants)
ship: raptor (t1) / reaper (t2-t3 / grizzly (t4-t5)
weapons: coil mortar mk2
modules: autonomous repair station, mass shield generator / pulsar, spectre field
Modified alien hunter (only one of them appear in t1, two in t2-t3 and four in t4-t5)
ship: Hunter
weapons: unknown weapon
modules: unknown modules

continuous hull repair

Opinions? Thoughs?

Love it

  • Added Narrator lines

  • Fixed the issue with the original sector story

  • Added Poll

  • Added In-game description

  • Added Tier differences in round two + tweaked


To do list:

  • Further map description

  • Map (can someone please make one in photoshop?)

Love it :slight_smile:


I think on the second round, it would be nice to have the possibility to build defense turrets to help you, like on the third round of Crimson Haze.


Also, what if in the first round, the bombs would spawn in random places, one at a time.  So it’s kindof a hunt the bomb.  You don’t know where the next one will spawn, so tactics will include spreading out to cover the maximum possible area on the map.


I had another idea some time ago for a PVE round, I don’t know if you can work it into this one, so I’ll just throw it out there.  You have to destroy structures by ferrying and planting bombs to them, like in Detonation mode in PVP.  The bombs would only spawn in one place so you have to keep travelling back and forth.


I’m all in  all not a fan of, PVE, but I always like new stuff in the game!



I think on the second round, it would be nice to have the possibility to build defense turrets to help you, like on the third round of Crimson Haze.

I forgot to put it in there :open_mouth: My idea was to build laser turrets, the one on the sketch below




Also, what if in the first round, the bombs would spawn in random places, one at a time.  So it’s kindof a hunt the bomb.  You don’t know where the next one will spawn, so tactics will include spreading out to cover the maximum possible area on the map.

Nice idea.



I had another idea some time ago for a PVE round, I don’t know if you can work it into this one, so I’ll just throw it out there.  You have to destroy structures by ferrying and planting bombs to them, like in Detonation mode in PVP.  The bombs would only spawn in one place so you have to keep travelling back and forth.

I should definitely implement such a future in my next PvE suggestion :open_mouth:

Let’s hope this doesn’t become the next Fort Muerto, since that PvE mission is notorious for buffed enemies and seemingly impossible difficulty.

Let’s hope this doesn’t become the next Fort Muerto, since that PvE mission is notorious for buffed enemies and seemingly impossible difficulty.

No. I don’t want it to be implemented like fort muerto. I though about next PvE like the blackwood is any other. This one was mentioned to be availiable to all tiers. And yes, fort muerto should be more difficult. As it is now, it is easy to farm it, and sometimes I think it is even easier than regular PvEs.

Love the idea. Pve is known to get really repetitive and boring, so this mission has a lot of potential for fun, action and for profit!

Thumbs up!


Btw, those turrets of yours kinda remind me of Nano Distruptors from Robocraft…intresting :smiley:

No. I don’t want it to be implemented like fort muerto. I though about next PvE like the blackwood is any other. This one was mentioned to be availiable to all tiers. And yes, fort muerto should be more difficult. As it is now, it is easy to farm it, and sometimes I think it is even easier than regular PvEs.


But seeing this topic as it is right now, I don’t think this will ever get implemented.

I can’t complete fort muerto without having a team to carry, it cannot be done without purple or blue modules on ships with max synergy level.

I need to make a story for this. Unfortunately, the fact that this map already has some sort of story influences it a lot. -Fixed -Done

I can’t complete fort muerto without having a team to carry, it cannot be done without purple or blue modules on ships with max synergy level.

In fact, it is possible to complete this mission in two men. Of course there is always someone who is carrying the squad through the level whole time and there always is a n00b that just wanted to try it and fortunately there is someone who will carry him. And I’m sure that a whole squad of mk1 ships can do this mission. The difference between mk1 and mk4/5 is big, that is true, but thats the point, to encourage pilots to fight more for the reward so they can upgrade their stuff. Anyway, I’m just saying that it is possible to make it unharmed.

In fact, it is possible to complete this mission in two men. Of course there is always someone who is carrying the squad through the level whole time and there always is a n00b that just wanted to try it and fortunately there is someone who will carry him. And I’m sure that a whole squad of mk1 ships can do this mission. The difference between mk1 and mk4/5 is big, that is true, but thats the point, to encourage pilots to fight more for the reward so they can upgrade their stuff. Anyway, I’m just saying that it is possible to make it unharmed.

I’ve tried even with a squad of 4 seasoned players, we could not do it (despite 3 guys carrying me).

I’d prefer if this mission shared a difficulty like that of Red Haze, to reduce the mediocre farming ability

Thank you for a very structured suggestion. Now we are working on a new PvE mission. We will definitely discuss your idea and maybe implement some aspects of it in the current project or the future ones.

Thank you for a very structured suggestion. Now we are working on a new PvE mission. We will definitely discuss your idea and maybe implement some aspects of it in the current project or the future ones.

Thank you. Does that mean 1) you like this idea and you want to implement it in the future as the next PvE after the ones you are working on atm, or 2) you like some of the content and you got inspired and you might implement some of the features in the PvEs you are working on atm?

Thank you. Does that mean 1) you like this idea and you want to implement it in the future as the next PvE after the ones you are working on atm, or 2) you like some of the content and you got inspired and you might implement some of the features in the PvEs you are working on atm?

I think it is more 2), but that’s fine by me! Now I just hope they take the better ideas and adapt them :slight_smile:

something makes me want to improve things about this suggestion… So I’m still adding things to it.

Your post is more like inspiration for us. Just we have some ideas too to contribute to such a huge new map elements as a maps.

but PvE is so boring 

but PvE is so boring You suck at inventing PvE maps, you should realize, that I will never like any new PvE suggestions.



your 1st half implies that it is possible to come with fun pve map, the 2d implies the opposite. So which one is it?