New Mods

New Mods 

Add - [Cpu Mod] Tachyon Detector - Detects cloaked ships in 1000 sensor range, but reduces sensors by 32%.

Add - [Cpu Mod] Cancel out one negative effect ever 45 seconds.

Add - [Cpu Mod] Barrel Speed increased by 15%

Add - [Cpu Mod] Reduces the cool down of abilities by 8 seconds

Add - [Cpu Mod] Increases the Duration of cloaking by 10 seconds, but reduces shield by 12%

Add - [shield Mod] Reduce shield regeneration by 15%, but increases projectile speed by 22%.

Add - [Armor Mod] 30% of Damage to the hull now converted to Shields

Add - [Passive] Shield Hp by 7.5% Shield Regen by 9.5%

Add - [Passive] Hull Regeneration by 65 per second

Add - [Active] Increase Shield resistance to Thermal by 65. 29 Energy /s

Add - [Active] Increase Shield resistance to Kinetic by 65. 29 Energy /s

Add - [Active] Increase Shield resistance to EM by 65. 29 Energy /s


Add - [Active] Increase Hull resistance to Thermal by 45. 29 Energy /s

Add - [Active] Increase Hull resistance to Kinetic by 45. 29 Energy /s

Add - [Active] Increase Hull resistance to EM by 45. 29 Energy /s



Edit Current Mod

Edit - [Armor Mod] Regenerative Armor Increased to 235 hull / s but reduces resistance by 35

Edit - [Passive] Reduce Optimal/Max range from 45% to 25% Mk4

Edit - [Active] Cloaking : Increase duration to 20 seconds. Add to Fighter Actives.