new medal - 'failer'

die as team captain in 60 seconds or less.

No. We want to encourage peoples achievements, not tare them down when they fail. 

A good rush is not the captains fault. It’s just a good rush.  It also means your team probably didn’t guard the captain enough.

what? this is an excellent idea!


rushes shouldnt happen in 60 secs… what, a lone recon? lol :smiley:


unless, you mean a good rush as in: the commander rushes into battle…

Then why does it happen often enough?  Those people rushing have the right ships equipment, and skill to do it that fast.  Ships can be taken down fast in the right situation.  It depends on what the captain’s flying of course, and as a rule I advocate captains flying the ship they know the best.  It may not last against a good rush, but it can last against a sustained rush.

what? this is an excellent idea!


rushes shouldnt happen in 60 secs… what, a lone recon? lol :smiley:


unless, you mean a good rush as in: the commander rushes into battle…

betatrash, please do us all a favor and play some more games before posting these kind of things…


huge amount  of our captain-kills happen in the first 20-45 seconds of the game. E.g. the time it takes for a few people to travel the distance, evade whatever defensive positions are present and tear the captain to pieces.


I’ve seen some people do it even faster and with even greater consistency than that.


Heck, the only times this doesn’t happen is when the Captain is an experienced pilot who picks a decent ship and know what he/she is doing. When I see a Captain spawn in a LRF, Tackler, Command, etc. it’s pretty much a free win/loss - depending on what side you’re on.


Edit; As far as the medal suggestion goes, Hyranic pretty much summed it up right there; medals should either encourage people to achieve something, or be ‘amusing’ (Thud) - they shouldn’t encourage poor play. Imagine if someone got it in their mind to start collecting that medal, and some people will.

Imagine if someone got it in their mind to start collecting that medal, and some people will.


I swear there’s a giant arrow pointing somewhere in that string of text…

No. We want to encourage peoples achievements, not tare them down when they fail. 



Please explain the Thud medal then.

Please explain the Thud medal then.


In soviet russia, asteroid warpgate on you.

Thud’s humorous so it’s ok.  It’s like the Hands Free medal, it’s humorous.


Adding any failer would be like including the number of times you’ve died in your profile, it’d be depressing and would not make people happy to play.

Edit; As far as the medal suggestion goes, Hyranic pretty much summed it up right there; medals should either encourage people to achieve something, or be ‘amusing’ (Thud) - they shouldn’t encourage poor play. Imagine if someone got it in their mind to start collecting that medal, and some people will.

Sure, all those commanders rushing straight into the enemy team want that medal about killing the enemy commander as a commander. :wink:

SCNR, I do actually agree with you.

Ah, the good ol Cap eat Cap medal.    I got mine only because it was a 3v3 Combat Recon match…


Anyways, I do not feel like this medal would be a usefull addtion to the game.

I helped a guy get one in 3v3.  I just used my ECM to disable him and pound him until his shields were gone and half his hull was gone.  RFP could deal out some heavy damage fast.  That encouraged my cap in a frigate to finish him.  I respawned and helped cleanup.  I have 422 Resistant medals, and 246 Barely There.  Those are my two highest, the Barely There is easy.