[NEW] Pilot Skill Tree - Diversity!

Create a Skill System that is upgraded by Experience. It will be designed as follows




The Game will have general Technology (Which is all technology in game (IE weapons, Modules Etc).

General technologies are used on any ship. they are the current modules and will stay unchanged.




Technology will be sorted into new


Primary Section

This area will be to improve current technologies (Modules)


Racial Sections (optional we can leave this out if its to much)

This area will be to unlock racial based technologies


Faction Sections

this area will be to unlock faction-specific technologies





Each skill will have 5 levels.

Each level will cost a specific amount of Exp, Based on its reserch Level.


So research level 1 is x1, where as text level 5 is x5 cost.


So at level 1 research, 10000 Xp, 20000 (level 2)

Where as level 5 research will be 10000 (LvL1), 50000 (Level 2), 250000 exp (lvl 3)


this is a balancing mechanic to help stronger technologies like weapons cost more to upgrade.



How technology levels will effect modules

Each technology will have a passive effect like 1% faster charge (projectile) speed.

Each Technology will unlock another (more powerful) technology after reaching rank 3-5 (depending)


Technologies and Modules

Each technology will unlock a module when learned. Each technology will have a cost to learn (Credits) This will help with stability of the game.




Research level 1 technology will cost 150,000 credits

Research level 2 technology will cost 250,000 credits

Research level 3 technology will cost 500,000 credits

Research level 4 technology will cost 1,000,000 credits

Research level 5 technology will cost 2,500,000 credits



Fitting ships with Technologies

Each time you unlock a technology, you gain access to a module That can only be equipped on a FACTION related ship.

so if i unlock a  RAID technology , i can only use this on  RAID ships.


How Each Technology will operate


Each Race and/or/ faction will get technologies only use able on their ships


These specialized technologies will become more powerful and more weaker (at the same time) then “General Technology”


Advantages and Disadvantages

racial technologies will be slightly stronger then general technologies in one aspect, but another slightly weaker

Faction technologies will be greatly stronger then general technologies in one aspect, but greater weaker in others.




General Shield Mod - Regeneration increased by 47.5%

Racial Shield Mod - Regeneration Increased by 65% By reduced HP by 5%

Faction (Tech Mod) - Regeneration increased by 95% But reduced all Resistance by 50



Example 2



Hull Regeneration (Frigate support module)

General: Regenerates 135 hull a second

Racial: Regenerate 100 hull and 5 energy energy a second

Faction: Regenerates 205 hull a second, but reduces all speed by 15%



Idea’s of unique Technologies to be added


(most below are passive mods)


Legion : Ablative Armor - All Hull damage received reduced by 15.

example, if i shoot you and see “150 damage” per a hit, it will reduce that damage to “135”.


Warden: Nano-Bot Armor - Regenerates 0.5% Of Hull ever second, but reduces max HP by 5%.


Armada:  Combat Cloak (CPU MOD) When exiting cloak,

your next hit has critical strike set to 100%, but damage reduced by 25%


Vanguard: Improved Cloaking (CPU MOD): Increases the duration of cloaking by 5 seconds.


Tech: Regenerative shielding: Regenerates 15% shielding, but reduces max HP by 2.5%


Raid: Adaptive shielding: increases all resistance by  25, but reduces regeneration by 4%.


Last thing to add

In the ship screen, a more clear title should be added to understand what ship belongs to what faction

Weapon concepts


Specialized Plasma  Gun: Has a Charge like heavy/Hail. When hitting the target with this, it will disable shielding for 6 seconds.

The weapon itself, has impact damage around 90-110. rof is around 110.


Specialized Rail Gun: 300 ROF, 90 Impact. Damages armor, buring it for 0.25% over 3 seconds. stacks up to 3 times. Can only deal kinetic damage.


Specialized Laser: fixes the weapon circle in the center of the screen, Fires a very low rate of fire, very high damage laser.

20rpm, 565 impact. beam fires directly ahead in a straight line for 5k range.


Lightning-Ray : Fires a lightning bolt, that jumps to 2 other targets (each after the other) if the are with in 500 meters of each other.

Each jump does 50% less damage, starts at 350 impact damage (hitting around 500 damage on primary target, then 260 on second, then 125 on the following. Impact 145, rof 60


Crystallized Shard Cannon : Fires a crystal that penetrates shielding (go’s through) and deals damage to armor (low damage).

Impact 75, Rof 220

Lightning-Ray : Fires a lightning bolt, that jumps to 2 other targets (each after the other) if the are with in 500 meters of each other.

Each jump does 50% less damage, starts at 350 impact damage (hitting around 500 damage on primary target, then 260 on second, then 125 on the following. Impact 145, rof 60


Crystallized Shard Cannon : Fires a crystal that penetrates shielding (go’s through) and deals damage to armor (low damage).

Impact 75, Rof 220

WAit what for real!?

Uhm we had a very complicated skill tree some time ago,

the outcome was the people crying for a simpler skill tree.


+this is no mmo, tis a space shooter


← not wants being cut in flexibility of placing modules on other factions’ ships

This is an MMO in the making. This game will gain a universe, which conquest, and super-capitals. Its already in design stages. (nicely coming along if i may add).


so dont get stuck on the whole shooter thing. this game is vastly moving away from world of tanks content and quickly.

WAit what for real!?



Yes, but they have negative draw backs.


Lightnig ray for example, can only jump if the targets are very close (250-500m)

shard cannons are optimal 2.4 range, so they are a moderate ranged weapon, and deal very low range (90-110 damage when you see the number pop up hitting the person) so they are suited only for fighting shield tanks.

I really like the soudn of those new weapons, but the shard cannon will only work on jericho, seen as a jericho intercepter and tier 3 only has around 1750 hull and allso it will be rubish on empire :o


And you still wont tell me what the medals are for :’( XD :taunt: 

and you still wont tell me what the medals are for :’( XD :taunt: 


You pin them on your undies, the one that jingles the most wins

You pin them on your undies, the one that jingles the most wins


On some subjects, less complexity is better. I like what we have now.

actually the game needs a way to expand diversity.

and also to sink credits for economic stability (currently a problem)

That’s your idea. I find the game fine as it is as I’ve said. Simplicity of skills is a part that I find really sufficient.