New players arent getting a chance

ok so i have been bringing alot of my clan members from several other games to play this and most of us spend money we range from france to the unites states and inbetween but alot of the players i have been bringing over are quiting and its all over 1 simple reason.

theres 2 clans specifically who are making these players leave bye farming them and yes i understand that those clans wanna hev fun but there hurting the game before it can take off i have a few suggestions that may be able to help

if theres under 18 players of one class stop the squad ability for 2 reasons so theres acually a fair chance for other players

and can someone please implament if theres squaded in a set of 4 and there all running the same ships dont allow them to run the extra ships they have unless the other team gets the same oppertunity or split them up between the teams say break the squad and put 2 on each side i dont want to keep brining my clan members and freinds to come and spend money if there gonna quit because they dont get a chance


i sat last night for 20 minutes waiting to get in and there were otheres i was chatting with who are same rank and ships who were able to get in under 3 minutes

for the liscenced members give us a chance for a 1v1 challenge like if we type challenge (chilz) someone will challenge me to a 1v1

this way if theres new clans coming over there clans can teach them how to fly and use controls because the tutorial isnt the greatest teacher it kinda stinks when ur in teamspeak trying to explain how to play to 10 people at one time

please dont just bypass this as random rant with my clan having over 350 members we bring more everyday but that wont help if they get farmed like bot

Hello, thanks for your feedback.

As already mentioned, the balance should get some rework in the next bigger patch. This should hopefully solve most of the problems.

About the long waiting time, can you tell me which Ships you are flying and how many people were online?

There will be new game modes in the future, but I don’t know if there will be a 1vs1 mode. This mode would need a lot of ressources if many players were playing it, but we will see when the balance is done.

The feedback will not be ignored, but the devs need their time to find a good solution and they need time to implement it.

thanks error for the response i was running t3-3 ships last night along with a freind of mine who was in teamspeak running the same on average there was a 15 people waiting list and around 100 pilots

There are not many people flying T3 ships at the moment, this is why it takes a long time to get into a match.

The most activity is around T1 and T2 ships.

error there was 2 of us both in t3-3 both waited 20 minutes thats why i said something if it was just me or just him it could be a glitch but we were both waiting and werent in a squad

thanks error for the response i was running t3-3 ships last night along with a freind of mine who was in teamspeak running the same on average there was a 15 people waiting list and around 100 pilots

With such low playernubers and high gear ships its obvious why you wont find a game. T3-2 is rarley played. Most players are at T2 or T1-2 right now.

theres 2 clans specifically who are making these players leave bye farming them and yes i understand that those clans wanna hev fun but there hurting the game before it can take off i have a few suggestions that may be able to help

nailed it. Also some ppl who have abused the contract exploid use 4 ships in a squad. Thats also unfair and gamebreaking. They should get a diffrent matchmaking since the use of 4 ships makes it easyer to take down other players.

I recently started to lvl up Wardens. With lvl 1 of my faction and T1-1 ships i was oftenly put into games with newbies. I guess you know what happent… This should also be changed. I had far more expertise, equipment and skill tree bonuses than these players.

and again in t2 ships 75 players on 4 of us in teamspeak all running t2 ships no squad and im still waiting 16 minutes till i close game since i cannot play error can u send me a pm or email when this is fixed and im not waiting to play like this anymore

1 time would be ok but this is the second night while having people on with same exact ships and rank and they get in but i dont o well i give up if u can pm me when theres an update or fix ill come back but until then fly free im out

Can you tell us the time when you usually play? The matchmaking trys to find equal ships and players for booth sides. If this is not possible bots will be placed in the game to balance it. Its also possible that there arent enough players for a game. Minimum i had was 3v3 filled with bots to 8v8.

Im usually playing at 8am CET. Round about 500 ppl online and 30-40 ppl in queue. Using T2-2 or currently T1-2. Max waitingtime is 2min per attempt.

it was around 7pm est and there was 4 of us we were all using t2 - 3 ships and they got right in but i sat for 16 minutes bye the 16 minute mark i just said screw it made the post and logged of i made sure i ran exact same ships as the other 3 we are all vangaurd and if i would have been put against all bots even if they were t3 or t4s i wouldnt mind but just a time and no game

is there maybe a way the team balancer can put say 3 t2-3 players against 1 t3 or something of that sort so the will lower the wait time this is only an example i was running t2-3 last night

You are GMT -6 or 7 if im right. I am GMT +1. I guess somewhere around 10 am and you should land in the meantime.

Can you try to use T2.1 ships and report back if this still happens. And please also add a few screenshots.

sure i will do when i play later