New module idea.

Which makes a thought occur to me that’s totally off-topic from viruses, but how about a module that just makes a target unable to receive remote assistance for N seconds?


Okay, what I really mean is this:

The module would optimally be an Area of Effect module which spreads to other ships in a short radius that could chain. 


Kine —>


Module: Active

Class: Interceptor

Range: 2,000m

Recharge: ?

Activation: 3/4 of average interceptor cap pool

Duration: 7 seconds


" Disables target’s shield and hull regen. Ships attempting to heal the target during this time will have their own systems disrupted."


  • Disable heal
  • Unable to be healed
  • Those trying to or are actively buffing will get ‘infected’ also
  • But only one layer down so as to reduce OP’ness

Yes, but imho even one layer down is OP. In beacon hunt you’d probably disable all the engineers on the enemy team. Tbh just disabling receiving remote assist on a single ship would be a pretty powerful debuff itself, especially in Combat Recon.

Yeah I still like the “chain lightning” ideas of damage dealing based on proximity to other ships. I might spin that out in to another thread if Puny would prefer to focus on infectious small DoTs.


For me is ok :slight_smile: you can post all here.


I think I give this topic the attention of developers. Hoping that they can take a cue.

In addition to this maybe create other topic and propose a patch.

As with other things I would like to propose voting, as the module Signature maskin, turn it into a module can be activated with a reload time.


Wen i see more idea grow i rework first post. Maybe kine i see havemore ability than me in the structure, can do so.

I like the idea of such a module but I don’t angree with every presented solution.


In our world we know computer malware (so Virii, or a virus). Nobody gets harmed by a Virus so damadge is not realy logical for me. Also Computervirus does not spread via a “field effect” in real life but via communication channels.


I opened up a topic because I wanted to add a vote. I explain my idea there as well but please consider this thread maybe the main thread.

It is not ment to “compete” but I felt I could explain my idea better and also a poll assist maybe to clarify the decissions and wishes of the comunity better.


My Poll and topic can get found here: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20153-ecm-virii/)


For me the only logical choice for this module is a ECM ship…


Kind regards,


then i choise to change name of mudule in


Mad and angry nanodrones.  ;)wt   there are a nanodrone cloud repair, why a nanodrone dismantles.


The problem is not the name that is after a good module are complete with a no to much OP, after there are a full of people have a good mind can give a name.


We can do a main topic have link to other topic where in the post are pools:


Puny module (essential describe)


Kine module (…)





And in the first page of the different module pools to vote some effect of module.


There are only a risk.

We can do a lot of thinking and not be heard.


But no problem, we try to give solution.

For me is ok :slight_smile: you can post all here.


I think I give this topic the attention of developers. Hoping that they can take a cue.

In addition to this maybe create other topic and propose a patch.

As with other things I would like to propose voting, as the module Signature maskin, turn it into a module can be activated with a reload time.


Wen i see more idea grow i rework first post. Maybe kine i see havemore ability than me in the structure, can do so.


Making a suggested 0.8.2 patch thread now. Everyone can argue about this stuff there.


EDIT: [Made it. Please take a look.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20155-083-patch-and-all-patches-for-the-foreseeable-future/)